News and Updates

Afternoon everyone,

This post I made this morning, but it didn't seem to here it is for today.

Unfortunately there was no training today...couple of reasons for this.  One - the QEW was shut down and traffic was halted everywhere towards Toronto.  Also, the weather is not looking favourable for a Sunday prep race so Rick is going to train tomorrow.

We are now assuming that the race might be on Monday.

Pigeon racing at its best...unpredictable to say the least.

Have a great Thursday!


Afternoon all,

The weather has hit us, but we're pushing through this afternoon for a training toss from the Hamilton Clubhouse (or about...).  Rick is enroute as I type to take in what "decent" weather we have!

The rain and winds were pretty rough this am, so we held off on the planned training toss this morning.  There are still wind gusts happening but the birds seem to do ok in the wind.  Rick has limited the loft flying as the hawks have been present over the property over the last while.  Again, we'll try and do our best with what we have to work with!

FYI - the weather outlook for the next few days is not looking favourable, but again, we'll judge tosses and planned race days accordingly...and most importantly, we'll keep you posted on timelines and plans as often as we can!

Watch for videos and a potential Facebook Live this afternoon if the birds return before I leave to get the kids from school!


Jeane ("The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Good afternoon,

I've just closed the race from yesterday - out of wincompanion and will be working on the missing/lost birds list, as there are 10 missing from this toss (285 home from 295 sent).

Stay tuned tomorrow morning for toss information, as we're still not 100% sure on the weather yet.

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Good morning everyone,

I've updated the wincompanion RACE from yesterday as a few birds made their way in this morning (now 282 back from 295).  I'll be striking the module off this afternoon to see who is not back and update the list of lost/missing birds today.

It's a little breezy here but the sun is shining with blue skies and few clouds.

Rick was hoping for another toss tomorrow but the winds and rain don't look favourable...we'll keep our eyes on the weather and see how it all goes.

Have a great day,

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Good evening everyone

We have basketed 295 birds tonight, with hopes that Rick is able to take them around the north side of Lake Ontario.  If the weather is iffy, he'll release them likely from the same point as where the last toss was.  Stay tuned to the updates page and the RACE tab in wincompanion - as I've listed the toss to be a race, so that we can do the hand scanning of the inventory and upload the results like  a race to ensure the clocking system is still all good!

The birds are in great shape - Rick handled everyone of the birds personally, so that he could judge each one of them.

I'm proud of myself tonight - as I've updated the website, so that you can view the payouts more easily.  Check the dropdown menu for the WINCOMPANION link, and at the bottom is the PAYOUTS link.  Just call me a "Jeane-ous" it's my Sunday night humour.

Check out the Facebook Live from tonight - and see if you can see your bird!  Thanks for your support!

See you tomorrow,

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")



Evening all - just re-posting the payouts for those interested!

MAIN RACE - scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 19th, 2021

1st - $6,500

2nd - $5,000

3rd - $4,000

4th - $3,500

5th - $3,000

6th - $2,500

7th - $2,000

8th - $1,500

9th - $1,250

10th - $1,000

11th - $750

12th - $500

13th - $400

14th - $300

15th - $200

16th through 20th - $150 each

21st through 30th - $100 each

Last bird to arrive home on the day of the Main Race - $500 "The 4th Annual Terry Wintle Memorial Award"


PREP RACE - scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 12th, 2021

1st - $500

2nd - $400

3rd - $300

4th and 5th - $200 each

6th and 7th - $100 each

8th through 10th - $50 each


Have a great night everyone!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Good morning all

Since it was raining this morning early and rain is still in the forecast for Niagara and further to where release was, the toss has been cancelled for today.

Stay tuned for plans as soon as we figure it out!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Good morning,

Rick has just let the birds go this morning at 7:40am from the same release point as the the previous 70km toss.  It's a bit cooler here 17 degrees celsius but the skies are beautiful blue and there's no wind.

He's thinking they might be faster today than on Wednesday...let's wait and see - the clock is ready and I'm home to watch!

See you all soon,

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Good evening all,

Nothing exciting happened today with the exception of having 298 birds for the final clocking for the training toss yesterday.

I've closed off the toss now and will create a new toss in wincompanion for tomorrow morning.  Rick is planning a toss, again weather and wind dependent.  I'll fill you in on details as soon as I have the.

FYI I've updated the missing bird list again within wincompanion tonight.

See you tomorrow for updates and likely videos!

Have a great night,

Jeame (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Great day in Niagara!

Besides being my first vacation day of many, we had a great return in the 70km training toss this morning.  The birds returned in a couple of larger groups - really what Rick is wanting each time the birds are released.  Check out the videos we posted on Facebook and Instagram...they're of the release and also 2 videos of the arrival home!

296 out of 299 came home and the clock is still running in case some come back in overnight or tomorrow.

The plan for tomorrow is a relax day for the birds, maybe a bath - all dependant on weather of course.

See you tomorrow!

Jeane (aka "The1st Pigeon Lady")

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