News and Updates

Good evening all

High winds and lots of rain today - made it a quiet day in the coop.  The birds stayed in, out of the crazy weather today.

The last couple of days the birds have been loft flying well.

Rick is planning some "on-property" trailer releases.  He will video them for you as well.  Check out Facebook for any videos we post!

Have a great week!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Good morning everyone

Finally have an inventory up on wincompanion - check out the TRAINERS tab and it's there.

There were a few birds that didn't scan properly, so a hand scan will be done this week.

Lots of warm weather here, but that doesn't stop the birds from getting out and loft flying.  They're looking great.


Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Evening flyers

A bit slacking here on the message board - so I will make sure to make more attempts at regular postings for you.

The birds have been out loft flying and bathing over much of the weekend - the heat isn't allowing for much else.  I've posted a video on our Facebook page that shows the birds...and they have able to go in and out of the loft as they please while enjoying their bath and roaming around the coop.

Their health is great - and you can see that in the video.  Always wonderful to see!

Rick has been working on some modifications with the wiring to the coop and we hope to be able to scan inventories for you asap.

Hope you all have a great week ahead!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Good morning everyone

Posts and videos will start coming now that the birds have all arrived!

I'm still entering in all the birds into wincompanion - that will be done this week.

All birds have been vaccinated and most have been electronically banded at this point.

Rick plans on letting them out this weekend for some loft time.

Have a great week,

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")

Gold afternoon everyone 
It's the last week of accepting birds!
Rick will be at the IRVING 24 truck stop in Cornwall on Fri. May 24th at approximately 8 to 9 am

Address is 3250 Brookdale Avenue off highway 401 - take exit 138
Rick can also arrange pick ups on his way home from Cornwall
Give him a call or message us through Facebook messenger.
Also anywhere around the Toronto and surrounding areas call Rick and he can meet up with you.
Hope you’re enjoying the long weekend!
Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")

Hi everyone

Rick has a few pick up dates planned:


Our first official pick up for the birds is happening - a bit earlier then the April 20th drop off date!

Rick will be at the IRVING 24 truck stop in Cornwall on

Fri. April 12th at approximately 10am until 10:30am

Address is 3250 Brookdale Avenue off highway 401 - take exit 138


Sun. Apr. 21st
Club 1000 Auction at Edward's Feeds
Doors open at 11am and auction starts at noon
1574 9th Line, Innisfil, ON

Sat. Apr. 27th
NRRPA Young Bird Auction
Starting at 11am
Bill Weima’s Workshop
194 Speedvale Ave. West, Guelph, Ontario, Receiving Door #2
Enter the plaza off Edinburgh Road North

Sun. Apr. 28th
SWOA Auction
Starting at noon
2776 Hamilton Road, Nilestown, Ontario

Hope to see you there!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Good evening everyone

Congratulations to everyone who was a winner in our St. Patrick's Day Draw (that yes, I held a day late :))

1st Place 5 Bird Perch Fee: Stenhousefamilyloft

2nd Place 1 Bird Perch Fee: Mira's Loft

3rd Place OLR Hoodie: Vitugsyndicate

4th Place OLR Long Sleeved Shirt: Scared North Lofts 2

5th & 6th Places OLR T-Shirt: Canabec Loft & Mike The Iceman Martin


Thank you to everyone who has registered so far - it's looking to turn out to be a great year!

A reminder that we are accepting birds starting Sat. APril 20th until Sun. May 26th.

Congrats again!  See you all very soon!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Good morning everyone,

I wanted to remind everyone of 2 things.

1st - We are holding the next online draw on Sunday, March 17th - please get registered today so I can add you to the list of entries for the draw!

2nd - We are accepting birds from Sat. April 20th until Sun. May 26th.  Please connect with us if you are dropping birds off!

Looking forward to another great year!


Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Congratulations to our Valentine's Day draw winners!

1st Place 5 Bird Perch Fee: Bill Wieland Loft

2nd Place 3 Bird Perch Fee: London Guys

3rd Place 1 Bird Perch Fee: Julio Nobreca

4th Place OLR Hoodie: Super Max & Bernie

5th & 6th Places OLR Long Sleeved Shirt: Phelan Loft & AC3SKYFLAKES

7th, 8th & 9th Places OLR T-Shirt: 1 CR Loft, Canabec Loft, & 1 CR Loft (yes they won 2!)


We will be doing it all again on March 17th so make sure you're registered and make sure to tune into Facebook Live for this draw!

Rick has announced that we will be accepting birds starting Sat. April 20th through until Sun. May 26th.

Congrats again to everyone and see you soon!


Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")


Evening everyone

We are available on weekends for anyone to pick up birds.

Also, any day during the week is good, as long as Rick gets a text message to notify him (905-329-5139).

Thanks to everyone for connecting with us already - it's made it really easy to have the birds return to their homes!

Rick is currently organizing out of province flights for birds as well.

What a great year and thanks to everyone for your support!

Jeane (aka "The 1st Pigeon Lady")

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