News and Updates

Birds are doing well. It is so much easier to work with birds in cooler temps - no issues to report. We start the boot camp after the 1st week in January - race series are in late February/March. The last clocking is accurate - there are 3 birds that we have to change club name (Band number is correct) and assign breeders, and 1 bird have to correct the Band Number that was truncated - but other than that - these are the birds that are currently in loft.

Remember this is a late hatch race which means we were still accepting birds while some races were having their final races.

For this late hatch race --we accepted birds replacements through September. which makes some of these birds just barely over 3 months old So these birds are not 100 miles trained yet in case you are wondering why we are not training. We will go through our normal rigorous routine in training - as we always do. The last arrivals we had to pull filights  to get them on par with the older ones. We also gave the last group their booster shots and are in lockdown.

As a matter of housekeepng, we will send out friendly reminder notices for unpaid perch fees - yes we have been laxed as we know you guys are good for the perch fees - no worries ~!

Best regards -


We have a few bands to correct (some have the wrong club name/breeder - especially those with same band numbers) and a few to replace at the next inventory ~! After Thanksgiving we will do another inventory update. The birds will also be out in the nets for 2-3 week while the younger group gets their flights in....

Wishing you a blessed, a safe and Happy Thanksgiving ~~!


Birds are enjoying the cooler temps - that has brought the hawks back ~!

Our local races are in full swing with interesting and less than favorable results due to variable weather, wind, K-factor - we see the same happening around the country.

We were planning the chip the last arrivals this weekend and do a chip check electronic inventory - unfortunately I am hobbling around on a swollen knee and it will be a few more days for that. Trying to get that done this week, pull flights on the younger group and put up the 16x32 nets while they re-grow those flights.


Best regards


Our Unikon clocks finally came in today - we will be updating the last arrivals with chips and start our inventory now .... FINALLY!

Still a long ways from training starting in December/January....remember this is a late hatch race ~~!

Best of luck to everyone



We are still patiently awaiting our clocks from Deister ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Schedule-wise our plan is to start flagging birds in late November/December - remember these are late late-hatches so our schedule is still a ways out there. People are asking why we are not training yet - this is a February/March series ~~!

Temps have dipped and the earlier arrivals are really looking nice.

Best of luck in the races that are in progress ~~!




Our temps have finally dipped - we may have seen our last 100 degree day this past week. Fall temps are here with temps in the 70's and light rain all day ~!!

Hopefully our clocks show up soon so we can complete the chip ring assignments.

The last group will be booster vaccinated and allowed to settle - still contemplating whether to pull flights as our races are in February/March. No rush as we have ample time to get them fully moulted/ routing for training start in December.

Best regards


OK to ship new entries/replacements this week ~~!

Best regards


We continue to take replacements/last entries through September 17.

From the manual hand inventory, here are the missing birds that can be replaced:

328-AU21-APC Loft



989-AU21-LAZY AC

1109-AU21- BOOK


2357-AU21-VITA (skinny and should be replaced)





We isolated our clock problems over the last few days - sending BOTH  our two Unikons to Deister today for repair - one for battery change and other for defective switch/and not holding the clockings.

As such will be finishing up the tedious job of handchecking manually recording every bird in a spreadsheet, comparing to the current bird list and see which ones are missing! Our goal is to complete by end of day today.



We are in the process of hand inventory - chip check by this weekend ~!

Any missing birds can be replaced through Friday Sept 17th.

Finally some dryer days in Arizona ~!



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