News and Updates
INTAKE EXTENDED Good Evening Breeders,

Hope everyone is enjoying the summer weather. We have had warm weather here and overall the birds have handled it in stride. Light smoke moved into the valley last week but nothing to be concerned with yet. 

We posted an inventory for yesterday on Wincompanion. Had some issues getting the bird list posted yesterday but straightened that out today. There are right around four hundred 2024 birds in the loft. Follow us on Facebook for footage of what is going on. 

We are extending the deadline for taking in birds until the end of August.

Thank you Breeders. We are looking forward to taking in a nice group of birds and then putting them to the test in the Spring. 

Until the next update.

Kenny and Corey
UPLOADING ISSUE RESOLVED Birds are now uploading. Thank you Wincompanion. All birds will be in the clock minus this past week. There are a couple still out. If you don't see your bird, send replacements if and when you have them. 
Hello Breeders,

We will get our uploading issue figured out tomorrow when we reach out to Wincompanion. More than likely caused by running the dual races. Should be a simple issue to get them all routed onto the correct training sheet.

All birds received up until this past week will be on the inventory list. Today we trapped trained the younger groups and kicked out the oldest groups. All birds are chipped and our goal will be to run weekly inventories for you breeders.

Overall your birds are doing very well. The older groups are getting more adventurous and the younger groups are settling into figuring out how to get in and out. 

We have taken in just over 300 for next years series. Should be a busy July and August of intake. We will take birds until Mid to the end of August or whenever we fill up. If you have already contacted us about sending birds near the end of August that will not affect you, we will reserve those spaces for you. 

Thanks for the support and until the next update.

Kenny and Corey

I hope you all are enjoying summer weather. Intake of birds is going well. Overall health is doing well. Birds are getting out every day weather allows. We are either settling a new group or letting the oldest groups out. We have just over 250 birds in the loft for next year's yearling series. For the Old Bird Series, we are sitting right at 148. 

Thank you for being patient to see your birds in Wincompanion. We are in the same boat, waiting patiently for last year's site to be updated so we can input your 2024 birds. Once that happens we will get your birds in there. 

That is all for now. Enjoy the 4th! Until the next update. 

Kenny and Corey

Hope you are all enjoying the summer weather. We have had a great couple weeks of great weather so far. This past week we shipped out the majority of the birds along with checks. We were going to finish shipping next week but I was reminded that next Wednesday, June 19th, is a Federal Holiday. So we will be postponing a week.

I would advise against shipping next week. A Wednesday Holiday really messes up the week. Speaking of Holidays, July 4th falls on a Thursday this week. So again that week is risky to ship with 3 day boxes being a possibility. Out of the next 3 weeks. June 24th-28th is the safest. Keep that in mind as you are planning on shipping birds out to races. 

There are around 170 birds in the loft for next years yearling series. We are currently settling birds received a couple of weeks ago. For the old bird series we are sitting right at 150 birds. We have been busy pressure washing, painting and getting everything cleaned in the loft before it is full again. Once Wincompanion gets cleared out for us we will be inputting your 2024 birds in there and then we will try and run an inventory shortly after that. 

Other than that everything is going smooth. Just a very busy time here. Looking forward to seeing the next crop of birds come in. Thank you Breeders!

Until the next update.

Kenny and Corey
CONGRATS! High Desert Breeders,

Congratulation's to Tim Farr and Glen Steelhammer for having the 2 birds on the drop for the yearlings! It ended up being a perfect day to race birds and those two made it back just under 8 hours and 40 minutes on the wing. What makes this years winning drop even more fun is that those two gentleman compete against each other week in and week out for club racing. Glen Steelhammer's hen, SWWR 3191, is also this years average speed winner. Congrats to all 75 day birds!

For the Two-Year Old Series congratulation's to Kwan Loft for having the lone bird on the drop! And to Keyways bird, 287, for winning average speed for our Inaugural Old Bird Series. Congrats to all 18 day birds!

