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Right at sunrise, 46 degrees and fairly calm - birds took off immediately. About halfway thru, they picked up on those tailwinds. The birds came in high like dots (video uploading shortly on youtube channel). On arrival winds were steady at 10-15 SE with the flags straight out and 80 to 85 degrees. At 1 pm we have hit 88 degrees degree mark but still periods of gusts and winds.

Congrats to the first drop with many birds on the same millisecond - 1st bird on the sheet gets a nice trophy with all the engraved specifics - congrats to Pegasus Loft. Any one of those 40+ birds could have rushed in first as you will see on the video.

An easier challenge than we initially thought when we saw the 91 degree forecast high - but this will prepare them for the always gruelling final at 348 miles on a day like today with possibly >90 degrees for a high. It's not over until that final race - things usually turn upside down on the Final - the leaderboard has been shifting every week ~! We will pick the best day - Saturday forecast 100, Sunday 89, Monday 83 - at this point its most likely Sunday ~!



For tomorrow schedule race, we are Monitoring the heat factor for Saturday's 90 degree weather but with light tailwinds.

Monday 79 for a high and Tuesday 74 for a high but the tradeoff is crosswinds... will decide this evening.

basketing list will be up after dark if we decide to proceed ~~!

4 birds not accounted for yet; 1 bird MIA for the ACD230; 1 bird removed for injury

Payout posted for Final and Average Speed as soon as bank says checks are all good ~!
1st 3 birds in clock for ACD250 - $300 each; Birds 4-7 Free Perch


Very windy last days - just loft flying ! 

Gives the birds ample time to recuperate before the next hurdle.

All is good ~!!


Congrats to the winners and to 1st place Mark Mourton - a beautiful troohy will be engraved with all the specifics.

The first bird at 7:10am was lost a few tosses ago and not in the basketing list last night. It will be removed later - Sorry ~! I have been in touch with the breeder the last few days when it went missing.

Birds let up early with 44 degree temps and tailwinds 8 mph SE. Along the course they flew with 12-14 mph ESE winds.

Arrival temperatures at 74 degrees and light SE tailwinds.

Aside - waiting on the remaining checks in the mail before I check the "paid" button on Wincompanion - thank you to all for doing uour part.



Keep those entry fees coming in - thank you to all for contacting via email, voicemail, text and phone call to let me know the fess have been sent. Just a few left - will update later this evening.

Well looks like we will not make tomorrow's Race #3 - possibly pushing out to Monday. The temperatures are perfect for Sunday/Monday - We caught some cooler temperatures - lucky break ~!


Race 3 - Monday April 19

Race 4 - Saturday April 24

Race 5 - Sunday May 2nd



Zelle: 480-215-4255

Arizona Classic Derby

965 E Desert Lane

Gilbert AZ 8523

Stay tuned ~!


Entry fees are now due ~! Please contact me immediately ~!

If I have not heard from you by text, email, voicemail by END of DAY TODAY - I will be listing your bird for SALE.

To all who have sent fees, or let me know they are on the way and/or have spoken to me - thank you ~!





Zelle: 480-215-4255

Arizona Classic Derby

965 E Desert Lane

Gilbert AZ 85234


The second race is in the books - Entry fees of $300 per bird is now due. Birds are still trickling in - will update throughout the day on Wincompanion - which seems to have frozen and needs rebooting. Congrats to the 4 birds on the 1st drop. The birds flew past the loft and had at least two of the bigger groups coming from the NorthWest.... we had some North winds during the race which may have pushed them North and birds had to work their way back...

There will be a few birds offered - list to be published.


Zelle: 480-215-4255

Arizona Classic Derby

965 E Desert Lane

Gilbert AZ 85234


We are pulling in the Race #2 to Tuesday - intially had planned for Wednesday but we have some conflicts with the logistics on Wednesday. With the relative ease of the 1st race - hopefully this works out well. Should be another day with light tailwinds 50 - 70 degrees from release to arrival. Basketing list will be up tonight.


Race 3 - 18th April

Race 4 - 25th April

Race 5 - May 1st or 2nd


First race jitters are out of the way - we had a few hiccups with getting on the way and debugging the Race ID in Wincom not matching the Unikon Race ID - but eventually got it lined up and communicating ~! 

The birds released in to a nice 52 degrees with some tailwinds 5-10 mph ESE and arrived with perfect temps of 70 - could not have asked for a better temperature. Hopefully the last few stragglers make it in - Congrats to Fanway Family for 1st in the clock - a beautiful trophy (seen on our website) will be engraved with all the specifics. Congratulations to the others who could have easily ran in 1st also.... 

Continue with training 55 miles on Sunday and Monday, and we will pick the best day for the second race by midweek. The first two races are usually the easiest - by the 3rd race is where the separation typically starts.

One day at a time....


With the remnants of the unusual heat/winds earlier in the week, first race is pushed to Friday @ 125 miles - basketing list will be up Thursday night. Seems like the new name should be Windy City - every single day in the last 30 days have been windy ~! This will set us up for the 2nd race 5 days after that ~! Historically we have always done 5 days between 1st and 2nd race, 5-7 days between races, and at least one long toss between races but typically a 50 and a 75 between races. For April forecast mid 80's - so would be an ample challenge. Entry fees due before the 3rd race -

The majority of the birds are looking good and flying well - we still have that bottom 10% lagging - but such is racing ~!

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