News and Updates

Good afternoon everyone

Very very hot and humid here today...Rick kept the birds in but they all still managed to have their outside time in the aviaries.

Rick was also leaving for the airport late afternoon, so that didnt leave much opportunity for free flying time today.

Another reminder that this is the last weekend for the acceptance of birds to the loft.  Rick announced yesterday that he would do one more pick up at Ryan Zonnekeyn's house - Pioneer Club on Sun. May 23rd from 1-2pm.  If you're planning to drop off or meet him there, please connect with us to let us know.  Rick's cell is 905-329-5139, or you can send us a message through Facebook messenger, or email us at


Have a great night all!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")




Evening again!

Had a great day in the loft - birds had lots of fresh air with the sunny weather and slight breeze through the day.

Rick had Section 3 out again - as he is focusing on one section at a time - getting their comfort (and Rick's) in a good place...and then he'll move to Section 4.  He is only letting out those Sections that have been fully vaccinated - so we'll get to those other sections soon enough!

The birds are showing signs of wanting to bathe in their water drinkers - so I asked Rick when will the "baths" start...he said that will start too - when the vaccines are done and the air time has been sufficient for a section.

Rick has now schedules one more pick up time set for this Sunday, May 23rd from about 1-2pm at Ryan Zonnekeyn's house in Bloomington.

Please let us know if you're planning to drop birds off so we don't miss you!

Thanks everyone!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Good morning flyers,

A reminder that Rick will be at the CU office in Tillsonburg today at 12noon until 2pm picking up birds.

And as for the birds, they are doing great.  Section #3 that was out again late yesterday afternoon, all returned into the coop safe and sound.  Again, a sigh of relief as Rick begins this "free-flying" process!  Feel free to check out our Facebook Live from last night to watch the excitement (lol of the birds sitting on their aviaries...).  By the way, our Facebook page is under Rick's name (Rick Fyfe).

We'll continue with Section #4 shortly, allowing them some air time as well.

Sunny again today - as the outlook for the week and weekend is VERY WARM!

See you in the sun soon (on video!)!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")



Good morning all

It's another beautiful morning here in Niagara Falls, ON, Canada!

Yesterday was a great day, as Rick had the birds from Section #3 out to free fly, as I call it.  Many stayed close to the coop, not venturing further than the normal aviary space, and others decided to go for a fly...going a little further and staying oit much longer than we ever anticipated!

Nonetheless, all birds came home and were resting comfortably on their perches by night (pfewf!).

Rick also had the bobs on the traps to start them in the learning process of trapping in - it was a great start for the season!

Sonce the weather is great today, Rick might do Section #4 today...I'll keep you posted.  Take a look at our Facebook page for the Live video from yesterday if you're interested.

Have a great day everyone!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady)


Evening everyone,

Our new arrivals in Section 7 as well as the birds in Sections 1 & 2 were vaccinated today!

It was a beautiful day here today - sunshine and minimal wind. The birds were enjoying their aviaries, and Rick decided to keep them in and not let any out yet. They're looking great!

Did some staining to the coop - well Rick attempted to yesterday, as we couldn't get the right colour.  It's difficult shop for stain during a lockdown...oh well - the coop will be pretty soon enough!

We did a Facebook Live earlier this evening - feel free to check it out and see if you can find you birds...speaking of, I'm still working on the section lists - so that we'll have easy reference to who's birds are in each section.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Evening all

Rick spent lots of the afternoon trying to match stain for the coop - he's struggling with getting the right colour to match the other part of the coop - but it's keeping him buys! LOL  Obviously with the COVID restrictions, we're having a hard time buying stain, but low and below we will get 'er done!

I'm working on the section lists tonight as well as updating the entries that have been delivered this week.

It's supposed to be nice again tomorrow, so I'll do a Facebook Live and show you what Rick has done, and of course, the birds will make an appearance.

Still have time to enter if you are thinking of it...Monday, May 24th is our last day for entries.  Please contact Rick or myself if you are delivering birds or meeting him at the CU office in Tillsonburg on the 19th.

Plan for vaccinations to be done tomorrow or Monday for the new birds, and for Sections #1 & #2 in the West Wing.

Have a great night everyone,

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Evening everyone

Rick didn't get a chance to have the birds out today (time issues...) so he's hoping tomorrow is a go.

He'll make the call tomorrow about putting the them out and I'll keep you posted. 

More birds have arrived over the last couple of days - so they'll be many more updates on Wincompanion over the next few days. Still have until Monday, May 24th to enter birds so contact us if you're planning on registering.  Rick will be at the CU office on the 19th as well!

I'll be doing a Facebook Live tomorrow so watch for that too!

Have a great night!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Evening all

Rick will be at the Heartland Town Centre mall in Mississaura tomorrow (Thursday) 5920 Mavis Rd from 11-11:30

Please let Rick know if you're meeting him tomorrow - if you haven't already done so.

For sections 3 & 4 in the West Wing! Rick is hoping to let them have a little bit of air flying time tomorrow.

Have a great night!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")



Evening everyone 

Just a quick update tonight - Rick had the birds outside in their aviaries for much of the day today when the sun was shining - he put them back in around 3pm as the weather shifted once again - and we actually saw a bit of hail around 4:30-5pm tonight!

Reminder of the Mississauga pick up this week on Thursday - please connect with us ahead of time to let Rick know you'll be there.  (Rick's cell is 905-329-5139)

Completed some more online bird registrations tonight - the number is growing nicely...yet still not quite 100% entered.  Made some section markers today that will hang in the loft sections so that you can see on Facebook Live which section I'm in and for easy quick reference when we're in the loft - nothing fancy but the clear number and wing name.

Have a great night everyone and I'll likely do a Facebook Live tomorrow evening!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Evening everyone

We've finished the 2nd set of vaccines for West Wing Sections 3 & 4 today.  We also have vaccinated the newer arrivals this week, with their 1st dose of the PMV vaccine.  We will do the 2nd dose for these ones in 2 weeks.  The newer birds are in the Central Wing Sections 5 & 6.

West Wing Sections 1 & 2 had their 1st dse last week on May 2nd and will have their 2nd dose in another week.

It was a cooler day here today, limited sunshine off and on, most overcast with some good gusts of wind here and there.

Rick's hoping to get Sections 3 & 4 out for some air time at the end of this dependent of course.

A reminder of the pick ups scheduled:


Thursday May 13th in the Krispy Kreme parking lot from 11:00-11:30am

Heartland Town Centre 5920 Mavis Road in Mississauga


Wednesday May 19th from noon until 2pm at the CU parking lot in Tillsonburg

261 Tillson Avenue, Tillsonburg, ON


If possible, please connect with us prior to the date if you're planning on meeting Rick.

We're still accepting birds until the 24th of May - so you've got lots of time!

Have a great night everyone - and feel free to tune into Facebook Live for our updates there too!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


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