News and Updates
QUICK UPDATE High Desert Breeders,

Overcast day out at the loft. Getting closer to having this never ending winter weather being over. Had some really cold nasty days over the past week. Have a storm rolling in this weekend and maybe one mid-week. Then hopefully we will have more consistent nice weather.

Birds are looking good. They are ready to start loft flying. Once birds are out we will post weekly loft flights so you can track your birds. And once we start down the road we will post every road training.

Hope all is well and you are enjoying breeding and sending out to OLR's. 

Kenny and Corey
WINTER UPDATE High Desert Breeders,

Another nasty cold, snowy, windy day out at the loft. It has been a long cold winter here. The weather should start shaping up in the next few weeks to start getting the birds back out. It will be nice to get the birds back outside and into shape. We have a lot of birds of prey hanging around the loft currently. Under normal conditions birds of prey at the loft are rarely an issue. Once the snow in the south hills is gone that should clear up our hawk problem. Road training will more than likely start in April with the races in May. This time of the year always goes fast. Best of luck in your breeding programs! 

Kenny and Corey
2023 INTAKE UPDATE High Desert Breeders,

Still cold and snowy here in our neck of the woods. Been a very cold past month. Birds are doing well-consuming lots of feed and defecating at extraordinary levels. The forecast has lots more cold weather!

As you are all breeding and thinking of where to enter birds this next year. We just wanted to let you know that our website is updated with information for the 2023 race series. You can go here to look at our rules. Just a reminder if you haven't sent here in a while is that this is a yearling race. So we are intaking the next year's birds and finishing up our yearling race series in the same time frame. 

No big changes to our rules. The perch fee and entry fee will stay the same. A few things that make us different are our free perches. We will continue to offer free perches for paid birds that are lost prior to training. We also payout 100% of the entry fee. Most races take anywhere from 10-20% of your entry fee money. To accommodate the smaller boxes we are now offering 1 backup bird for every 5 paid birds. So send 6 for the price of 5. You won't get rich at our race but you will find out the type of birds you have. Our final races are flown in the hot Nevada terrain. In terms of testing your birds, not many races out there fly in the heat. The last change is if the birds and weather allow, the final race might become a 400-mile race. We have strayed away from the 400-mile station as it is in a wide-open valley and if the birds take the wrong route the mountains can lead them toward Salt Lake City or towards Oregon. The last year we flew the 400 mile race for the One Loft birds we didn't get a day bird back because they headed up towards Salt Lake. 2023 will be the 13th year of the High Desert Yearling Classic. 

Any questions please reach out. Best of luck in your breeding programs. 

Kenny and Corey
WINTER High Desert Breeders,

Hope you all enjoyed your Christmas Festivities and time with your family. 

Winter arrived in December and put about two feet of snow at the farm, with drifts as tall as 4-5 feet. The birds are staying happy and healthy. They are consuming lots of feed with the colder temperatures. The coming forecast has cold temperatures projected but no more precipitation as of yet. Not much to report as this is the slower time of year for us as we house birds year-round. Most years January and February tend to be pretty bad weather-wise. Birds will get outside when possible. Take care and until the next update. 

Kenny and Corey

Hope everyone is able to enjoy Family this week, eat lots of food and perhaps take a nap on Thursday. Your birds are in the air 50+ minutes now. Most flew for over an hour and there is a group that flies multiple hours. Weather continues to look good and we will continue to get them out loft flying. The birds are in good health and it is nice to have them at this point in the air. Weekly loft flights have been posted on Wincompanion for the past two months. 

This week we will get the loft ready for winter. That includes cleaning out from under the lofts and closing up the bottom of the loft on the west side so cold drafts don't go into the loft from our predominantly west winds.

Our local club is having a pigeon show in Jackpot, NV, on December 4th. If you are in the area stop on by. We are having an online auction until December 2nd, that will then be live December 4th. Please check out and help out our local club if you so desire. A big thank you to those who donated a bird or a OLR Perch. There are well bred birds in the auction from reputable sources. The flyer about where the show is located is also on the Pigeon Depot website. If you are looking for someone to help you out in selling birds, you won't find a more honest and integrous man than Luke Young who runs the Pigeon Depot site. 

