News and Updates
300 MILE RACE IS ON! Yearlings up at 6:45 am. Sunny, 45 degrees and winds 2-3 north at release. Two Year Olds up at 7:15.

Best of Luck!
300 MILE RACE AND PAYOUTS High Desert Breeders,

After waiting on the weather I think we finally have a day that will suffice for a great race day. We are planning on racing the 300 mile race Tuesday. Should be clear, sunny and if the forecast holds no help from the wind. 

Your birds have gotten some nice trainers on them this past week. We were originally going to do the next 88 mile trainer today but the forecast had a lot more wind forecasted. We will hand scan the birds today. And just before dark tomorrow we will load them on the trailer and take them down to the release spot. 

One thing that is great about this race course is how remote everything is. All releases are in wide open country with nothing around but some sagebrush and big mountains. They have no cities to fly over. If they are lucky they will fly over a town of a few hundred people. There are 5 towns in between here and the 300 mile station. And most of those are tiny towns.  And the same applies for the final release station, only 5 towns. There is cell reception for perhaps about half the drive. If you have only FM radio you are out of luck listening to anything once you get past 100 miles. Just some fun facts about the course.

Here are the payouts. Thanks for getting your money in! Payouts can be found on the website under Race Info. 

Yearling Payouts

2 Year Old Payouts

Best of luck on the 300 Mile Race.

Kenny and Corey

Issues with the computer today. Majority of birds are home. Sorry. Technical difficulties are very frustrating for all. 

Kenny and Corey 
300 MILE RACE UPDATE Good Afternoon,

We are waiting for the right day for the 300 Mile race. Perhaps Tuesday, May 21st, but a lot can happen in between then and now. We will do an 88 mile trainer tomorrow and another long one Sunday unless the weather changes. 

We are waiting for the last few check to arrive via horse and then we will post payouts. Thanks again to all who got their payments in here quickly. 50% of payments were received through Zelle which is awesome. It is a quick, no fee way to transfer money. I receive a text within minutes that money has been sent. The only difficult part can be possible limits for the first time you send money. 

Until the next update.

Kenny and Corey
200 MILE UPDATE High Desert Breeders,

Congratulations to the first yearling drop and Kastle Loft for having the first bird in the trap. And Congratulations to L&L Loft for having the first bird for the 2-year-olds. Ended up being a much more difficult day than we were anticipating for the majority of the birds.  

I will start by saying the path of least resistance does not always equate to the easiest route home. Birds were released in partly cloudy skies with headwinds of 5-10 mph. The first 100 miles were partly cloudy and the last 100 miles were pretty much clear. Headwinds picked up to 10-15 mph for a good portion of the course. The first groups of yearlings followed the correct mountains home and had an excellent race. The majority took many different mountain passes trying to take the path of least resistance and ended up coming into our valley on the East and West sides or potentially in the neighboring valleys. How many miles those birds flew to get home would be interesting to know. 

Based on the two-year-old late returns they all pretty much stuck together and headed down the wrong valley to the west of us, towards perhaps Mountain Home or Boise. All two-year-olds have come out of the West and they traveled the wrong way for a long time based on the poor return rates. With them being released 30 minutes later they could have experienced a little extra wind but the weather had not changed much. With that, they tried an alternate route which was not for the better.

We are disappointed with the outcome. We were looking to challenge the birds because of how well this group had done up to this point. Had they taken the correct routes it would have been a great race day. But the birds had different ideas. Hindsight is 20/20 as they say. 

We will get the birds recovered and ready for the 300-mile race. 

Until the next update.

Kenny and Corey
YEARLINGS ARE UP! 200 miles is underway. Yearlings released at 7:15. Cloudy skies, brisk 36 degrees, headwind 5-10 mph.

Two year olds will go up at 7:45 under the same conditions with a little more blue in the skies.

Best of luck!
200 MILE RACE High Desert Breeders,

We will load up the birds tonight and haul them to the 200 Mile Race Station for a race tomorrow. Should be a great day for a race. We posted a hand inventory of both groups yesterday on Wincompanion. We prefer to scan the birds the day before the haul so they can sit and rest the whole day prior to race day. 

The past 4 days since the activation race weather has been rainy, cloudy, and very windy. Weather is starting to look better starting tomorrow. Then we start to heat up. 

Thank you to all who have gotten in Entry money so far. And to those who have contacted us about getting money in the mail. We should be receiving a lot of checks in the next couple of days. Once all payments have been received and checks cleared we will post payouts for the 300 mile race.

For the yearling race, first 20 through the trap win $100. Two Year Olds, first 5 through the trap win $100.

As a reminder we are taking in birds now for the 2025 series. There are currently 24 here for next year. Several boxes are in the mail this week. Once the 2024 series is done and birds shipped out, that is when will be able to post the 2025 series birds to Wincompanion. We will be extending the two-year-old series into a 2 and 3 year old series. We will start referring to it as the Old Bird Series.

Best of luck. 

Kenny and Corey

Congratulations on the first through the trap on Activation. Hollywood Lou for the yearling race and Tim Farr for the two year old race. 

Ended up being a much easier race than anticipated. From what was at ground level and shown on Windy, they had a different encounter at higher elevations. They got a little help and overall the they did awesome. The first 60 miles were mostly sunny and the last 60 miles were mostly cloudy. 

The next 4-5 days we will have pretty terrible weather here. Very windy, rain and possibly some snow. We are looking at doing the 200 Mile race on Wednesday, 5/8, or Thursday, 5/9, if the weather is conducive to what we are wanting. 

Thanks to all that have sent in Entry already. Much appreciated. Thank you Breeders for being a great group to work with and fly birds for. 

Activation Fees:
Yearlings: $200 a Bird.
Two-Year-Olds: $150 a Bird. 

Preferred payment is Zelle. 208-420-4085.

Reminder there are still a few birds for sale under High Desert Yearling Classic. Contact me if you would like any added to your team. 

Best of luck on the series! We are looking forward to finding the top 1-2% of birds you all sent. 

Kenny and Corey
ACTIVATION IS ON! Yearlings up at 7am. 5-8 MPH head wind at release. Chilly 37 degrees. Should be a great race day.

Two year olds going up at 7:30. Same conditions.

Excited to get the series going. Best of luck.

Activation Race is tomorrow. Should be a great day for a race. 

Activation Fees:
Yearlings: $200 a Bird.
Two-Year-Olds: $150 a Bird. 

Please get those in ASAP once your team gets back. 
Preferred payment is Zelle. 208-420-4085.

Remember to look under Races to find either the Two Year Old Race or the Yearling Race. Only one of the races will show up on the main Wincompanion Page. 

We will post the 2 year old inventory here soon and then we will get the Basketed Race lists posted on Wincompanion later tonight. 

Best of Luck!

Kenny and Corey 
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