News and Updates

Holy smokes it's September already!

Up early this morning, as Rick basketed the birds and took off for a great training toss.

He released them from a place called Heritage Village (past the Hamilton Clubhouse) 70km away for the birds, at 7:20am.  The clock is ready for them today.  It's listed as a training toss in wincompanion.  Distance is 70km (station list says Bronte - but I just used it as it is listed as a 70km station for us).

I'm home watching, no distractions for me and hopefully will be able to catch their arrival on video for you.

I've closed off the toss from the 30th - we had 299 birds return from that one...check out that result under the RACES tab to see how your birds did.

There are some clouds in the sky, but I see lots of blue coming through as I sit and wait.  Stay tuned for more updates today!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Good afternoon everyone,

After much discussion, Rick and I have decided to postpone both the prep race and the main race by one week.

With the extravagant heat from last week, as well as the rain that occurred the week before, we haven't trained the birds far enough and need to give them more time.

This will allow us to increase the distance on the birds, as well as keep the number of returning birds as high as possible.

We hope you understand and support us on this one.

Sorry for any inconvenience this might cause anyone, but we are solely looking out for the birds' best interest!!


Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Good morning everyone!

Happy morning here as most of the birds are home from their 60km Training Toss from the Hamilton Clubhouse again.  He wanted me to mention that there was a tail wind.

I've linked a picture on social media - of the clock that Rick sent me.  It's of the clock and it's listed at 272 clocked.  I have also posted the video - that go figure, misses the main group coming home...(cue rolling eyes right now).

Tune in later for the update on the results - as I'll post them asap when I get home.

Have a great day,

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Evening all

The inventory/basketing for a training toss tomorrow is all done!

Looks like the basketing list worked - check it out.

The birds are feeling fantastic - check out the Facebook Live post tonight for a showing of some of the birds during our basketing.

Rick is planning to take them to the same spot - the Hamilton Pigeon Racing Clubhouse tomorrow morning.  The weather looks good so he's taking advantage of the day and going!

It is another 60km training toss.  I have it listed as a RACE this time, to again trial the wincompanion system and make sure everything is working well.

Rick will video the release again and I will post as soon as I have it available for you.

Watch for the results later in the day - when I get home to post them.  Reminder - I will be home starting Wednesday this week until the 12th of September, so get ready for updated news as it happens :)

Have a great night everyone,

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Good afternoon all

Rick did a 60km training toss this morning from the Hamilton Pigeon Clubhouse.  I have a video of the release and some videos of their return that will post up this afternoon.

We banked on the weather (checked late last night - and once again the weather wasn't quite what it said it was going to be) and got a great toss in this morning!  He released at 7:40 and we have 296 as of 1:30pm this afternoo.  Rick wasn't thrilled about how the birds came back, as they were in smaller groups until about 4 groups latee when 100 came in. He'll likely repeat that distance to get them coming together better.

I'll keep the clock running this afternoon and we'll see if we get the straggler home.

Have a great Saturday everyone!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Hi everyone

The 50km training toss is now posted on wincompanion...looks like 295 logged and one bird is sitting outside the coop, not wanting to come in.

The weather is calling for storms tonight, tomorrow and the whole weekend unfortunately.  We will watch it closely to see if there's any chance to fly the birds.

I've posted some videos and pics from today on Facebook and Instragram...I'll try and get some in the gallery on the website as well!

We'll keep you atune to the plans for the next couple of days as they happen!

Thanks for everyone's support!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Good morning everyone

Rick had to hold onto the birds for a bit this morning until 7:40am (he got to Centennial Parkway early), as the fog wasn't lifting as fast as he hoped.  So at 7:40am the release happened.

I was home for the return of the majority of the birds - and missed the video opportunity for the first group, but as I came out of the loft (after checking that the clock was on and a go...) I did manage to catch another group coming in.  The video of this will be uploaded later this morning into social media.  I snapped a few pics as well - so I'll post some of these as well today.

Looks like as of now, over 290 birds are home and clocked.  I will update the clock when I return home later this afternoon.

Have a great Thursday everyone,

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")



So far 296 out of 298 sent have clocked in by 5pm...and it was another scorcher of a day!

The results have been posted on wincompanion under the TRAINERS tab in the RESULTS section of the website.

I did post the release video onto Facebook this morning - hope you can check it out.  Was cool to see the birds flying in the light of the sun...awesome really.

Rick has done some work to the front of the coop - he's added black tarping type material with wood bracing to block the pigeons from wandering under the coop...looks great!

Tomorrow's (Thursday's) plan is of course dependent upon the weather - but Rick is hoping to take them at least 50km, if not 75km for a toss again.

Have a great night!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady"


Good morning everyone,

Rick let the birds out at 8am this morning from about Fifty Road in Grimsby.  It was between Fifty Road and Centennial Parkway.  He measured it to be about 45km.

I have a release video to be posted shortly.

Once again, the majority of the birds beat Rick home, and now by 9:30 the clock is reading 292 (from a total of 297) sent.  When he got to the loft, many had clocked and there were 2 other large groups flying around the loft...which he whistled in and they came in pretty quickly.

One bird was so fast it clocked at 7:59am.  LOL - this was one of the missing birds from the Aug. 23rd Casablance toss CRPU 9062.  I'll update the missing status today as well for that one.

Rick will likely let the birds out again this afternoon for a short fly - as they are flying quick and ready for more.

Watch for the video on social media and we'll do a Live later!

Have a great one,

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Evening all,

The day went great today - Rick released the birds from Casablanca (release video now up on Instagram and Facebook).  This was 40km, and he let them out at 7:35am.  The weather was pretty great at that time, no fog and not too hot.

Rick drove back, anticipating he would beat the birds home as in the shorter tosses he has often done.  He sat and waited from his truck, slowly getting frustrated as 15 minutes had passed since he arrived on the property.  D noted something walking inside the coop - and they went to check.  Low and behold over 200 birds had clocked and Rick was pretty thrilled that they beat him home.

Still continuing with the great day, I uploaded the training toss in a different manner to trial the "race-type" mode and had success!  Was a great feeling knowing the clocking system was in our favour again.  The only hiccup, which our Wincompanion contacts know about, is the basketing list.  Still doesn't seem to want to upload properly.

Time for rest, thanks to everyone who tunes in to Facebook Live and keep showing me their waves online...thanks again!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")

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