News and Updates

Good evening flyers,

Basketing is done for the toss that is planned for tomorrow morning from 40km.  Rick is planning to take them to Casablanca - near Stoney Creek/Grimsby area.

301 have been entered into the clocking system.

I've printed off the basket list for my reference.  This toss can be found open now in the RESULTS tab on the wincompanion link of the website, under RACES.  It is not technically a race, but I figured this would be a great chance to test my uploading with the results in a RACE mode.

Unfortunately, the results won't be live, but just be patient - as I'm on vacation from Sept. 1st through till the 13th, so I anticipate the live clockings to be well underway then!

Look for the results to go up tomorrow evening - and check out our Facebook and Instragram pages for the videos of the basketing process tonight!

Have a great day tomorrow,

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Evening all

Results from an earlier inventory combined with an evening loft fly showed 300 birds clocked.  Check the wincompanion TRAINERS tab for results.  It's still open for the evening in case stragglers return home from previous days.

Rick is hoping to do another training toss tomorrow morning.  He's thinking over 30km, of course weather dependent.

Hand inventory one by one is planned for tomorrow night - we'll do a bit of a show off of some of the birds on Facebook Live.

Have a great night and see you online tomorrow!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Good morning flyers,

Rick took the birds on an early morning 25km toss this morning as planned and there were about 200 clocked by the time I left for work.  I just checked in with my son and he stated there are 270 now logged in (~9am).  There is a video of the release that will be posted on Facebook/Instragram shortly!  

I didn't bring my wifi connection out there - so I didn't link over the results to the computer.  That will be done when I get home later.  I do have a video of a group coming home at about 7:30am...will have up on our social media pages soon as well.

Have a great Friday everyone, and see you soon online!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Good evening everyone

Rick did a loft fly with the birds today and clocked them in as they came in the coop.

I've posted the inventory for you as a trainer - so far 301 are clocked in.

Rick is still planning for the 25km toss tomorrow morning and we will set up the clock for that as well.  I'll keep you posted as to the release time and location and promise to upload the results asap, in the early evening tomorrow!

Have a great night and see you soon!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Good evening everyone

Rick did a loft fly with the birds today and clocked them in as they came in the coop.

I've posted the inventory for you as a trainer - so far 301 are clocked in.

Rick is still planning for the 25km toss tomorrow morning and we will set up the clock for that as well.  I'll keep you posted as to the release time and location and promise to upload the results asap, in the early evening tomorrow!

Have a great night and see you soon!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Good morning all

I've closed the training toss results this morning from yesterday.  There were no new birds clocked from after my late afternoon update on Facebook Live.

Rick is planning another toss tomorrow (Friday morning), of course dependent on the weather, from about 25km.  From there, we'll starting increasing the distance.

The clock will be on for the results and I will upload them when I am home in the later part of the afternoon!

Thanks for your support everyone and have a great night,

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Good morning flyers

Rick took advantage of an early morning (basketed the birds at around 4am) and took the birds for a training toss.  There is rain in the forecast for the day so he planned well.  Clearly I wasn't up at 4am to finalize the toss from yesterday - so the list as it is from last night stands.

Rick released them from 20km this morning at 7am and he beat them home driving.  Then they started to arrive, a couple here, a couple there...then a large group - which caught my eye from inside the house.  I did manage to catch the large group on video and immediately posted to facebook - I'll see what I can do about getting it on the GALLERY on the website today.

The clock will stay running until I come home from work later today.  At that point I will update the results again.  Currently as I shut my computer off (8am) - there are 249 clocked with many birds flying about outside and on the landing board.  There is slight rain starting now.

Here's to a cloudy, yet warm again, day.  Update you later this afternoon!


Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Good morning everyone,

I've posted the 19 page arrival report from yesterday's 15km Training Toss in the Gallery (GALLERY TAB on the main HOME page) on the website.

Please review as your leisure!

Today - will hopefully, cross your fingers, capture a different look for the results.  I anticipate I will be able to upload a simple scan of the birds into the online program and you'll be able to see your birds much easier!

Thanks again for the patience.  I will also post these results from yesterday on Instagram and Facebook this morning for your reference.

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Hi everyone

I've struck out the race with 291 birds in the clock - as there are some data issues with our clocking system.

I was able to speak to our support in Oregon and we have a new plan for tomorrow/Wednesday.

Stay tuned - and we'll see how our next one goes.  We're going to do the scan of the birds a little easier (with a loft fly and then scan only when they cross over the pads...)

I have the paper copies of the "15km training toss" today - with all 291 birds and their logged times.  I will post in the morning.  Again, apologies - I'm trying my best.



Good morning

Just wanted to write a quick note to let you know that I've uploaded the inventory print off from unikon - to the GALLERY tab on the website.  Scroll to the bottom of the Gallery pictures and you will see the listing there.

I will continue to work on the basketing list - and when I am home this evening, I will upload the 15km training toss results tonight.

Thanks for your patience!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")

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