News and Updates

Evening all,

Weather was sunny and nice today.  Rick had Sections #1 and #2 out for a loft fly, and the bobs were in as well.

Within a week or so, we're hoping to have all of the birds in the West Wing (Sections #1 through #4) electronically banded.  The  clocking pads should also be ready shortly to clock the birds in.  This will make inventory so much easier!

Think the weather is looking half decent for the weekend, so I'll make sure I get out for a Facebook Live soon!

Have a great evening!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Evening everyone,

The weather here is nice and sunny with minimal wind - great for the birds.

Rick had out Sections #4 and #5 for a loft fly, and has been starting to use the bobs/traps more for their return into the coop sections.  The bobs are new to Section #4, and Sections #2 and #3 have been using them more often now.

More "loft flys" will continue as the weather permits of course.

A quick Facebook Live was just posted from this afternoon, so feel free to check out a quick video of the birds who were outside at the time.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions to Rick or myself via email or Facebook Messenger.

Have a great night!



Evening pigeon fanciers,

We just weathered quite the storm...might post the video I just took on our Facebook page!

Both Sections #1 and #4 had air time today - #1 was out earlier today and #4 was later this afternoon.  Sunny all day, until about 6:30 when the wind seemed funny and the skies got incredibly dark.  You could say it was a torrential rain storm...thunder and lightening and all.

Birds are all safe and sound.  The sections that were out today - had a bath as well...Borax and water.  Nice feet and healthy feathers!

There is a Facebook Live post from just before the take a peak if you're on Facebook.

Rick is planning to start the darkening process this week - for 21 days, he'll give the birds darkening liquid.  I'll keep you posted on how that goes!

Have a great night, and see you soon!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Evening flyers,

Sunny and much less humid today - still around 30 degrees but far less wind.

Rick had Sections #3 & #4 out for a fly today.  All continues to look great with the health of the birds.

Doing some further vacciinations, there is an end in sight for the vaccine process!

As I mentioned in the Facebook Live last night, after the vaccinations are complete, Rick will be moving a few Sections around to even things out, and then he will be organizing the electronic clocking set up...which will then lead us to finally banding the birds!

I'll have final numbers soon too which will then lead us to what the prize money will look like for the prep and final races!

Excited to get things rolling for this season!

Have a great night,

 Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")



Evening flyers,

Today Rick had Section #1 out for a loft fly, they were back in by the time I got home...but he then let out Section #2 - so I did manage to catch the tail end of that one on Facebook Live.  Take a peak at the Facebook post for a good look at the birds.  I also shared some video in the Live of the sick bay...those birds are looking pretty good.  They are housed at the far end of the Central Wing, away from the other sections.

We are still actively vaccinating, and this will still take us probably 2 more weeks to complete all sections with their 2nd dose for PMV.

Sorting still through wincompanion and making sure the "t's" are crossed and the "i's" are dotted so that the information is all there.  Let us know if you want to name your birds - as I can add that in the listing as well!

The weather was still pretty hot and humid today - over 30 degrees celsius...but felt slightly "better" than the last few days, hence why the birds had some air time today.  They were calling for thunderstorms again tonight - but looks like they missed us completely.

I'll aim for another Facebook Live this week - or at minimum some pictures or videos!  Let us know if you have any questions!

Have a great night everyone,

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Good afternoon everyone

Overcast and very muggy outside today, even when I walked out the door early morning today, it was hot.  Right now, as I type it's 28 degrees celsius and feels like 38, and there's a risk of thundershowers later.

Wanted to let everyone know that I'll be doing a Facebook Live this evening at some point...likely around 5 or 5:30pm - hopefully between the thunderstorms that are on their way.

Have a great afternoon - and see you later on Facebook!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Good afternoon everyone,

Yesterday had to be one of the windiest days I've seen in months...maybe years?  The birds were in their aviaries, but that's about it yesterday.

Today the breeze is still quite strong, but as was yesterday, the sun is beating down and the heat is pretty exhaustive.

I'm going to be updating wincompanion again today - and I'll see habout getting a video or some pictures done at some point as well today...we'll see about Facebook Live - as I know it's hard to hear me when the wind is blowing so strongly!

More vaccinations again this weekend...we're getting there.  It will be nice when the coop has completed their entire vaccination process and we can start looking at banding, and more air time.  Just a reminder that Rick doesn't have to rush to train the birds as our main races are not until keep that in mind...we do have a process, it's just a little "slower" looking than other OLR's who have multiple races through the season.

Thanks everyone for their support and great to see so many of you tune in when I do a Facebook Live - thanks again!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Evening all

Rick had Section #4 out today - about 25 of the birds from the group.  It was raining off and on the entire day - so he kept it to a small group in the afternoon hours.

I worked late and didn't make it onto Facebook Live tonight...tomorrow should be able to do a post!

There continues to be a few in the sick bay - no update on any changes there.

Weather doesn't look promising for tomorrow - guess it's calling for some steady rain.  We'll see how the day transpires.

Have a great night,

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Good evening pigeon fanciers,

Just chatted with Rick about the day with the birds.  They all had baths today, in their aviaries.  The winds were too strong today for any loft flying to happen.

Tomorrow he is planning on letting out the birds in Section #4 for some air time.  He wants to keep the birds in small groups when letting them out until he has all of the birds vaccinated.  It will still take a couple of weeks for this to be completed.

Rick is happy with the health of the birds.  There still continues to be 5 in the sick bay which he is closely monitoring.  We'll keep you posted on them.

See you soon on Facebook Live!

Have a great night,

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Afternoon flyers!

Still overcast and very cool today - supposed to get warmer later today and hopefully the high winds will settle down.  Unfortunately there won't be any flying today as the birds would probably get whisked away pretty quickly!

I'm inside today inputting birds into wincompanion and double checking the colours and numbers on all entries.  Learning the band numbers for future reference too!  Thanks to everyone for your patience with me in getting all the birds entered into Wincompanion.

This is the last weekend for bird drop offs.  Once we have then inventory done, Rick is planning on setting up the electronic pads/clocking system asap - so that we will band the birds and be able to do inventory easily!

I'll see how this afternoon looks for doing a Facebook Live - the wind might be too noisy for the camera - so I might aim for Sunday!

Have a great day everyone,

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


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