News and Updates
BIRDS UP Good Morning,

Birds went up at 7 am. Clear skies, 35 degrees, light winds out of the west (shoulder). Birds took off for home very well.

When your team makes it home. Activation is $200 a bird. 100% payout.

Please use:

1) Zelle - 208-420-4085 (Please put your loft name or breeder name on the payment) NO FEES. Most banks have the option for you to set it up on their website. 

2) Good old fashion check and snail mail.

Best of luck today! 

Kenny and Corey

TRAINING UPDATE High Desert Breeders,

Beautiful morning today in Southern Idaho. Your birds did well from the 75-mile location today. There were about 100 that went a little too far east and then worked their way back to the loft. We are happy with how the birds are coming along. 

Looking at the weather and where we are at. We are going to do another 75-mile toss tomorrow. Then have the 125-mile activation race on Saturday. Looks like the best day to have the birds on the wing for about 2.5 hours. Sunday through most of next week it is projected to have tailwinds throughout the course. We will hand-scan all the birds on Thursday. Thursday is projected to have high winds. If plans change we will keep you updated.

Also, we start taking in birds next week for next year's race. Lastly, don't forget next year we will have the two-year-old series as well. 

Until the next update.

Kenny and Corey

Hens came in together from the 40 mile station. The third release from this location. Cocks decided to go east and cruise by the loft. They are coming home from the East and North East mainly. Birds coming in now aren't looking too tired. Unfortunately the winds have continued to pick from the west (around 20 mph now). So depending on the direction birds are coming from, they have a nice head wind. They have been out enough that they should be able to navigate back but not all birds are created equal. Looking at the cup half full, those that make it back have gained very valuable experience from their journey today. 

Bad weather tomorrow. Looking to go back down the road Saturday. 

Until the next update.

Kenny and Corey
GOOD AFTERNOON High Desert Breeders,

In the past week, your birds have progressed very nicely. Most birds' navigational beacons have turned on. 

No training tomorrow as we have bad weather.

In the next two weeks, we plan on doing many 40 miles tosses. Then we will jump them out to 75 miles for a couple of tosses before we have the activation race.

At this time we are looking at some time in the first week of May to have the Activation Race.

Thanks and until the next update. 

Kenny and Corey
TRAINING Breeders,

Spring has finally arrived. We have warmer weather headed this way. And the typical wind that comes with it in our valley.

Overall training has gone well. The first trainer after their 10 days of not going down the road got a little hairy. But in the end, was a good learning experience for the birds. Lots of birds broke off from the main groups and went ranging. Small groups and singles came home from all directions for the rest of that day. Many of the bird's navigational devices were awoken from that toss. Birds that had limited homing ability were the ones that got into trouble. 

During those 10 days of no-road training, they did loft fly for four days. We did not post those as we had to switch internet providers as a storm took out one of the towers our old internet provider used. 

In the last couple of tosses, except for today, we have had lots of birds doing extra loft flying and going ranging. For the most part, different birds are coming in late each day. The late birds are trapped in a separate section so we can see if anything is wrong with them. If they need a day off they are kicked out at the loft the next day and don't head down the road. 

In today's toss from 15 miles, the birds did great. In years past we have had issues with the birds overshooting the loft. We started working our way around the hills and now we will head toward Jackpot, NV.

Until the next update. 

Kenny and Corey
GOOD AFTERNOON Hello Breeders,

We have had quite the string of storms passing through our valley. Haven't had a window to get the birds back down the road due to wind, rain, snow, or heavy cloud cover. Looks like this current trend might continue until Wednesday? Once we have weather that is conducive enough for training we will be back down the road. Until the next update.

Kenny and Corey
GOOD AFTERNOON High Desert Breeders,

We are off and training. The first four tosses the birds have done well. The birds are grouping up nicely and have went in the right direction fairly quickly. We will do a lot of short tosses and will break up the birds more in smaller groups once we are 10-15 miles away. We will start to do mass releases at the 40 mile station. And even on some of those we will break them down in smaller groups. The goal of the smaller groups is to create more homers and less followers. 

We have been really lucky to sneak in these tosses already. Weather has been very rough so far. A lot of days we have had short windows to either loft fly or road train (like today). We had a very short window to get the birds out today. But we were able to sneak them out in between storms. 

Tomorrow is calling for a wind advisory so the birds will be getting the day off. Hopefully the weather will be nice to us and we can keep getting your birds down the road. 

We recently started a Facebook Page for the High Desert Yearling Classic

Until the next update. 

Kenny and Corey

Our internet is down currently. We will repost the loft fly once it is back up and running. All birds flew for 65+ minutes today. Starting to look like a team. They even had some sunshine to fly in today. 

Kenny and Corey
GOOD AFTERNOON High Desert Breeders,

A balmy 37 degrees today but luckily some sunshine. We have had lots of snowy and very cold weather the last couple of weeks. Fortunately, we have found openings to get the birds out to loft fly most days. The main group is flying for 45 minutes again. Some smaller groups are starting to route. Once the weather is a little warmer the main group will really take off with routing and length of time in the air. Road training will begin once the birds are ready. 

Until the next update. 

Kenny and Corey
WINTER UPDATE AND 2024 UPDATE High Desert Breeders,

Finally some better weather in our neck of the woods. The past month, like most places, we have had rougher weather. With that, the birds have been eating lots to stay warm. We will start to get the birds back out this week. February weather is still very unpredictable here. Not much has been happening on a daily other than feeding and cleaning. The goals are to use March to get the birds back in shape until they are routing really well. Around April we will begin road training with the races starting in May.

Updates and changes for the 2024 series. Perches and Entries will be staying the same. Really not much changing. We will be taking 10% of the entries for 2024. Went back and forth on whether or not to raise perches to help offset costs or take from the entries. No best option but we thought not raising any costs would be the best for the times. Go to our Homepage to see the flyer for next year. 

We will also be starting a 2-year-old series in 2024. Any yearling birds that finish the series and you want them to be left for next year can be. More details can be found on our Rules Page.

Two-Year-old Series
  • Perch fee = $100 per bird. (Due two weeks after the yearling final)
  • Entry Fee = TBD. We will discuss with those that leave birds and determine an entry fee, if that is what is desired by breeders. 
Until the next update. 

Kenny and Corey
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