That is all for now. Take care and will update again probably when winter hits. 

Kenny and Corey
GOOD MORNING High Desert Breeders,

Happy Halloween. Your birds are progressing nicely. Almost all are flying 15+ minutes. The top 25% fly an hour plus, the middle 50% are flying 30+ minutes, and the bottom 25% land once we stop making them fly. Won't be long now until they are flying 45 minutes around the loft. 

The health of the birds is doing well and they are looking good after they went through their body molts. We will continue to push the birds every day the weather allows us. We have been posting a loft fly weekly so you can check the status of your birds. Best of luck to those who have birds in race series that are finishing up!

Kenny and Corey
HAPPY SATURDAY! High Desert Breeders,

Hope you are well and enjoying the fall weather, if you have that. Birds are sitting in the loft today enjoying some rain fall and winds. We have a few storms passing through and then it looks to be some decent weather over the next week. 

Over the past month, we have band-checked all the birds, examined wings and overall health. Your birds are looking really good and handled nicely. All but one had really good weight. A couple we had to give a shot of LA 200 for respiratory infections. Most of them are through the worst of the body molt and they are starting to look like pigeons again. All the birds are together now and we are starting to force them all off the loft and making them fly some. A nice group is already flying an hour plus. Then you have the group that circles 5 times and lands. 

The goal is to get as much loft flying in this fall and get them into good shape. If the weather holds out long enough before winter and the birds are right we will try and get some tosses in. Don't count on that happening but that is always the goal. We will see if winter starts early this year. Most years we are able to fly until Thanksgiving or a little later. 

We will try and post a loft flying inventory every week. Any questions reach out to us. Best of luck to all that are entered in Young Bird OLR's. 

Kenny and Corey
OPEN LOFT High Desert Breeders,

Last heatwave this week before the start of Fall type weather. Sounds like June and July broke lots of records this summer in our area. With that, your birds are doing well. They were able to enjoy a bath and loved it. Birds are in a heavy body molt.

All birds have had the opportunity to go outside. Birds are currently in two groups which we are alternating each day. The oldest group all gets kicked out and made to fly for a little bit. The youngest group just has the aviary opened up and it's free choice for them to go out or stay in. Once the youngest group has had a bit more time to go out on their own, we will start forcing them all out. Some days the air quality and smoke are still too bad to let them out. So that has slowed the process of getting all the birds out. Once all the birds are going outside we will start to run inventories on Wincompanion. Until the next update. 

Kenny and Corey

A little less smokey today. The last two weeks have been bad in our valley with smoke and air quality. Over that period of time, the birds have been locked up for over half of those days. The older birds enjoyed playing around in the morning today and the younger birds have an open loft for the afternoon. With the smoke, we have had to be a little more patient with getting the last groups out. Over the next few weeks, the younger group will have the choice of going outside or staying in and then after that, we will start forcing them all outside. All birds but the last two weeks' worth of birds have had the opportunity to get outside. Once all birds are out we will start doing inventories for you to follow. 

We are finished taking in birds for the 2022 series. Looking forward to getting all the birds on the same page and getting some good loft flying in. Thanks to all who sent! Any questions please get ahold of us. 

Kenny and Corey
ONE MORE WEEK High Desert Breeders,

Smoke, smoke, and some more smoke. That's what the last few days have been here in the valley. Birds haven't been outside loft flying since Friday. We are pretty cautious with the smoke and flying the birds. If air quality is poor and visibility is low we will keep the birds locked up. Not sure what the best parameters are but each year we have this smoke, we will figure it out. One of our biggest concerns is the long-term impact the smoke could have on the bird's respiratory system. We don't what the birds compromised for the races. Hopefully, it will start to clear up a little more here shortly as winds will eventually change.

We are accepting birds for ONE MORE week, until 8/15. We also did an inventory of all the birds that have been outside at the beginning of last week. If you haven't checked that out please do so.

Looking forward to getting all the birds out and in the air this Fall. We have a very nice group of youngsters from you all. Thanks and any questions please get ahold of us. 

Kenny and Corey
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