We couldn't have asked for a better day to race. The predicted forecast held and was maybe even slightly better than projected. Slight heads for a majority of the course, sunny and clear the whole way (barely a cloud in the sky during their journey) and just enough heat (they have been mostly flying in 40-60 degree weather recently) that it really made those birds have to find that extra gear to make it back on Day 1. 

Day 2 returns were awesome even though it was the warmest weather they have seen all year. Usually Day 2 around noon for longer races you see returns diminish drastically but your birds kept on coming home even in the heat. Day 3 returns for the yearlings have started off very well. It is again going to be warmer than what the birds are used to. 

For shipping birds, please let us know via text or email if you want your birds shipped back. We will try and ship some out perhaps Tuesday, 6/4. All the others we will ship next Monday and Tuesday. We just charge you postage. If you won money we will take the postage out of the winnings. Once we ship the bird we will text and email you the tracking number and cost if you didn't win any to cover.

We already have a lot of birds being left for the Old Bird Series for next year. Reminder it will be Two and Three year old's competing against each other. $100 perch fee is all to hold them for another year. If you aren't going to breed the bird you might as well fly it another year and see what it can do again. 

Once we get birds shipped out we will be able to start adding next years birds to the list. We have 99 in the loft so far for next year's series. Hoping to wrap up everything needed for this years race and add those to Wincompanion in the next 10-14 days. 

If you won over $600 please get us that W9. I would like to get all those checks out ASAP. 

Let us know via text or email which birds you want shipped back and which birds you want to fly in the Old Bird Series. 

Thanks again for letting us fly your birds! It was a great group to work and I think we found a few special birds that had a great year of racing. Year 14 in the books. 

Until the next update. 

Kenny and Corey
Good Morning Breeders,

Birds are up and headed home! Yearlings, 6:40am, Clear, 64 degrees, 0-2 mph headwind. Two year olds, 7:10 and up to 66 degrees. That area gets very warm very quickly. Conditions looking the same as Wednesday's update for along the course. Looks to be a great day for a race. Best of luck to you all. 

Kenny and Corey
Hello Breeders,

Final Race will be Friday. Hand scanned the birds today. Birds will be chowing down on food and resting until they go on the trailer tomorrow evening.

If the weather holds to what is predicted should be a great day for a race. Slight head winds (1-5 mph) for the first 100-150 miles.  Very mild winds from all directions for the next 100 or miles, 1-3 mph. Then for the last 50-100 miles some slightly stronger head winds (5-7 mph). Most the journey should be in the sun. With temperatures ranging from 65-75 degrees once they are 200 miles away.

Best of luck to all!

Kenny and Corey
Hello Breeders,

Plans are to run 88 miles in the morning. And have the final Thursday or Friday if the weather stays as forecasted.

We are working out some issues I created with setting up a different computer. Should have it all resolved on the 88 mile trainer in the morning. Then we can make sure everything is transferring correctly on the hand inventory into Wincompanion we will complete either Wednesday or Thursday. We use the Tauris clock which is ran by a computer that sits in the loft in an enclosed working area. We try and replace the computer every few years. The computer that stopped working the other night was on year two. Added a few grey hairs but looking at the glass half full, at least we can work out the kinks before the final with the new computer. We will also be purchasing a couple of extra computers and they will be ready to roll in case this ever happens again.

Again our apologies with the two issues we have had in the last week with not being able to post trainers. Issues like these are very troublesome to us and we will be prepared for the next time.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

The birds are looking great. Ready for their final tune up before the finale.

Until the next update.

Kenny and Corey

Congratulations to the 8 on the drop from 300 Miles! Spring Break with the first through the trap. And congratulations to Maple Hill Loft for having the first bird by a minute on the 2-year-old race! Overall not a bad day to race. Wind conditions were much calmer than what was predicted at release and for the first 100 miles but we will take it.

We will get some trainers in this next week and hopefully, a good day to race will open up at the end of next week to hold the final. We will pick a day about 48 hours in advance.

Until the next update.

Kenny and Corey
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