News and Updates

Good evening pigeon fanciers,

Just chatted with Rick about the day with the birds.  They all had baths today, in their aviaries.  The winds were too strong today for any loft flying to happen.

Tomorrow he is planning on letting out the birds in Section #4 for some air time.  He wants to keep the birds in small groups when letting them out until he has all of the birds vaccinated.  It will still take a couple of weeks for this to be completed.

Rick is happy with the health of the birds.  There still continues to be 5 in the sick bay which he is closely monitoring.  We'll keep you posted on them.

See you soon on Facebook Live!

Have a great night,

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Afternoon flyers!

Still overcast and very cool today - supposed to get warmer later today and hopefully the high winds will settle down.  Unfortunately there won't be any flying today as the birds would probably get whisked away pretty quickly!

I'm inside today inputting birds into wincompanion and double checking the colours and numbers on all entries.  Learning the band numbers for future reference too!  Thanks to everyone for your patience with me in getting all the birds entered into Wincompanion.

This is the last weekend for bird drop offs.  Once we have then inventory done, Rick is planning on setting up the electronic pads/clocking system asap - so that we will band the birds and be able to do inventory easily!

I'll see how this afternoon looks for doing a Facebook Live - the wind might be too noisy for the camera - so I might aim for Sunday!

Have a great day everyone,

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")



Good morning everyone

All birds in Section #4 are safe and sound, came in last night with no issues.

Today is a gloomy rainy day.  I'm at work, but assume there's no flying time - loft flying, at all today.  Don't think the weather is going to let up.

I will continue to update wincompanion tonight and over the weekend.  Birds are still arriving until final numbers will be posted next week.

Not sure about Facebook Live later today - we'll see how the weather looks...maybe a photo instead?

Thanks to everyone for their entries!

See you online soon!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")



Evening everyone

Rick's likely already at the Toronto airport picking up more - I didn't get outside to do any videos as I'm feeling the effects of my 2nd COVID shot...worth every minute of it.

Section #4 was out today - they stayed very close to the coop and some bathed in the water Rick put out for them.  I'll have to bug him for pictures of it next time.  When he left for the airport there were 2 birds who hadn't trapped yet.

I'll be checking in a bit to see if they've come in.

Reminder that you are still able to drop birds off until Sunday, May 30th.

Please connect with us if you are making your way down here!

Enjoy your night and hopefully see you on Facebook Live tomorrow!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


A second post for the day!

The weather wasn't great here again today - this time rain and lots of wind.  Rick kept the birds in and then let them out later this afternoon for some time in their aviaries.

We've now moved into Section #9 of the Central Wing of the coop - it's great to see all the birds outside when you walk towards the coop!  Rick is working on the outside still (the wind made it hard to bring plywood over - so he didn't accomplish much today on the exterior of the coop)...instead he cleaned inside!

There are 2 birds in our sick bay that Rick separated from the other birds this week.  Knock on wood - we've had great health of the birds so far - so we'll see what some extra TLC will do for these two.

Tune into our Facebook Page (Rick Fyfe) to see the Facebook Live post from this evening for the latest view on the birds - I think you'll agree that they look great!

Last point for the day - we did extend the entry date to Sunday, May 30th.  Make sure to connect with us if you are dropping birds off so that Rick is ready!

Have a great night,

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Morning all

We've announced an extension to the final drop off day - Sunday, May 30th.

We had some issues with a few flights later than expected, so we've opened up the drop off to all past the original end date.

Rain in Niagara today - we were just hit with a nice downpour for about 20 mins (at 8:30am) and we're waiting for the 2nd round to start around noon.  We'll see how it goes this afternoon for having the birds outside.

Stay tuned for the work that Rick is doing on the coop - inside and outside updates...hopefully I'll get to Facebook Live tonight.  If not, I'll post some pictures of what he is working on!

Have a great day!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Evening everyone,

It was a scorcher here today - really hot out...think it actually made it to 35 degrees celsius at the hottest point of the day.

The birds stayed in their aviaries, and stayed hydrated with looks like the weather starts to cool a little by tomorrow - so those "loft flys" should be able to happen soon!

Rick stayed inside the coop, working on the other side of the central wing of the coop to make room for all of the new birds that arrived over the weekend.

Me, well I am still working in wincompanion entering birds, but also double checking what I have listed as the band names and colours.

I plan on doing a Facebook Live tomorrow evening, as it's just too muggy, and my computer is right in front of me...not outside :)

Have a great night everyone

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Evening all

Another day of vaccinations under the belt...Sections 5 and 6 have now received their 2nd dose of the PMV vaccine.  The birds that had arrived this week also received a dose - their 1st dose of the vaccine today.

Rick did a lot of work on the exterior of the coop, staining and strategizing his "under the aviaries" look of the coop.  I'll keep you up to date with the work he continues to do on it!

It's been very warm over the long weekend and it looks like it will be very hot again tomorrow, but slightly cooler as the week progresses.  Rick will look at getting Section 4 out this week, with Sections 1, 2, and then 5 and 6 to follow as they're all double vaccinated now.

Back to work tomorrow - will be on Facebook later on in the day on Tuesday.  

See you then!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Evening everyone

Thanks for tuning in this morning to the Facebook Live - as I was able to connect with a few people this morning...always great to see everyone on there!

Rick did his pick up at Ryan's this afternoon at the regular scheduled time!  Thanks to those who met with him and entered birds.

We are completing the 1st dose of vaccines to those pigeons who arrive this weekend...and will continue to complete the 2nd dose to those who are due from the weekend of May 10th into tomorrow morning.

The birds are looking great, and Rick is pleased with their health (and poop! :) ).  He will be aiming for Section #4 this week and their "air time"...I'll keep you posted on that one.

Tune in tomorrow as I'll do another Facebook Live at some point in the day - be sure to say hello!

Have a great night all, see you tomorrow,

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Evening everyone

Rick will be a slight bit late tomorrow at Ryan Zonnekeyn's house / Pioneer Club.

You are still very welcome to drop the birds off anytime tomorrow before Rick gets there - but he'll likely be closer to later afternoon.

We'll post in the mid morning tomorrow with thw time that Rick will be there in case you wish to see Rick in person (as he is a hard one to see

Thanks to everyone for your entries this year!  It's shaping up to look like a great year ahead!

We'll see you tomorrow on Facebook Live again as well!


Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")

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