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ROAD TRAINING UPDATE High Desert Breeders,

Lovely spring day here in the valley with winds of around 25 mph this morning. The winds should subside some this afternoon and if they do we will take them 15 miles again. Yesterday the winds were 30+ mph for the day. The next few days should be a little nicer to get the birds out.

Birds are healthy and happy. And overall the main group of birds is coming home great. A big group flies around the loft for an hour or so after they come home. If your bird can't make it home from these short tosses, they are doing you a favor and saving you entry money. 

The 10 and 15-mile toss are from and in the hills. With the 20-mile toss, we start to make our way around the hills. For whatever reason some years the birds really struggle with this release the first time. They end up heading west and eventually make their way back. We shall see what happens this year. Again every day that is nice enough the birds will be going down the road. The weather this April has been pretty typical for us. 

Kenny and Corey

Wonderful Spring weather is upon us. One day is fantastic and the next it's winter again. Tuesday and Wednesday the birds will be staying in due to high winds and possible snow/rain Wednesday. Hopefully, the weather is nice enough to get them back out Thursday. 

Friday's 2nd 5-mile toss the weather was fantastic. Little to no wind. Groups took off nicely. No excuses for the birds as to why they didn't make it home since the first 5-mile toss they essentially all made it home.

Sunday's toss from 10 miles, there were higher than expected winds that lasted most of the day. Birds were kicked out in groups of about 100, with west winds of about 10-15 mph. The loft is directly North of the release point. The wind was originally forecasted to slow down and pretty much be nonexistent shortly after they were released. But it only picked up and was 15-20 mph west for the whole morning and into the early afternoon. All groups took off nicely but headed more east because of the winds. Back at the loft, the birds came in from the east. Most groups looked like they all came back together but one group. All things considered, the birds did very well. 

The toss today, the birds did great and were pretty much all back once we arrived back at the loft. The 10-mile toss is a great location as it puts us on top of the hills that lay directly to the south of us. We will try and get several tosses in from this area as it gives them a great outlook of the valley. 
Kenny and Corey

ROAD TRAINING UPDATE Gusty winds at the loft today, some reaching around 40mph. Birds will be staying in today. Tomorrow birds will be going 5 miles. Saturday looks like a crumby windy day again. Birds will probably be staying in then too. But after that next week is looking really nice. Should be able to have them down the road pretty much every day. 

Our goal is to have the activation race the first week or two of May. Depending on where the birds are at. 

ROAD TRAINING BEGINS Hope everyone had an enjoyable Easter weekend. Gusty winds at the loft today. Birds stayed in yesterday and today because of the weather. The weekend was in the 70's and then Monday we were getting some snow. Overall the weather is looking pretty good in the coming days. Every day it's nice enough the birds will be going down the road. 

The first two tosses the birds did well. They grouped up and took off nicely. The biggest thing is getting the birds used to coming out of the trailer.  A few barn sitters weren't too sure what to do when their normal place wasn't there. One of the neighbors has a big indoor arena that some birds like to go sit on. When the birds made it home they loft flew, some longer than others. 

The next toss will be 5 miles. Depending on how the birds take off and come home will determine how long we stay at each spot. They are looking really sharp and healthy. Should be a fun group to train and race. Thanks for letting us test your birds. 

Kenny and Corey

Cold snowy morning at the loft. Weather the past few days and for the next couple is cold, windy and some snow projected. But after that, the weather is looking better. 

Birds are looking good and all are flying 20+ minutes around the loft. A good group is flying an hour plus around the loft. Once the birds are looking good and ready we will start road training in the next few weeks. The goal is to have the activation race in the first week or two of May. 

Kenny and Corey
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