News and Updates

Happy Memorial Day - thank you to all that serve ~!

Engravings received and Trophies sending out to the 1st place winners ~! Congrats

Running a late hatch race has challenges that require changes for this season:

1. Acceptance window has narrowed, so that birds are roughly the same level of maturity and moult. This will allow us to start training by December 1st and extend our training window to December and January with the first race no later than Feb 1st. We will stick to the schedule as we will be training our own local birds during this time on roughly the same course with close to same start dates.

2. Weather patterns have changed and our Race course direction has changed to our West course which makes for a great working Final race. Not a blow home but a large percentage of the birds will make it home on the day. This is where we flew our 2012 AU Convention race. Our Federation has also made the switch back to the North West course after going SouthEast (like our OLR) and suffering humiliating losses for the last two years.

3. Perch fees $80 and $75 for 10 or more ~~! Entry fees due 10 days before the Final race - how can you beat that? Cheaper perch fees and you get to see your birds race several races before having to pay any entry fees ~! I dont know about you but I hate to pay entry fees and my bird never makes it beyond the first 2 races.

4. We train thoroughly (before and between races) - when you pay your entry fees, you can be assured the bird is ready and has several hours of wing time and races already. Impressive trophies again for all the 1st in the clock winners and 1st Average Speed.


Our Wincompanion entry list is now reset - we are accepting birds ~!

Wincompanion list will be updated shortly for the birds that have been sent in for our 2021 Acceptance Period - 

1. Please try to ship on Monday - Tuesdays

2. Include a note as to what vaccinations birds have been given

3. Perch fees $80 each (10 or more - $75 each) - Entry fees due 10 days before the Final Race.


Other news: Trophies are here - Still waiting on the engraved plates with all the specifics for the 1st place winners.



The last few requested birds will go out on Monday ~!


We are NOW accepting Birds through September 3 for the next series.

120-145-180-250-330 mile series in February/March 2022 (Salome, Bouse - Arizona; Vidal , Amboy, Daggett - California)

Perch Fees - $80 per bird or  ($75 each 10 or more) at working man's prices

Entry fees - $325 per bird due 10 days before Final (which means you get to see your birds race a few races BEFORE having to get in the entry fees).

Our training regimen is thorough - birds MUST be routing several hours and loft flying (unforced) BEFORE training, and gets the birds in condition to fly several hours on the wing in several races BEOFRE payment is due, we also train between races (which is a rare phenomena these days) ~!

Best of luck -


We shipped out 12 boxes of birds - brand new boxes with clean bedding.

All checks have been written and addressed and to be mailed today.

We have ordered the engravings for the trophies for the 1st in the clock in each of the races - they will be mailed out as soon as we receive. Please send a picture of yourself with your trophy - will add you to the photo section of the website.

If any other birds return that you asked us to keep an eye for - will notify you ~!


Check us out for the next series flying West towards Daggett California - several birds already in the loft. It is a great race course - 

Also if you like me to fly birds in our local Arizona Federation vs 58 or so flyers - I have space on my team for $75 perch fee. Breeder owns bird at end of series. YOu may also enter the various small money races available.


Birds and Payouts will start going out tomorrow ~!


If you want your birds returned, we will deduct from your winnings or please send $70 per box of 2; additional $10 each.

Paypal:; Zelle: 4802154255


Please send a W-9 if you do not have one on file with us for any winnings over $600.

Text 480-215-4255 or email :


You may leave your birds here to fly in our next Old Bird series at no charge - the direction will be NorthWest from 125 - 540 miles.




ACD Final (1st drop and then clocking order): There were 2 birds on the 1st drop 13,000/2 = 6500 each

1. 8000

2. 5000

3. 4000

4. 2500

5. 2000

6. 1000

7. 800

8. 700

9. 600

10. 600

11. 500

12. 500

13. 300

14. 300


ACD 250

1. 300

2. 300

3. 300

4 - 7. Free Perch


Avg Speed

1. 4000

2. 3000

3. 2000

4. 1000

5. 500



Congrats to the 1st drop today with PENA Loft 1st in the clock and APC Loft - no strangers to the winning circle and adding another win to their winning 2020-21 portfolio ~! These birds flew into challenging heat conditions today from 88-92 degrees which proved to be the dominant factor over the 10-15 mph SE tailwinds. 19 athletes made it on the day - we expect to see many more in the morning due to their conditioning.

Congrats to Fanway Family Loft for a super series and taking 1st Champion Bird. Fanway Loft was also 1st in the clock on the opening race - beautiful trophies will be engraved with the specifics and sent to all our 1st in the clock winners this season.

It was a very long day on multiple fronts- more updates tomorrow - will have all the videos archived on our youtube channel~!

Super congrats to all the winners this season ~!


FInal Race is Friday - which seems to be the best day of getting birds in race time.

Friday - 96 degrees and light SSE winds

Saturday > 100 degrees and 10-15 SW winds

Sunday - 99 degrees and  SSW 20 mph winds

Monday - 89 and W 18 mph winds.


Avg Speed

1. 4000

2. 3000

3. 2000

4. 1000

5. 500


ACD Final (1st drop and then clocking order)

1. 8000

2. 5000

3. 4000

4. 2500

5. 2000

6. 1000

7. 800

8. 700

9. 600

10. 600

11. 500

12. 500

13. 300

14. 300


ACD 250

1. 300

2. 300

3. 300

4 - 7. Free Perch


Due to sending out most our 2021 youngsters for races. We have limited spaces open on our local racing team.

For a $75 perch fee, we will fly your birds in our local Arizona Federation 2021 youngbird season as part of our team- birds must arrive by May 28 as the Federation starts in October and training starts in September. You can also enter the small money races that are available. Breeder owns bird at end of aeason~!

The birds will fly on our tough northwest course against a projected 56 flyers from 125 to 358 miles. Send tougher birds. - we have won 3 Federation races this season, lost the tough 500 mile race by 28 seconds last week,  won 1 Average Speed and 2 Champion Loft, 3 Champion Bird.... the birds will be trained as we always do 3 times per week between races, and a weekly Saturday 100 mile toss for the birds that dont go to the race.


Rained out today - will loft fly once the rains clear ~! Birds locked out today until lunch time to putter around for the last time...

Two more final tosses for the season and that will close the series on training ~!

Closely Monitoring the heat and winds this weekend.......

Payouts posted by Wedesday  - top 10% of birds going to the Final will pay 14 positiions and 5 positions Average Speed.

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