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Best decision to move race from Sunday to Today - from temperature abnormal highs of 97 over the weekend to a release into light winds and 48 degrees and on arrival calmer winds and temp 62 today - the birds went up high and came high. The overnight lows were 41 in the Valley - makes a big difference ~!

The 1st group of 50 came on-line way up high from the West - the next big group was a couple minutes behind from the opposite direction SouthEast and behind the mountains - they clearly overflew  to the South of us and joined with the 1st group and made their way down to the boards. That 2nd group clearly had faster speeds to overfly and come from the opposite direction at roughly the same time. Most of the birds are home - expect the stragglers to trickle in.

We will rest up tomorrow and start the prep routine all over again- and get one or possibly two short conditioning tosses (40 miles or less) before the next race.


Aside: The winds have calmed down from yesterday where we did fly the delayed Federation race (from Saturday -> Tuesday) from 535 miles - blessed to have 1st Club, possibly 1st Federation, and hopefully 1st Ace In the Hole Money Race and 8 home so far. These birds are on the same regimen/loft flying/training as the OLR - and serve as a way for me to gauge/compare/tweek the conditioning of both lofts.


We cancelled today's toss due to strong NW winds at the release point - and have decided to basket later for the ACD 180.

ACD180 will probably be fast - we don't like but it has been 8 days since last race.

Tentative schedule based on current wind situation.

ACD 180 - Wed April 13th

ACD 240 - Sunday 17th or Monday 18th (depends on how easy or tough for the delayed ACD 180)

ACD Final - Sunday 24th.

Entry fees of $325 are due this week.  Entry fees are due 10 days before the Final Race.


Zelle: 480-215-4255 (Arizona Classic Derby - Stephen Furlonge)

Mail: Stephen Furlonge 965 E Desert Lane, Gilbert AZ 85234


We cancelled basketing last night due to the strong winds overnight and supposed to pick up again mid-morning.

Wind Forecast seems to be wrong as it is currently less than 10 mph SouthWest right now. We will loft fly today and pick the next best day.

Tentative schedule (dates can move depending on weather and next race)

ACD 180 - next best day

ACD 240 - Saturday 16th/Sunday 17th

Final - Saturday 23.

Entry fees of $325 are due this week. Let me simplify it  - Entry fees are due 10 days before the Final Race.


Zelle: 480-215-4255

Mail: Stephen Furlonge 965 E Desert Lane, Gilbert AZ 85234



Well - we are 12 degrees above normal pushing to 95 degrees. Typically this time of year is perfect pigeon racing weather with highs in low 80's. So we are holding for the ACD 180 mile race. The choices are Sunday or Wednesday and we will update Saturday evening. The cooldown starts Sunday but with that comes the winds....

Sunday - we have a 50% chance for racing due to temperatures and winds  at 11 am that are not ideal.

Monday - no chance of racing with extremely high winds when the birds are due home.

Tuesday - 20+ mph tailwinds

Wednesday - light tailwinds - may be our best chance even though it will be fast.

In the meantime - we will continue with the short tossing and loft flying.


Birds did well today - no surprises - as expected with the light tailwinds SW and West winds around 5-8 mph under cool temperatures from 59 at release to about 68 when the first group showed up. The real challenges start with the ACD 180 as we cross the river -

Considerations for next race: the weather for upcoming Friday-Saturday is above normal with expected mid 90's and following with very windy conditions Sunday-Monday for the cool down. At this point, the only sane choice is next week Tuesday and Wednesday with REALLY NICE temperature ranges 48 to 68. We like to keep maximum 7 days between races - But we will monitor daily and continue our short training regimen 40-55 miles to keep the birds tuned up. Lately with Arizona weather you never know - it's only Monday and by Friday we will make the decision ~!


ACD140 is Monday - birds are resting up today. Basketing List will be uploaded later tonight.

ACD180 we will choose the best day over the weekend as we get closer.


Good start to the series - 75% of the birds made excellent time under temperatures of 50-55 all along the course, with less than 5mph winds, and clear skies. We are missing a few of the usual stragglers..... they should make their way back under these conditions. Plan is to loft fly Thursday, train 50-75 miles depending on winds on Friday and hopefully perfect conditions like today for the  next ACD 140.


BIrds have been training well in less than favorable winds - they had to contend with wind on almost every toss ~!

At this point we think they are ready for the following schedule - the races have been designed to also progressively train the birds with 3 races from 120 to 180 miles, then the 240 and the Final. The last few years, we have done 5-7 days between races, and at least one toss 50-75 miles between the races. This has worked well without taking the race out of the birds before the race, keeping them going and not sitting 10 days between races, setting them up for the longer races, weeding out the weaker ones.

Wednesday 30th - 120;

Sunday 3rd - 140;

Friday 8th - 180;

Assuming this goes well without any hiccups or delays, we will assess the best days for the 240 and Final will follow. Entry fees will be due after the 180 mile race or 2 weeks before the Final.

Aside: our local Federation races have struggled the last 4 races in a row with 3 smashes - and hundreds of birds lost. As of this writing only 7 birds have returned after two days from Saturday's race in the entire Federation of 5 clubs ~! Many flyers have lost their entire team. We have no explanations ~! It has been UNUSUALLY tough this year from this direction from the losses - this has been an easy course for March-April. Federation flies the North West towards Vegas - our OLR is flying slightly different West towards Daggett, CA.


Training resumes Friday-Sat-Sun (50-80 miles)

Windy and headwinds today again -  (no loft fly) resting up and loading them up on the carbs.....

Best regards


Birds were released with 53 deg, NE Winds at 10 mph and took off good  - It was forecasted NE 10 for most of the morning picking up in the afternoon. Currently winds have turned into headwinds 15-20 mph at least - and birds are trickling in - will upload clock again at lunch. Looks like it will be a long day - but just had to get that toss in today as the birds were off Monday (resting up the birds and turned out to be very windy) and Tuesday... rushing to get to 80 miles by end of week.

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