News and Updates
200 MILE RECAP AND 300 MILE PLANS High Desert Breeders,

Congratulations to the 3 Breeders on the drop from 200 miles and to Silver Dollar for having the first through the trap! Overall was a really good race for the birds. They got at least 4 hours of wing time and were broken up pretty good. Lots of groups and they came in from all directions. We were fortunate to have a nice cool day to get most of the birds home. 

Plans for the week include lots of loft flying and perhaps a toss. We will have some warmer days this week and we will get the birds out in the afternoons trying to acclimate them to flying in a little warmer weather. 

We are planning on running the 300 mile race this coming weekend. Will have a day picked out the closer we get. It looks as though we might get lucky and have some cooler weather this weekend for the race. Which will really impact return rates in a positive way. 

These final two races can give you lot of good information about your breeding program. This course is not designed to get amazing statistical returns from here on out. The Nevada Terrain likes to chew up and spit out birds that aren't smart or tough enough. We will have your birds ready but now it's more about the birds ability. The 125 mile and 200 mile race showed you we have done our part and they are ready. 

We will be contacting a few breeders who we have not received money for. Thank you to the 95% who got us your entry money or have contacted us. If we cannot get ahold of you just know your birds will be sold no later than Thursday. 

Thanks and until the next update. 

Kenny and Corey
AND THEY ARE OFF............. High Desert Breeders,

Birds went up at 7am. Calm, chilly morning. Winds should be mostly calm throughout their return trip home. 

An update on the last 40 mile toss and where the birds went. We assumed they put on some miles tripping but they far surpassed what we thought they were doing. We got a call yesterday from the Boise club and one of the birds that didn't make it back trapped in their loft. They saw about a group of 20 fly over their loft and that one from the group trapped in their loft. This loft is about140 air miles away one way. We know these birds are coming home from the 40 mile toss and then going tripping because the sexes were released 30 minutes apart and these tripping groups are coming back with mixed sexes. Those way late birds flew over 350+ miles. None of the late birds are injured or been hit by hawk. They are chiseled and love to fly. It is pretty neat what your birds will do when they are in great condition and feeling good. We had lots of birds Wednesday tripping and getting in extra miles. Majority of those late birds on tosses and aren't messing around the loft. They are traveling the countryside. Our goal is to get these birds ready for the final and these birds getting extra miles on are preparing themselves to fly that 8+ hours on the wing for the final. 

Best of luck today at the race!

Kenny and Corey
200 MILE RACE PLANS Good Morning,

The 200 mile race will be Saturday, 5/21. The first 20 through the trap get $100 and this race counts towards average speed. 

There are always a couple times a year where we scratch our heads with Yearling One Loft Birds. They like to do some crazy stuff when they get in great condition. The last toss was one of them. There was a large group that came home from the toss and then went tripping. Our best guess is that they got too far away, Wednesday started to heat up which they aren't use to and then they set down. Then Thursday was an awful day with 30+ MPH winds. That leads to a toss with more losses than on the activation race. 

You will receive a refund for those lost birds.

Best of luck on the race!

Kenny and Corey
RACE UPDATE High Desert Breeders,

Your birds had a successful Activation Race. Most were able to navigate their way home. They came home very broken up and the groups came from all directions. It was a very good toss for the birds. There was a large group that came in around 11:45 am, about 2.5 hours after the first birds arrived. If you had a bird in that group, keep your eye on them. Some of those birds will do something on the final two races. They came in looking like they just flew for an hour around the loft.

Please get your Entry Fee money in. Remember we pay out 100% of the prize money.

Send us a check or use PayPal. Please use the friends and family option.

We are looking at running the 200 mile race Friday or Saturday depending on the weather.

Kenny and Corey
ACTIVATION RACE High Desert Breeders,

We are planning on having the activation race this Saturday, 5/14. Spring weather continues to make it challenging for road training. We were aiming at doing another trainer today but the winds were to high for our liking. Looking at the upcoming weather and how the birds are doing we think its best to get the series underway. This group of birds is doing really well and are ready. After feeding and cleaning their feces for a year it is nice to have the races begin. 

Your birds did great from the 75 mile trainer on Tuesday. They have a lot of mountains to navigate through until they get to our valley. We had to wait for it to stop snowing to kick the birds out. Always nice to have them fly in different types of weather.

Once your team has made it back from the activation race please get your money to us ASAP. We will be running the 200 mile race in a very timely manner. 

Thanks to all who have sent and best of luck in the series! 

Kenny and Corey
TRAINING UPDATE High Desert Breeders,

Happy Mother's Day! Starting to wonder if Spring is really here as we had snow this morning. Yesterday we had high winds, today snow, and tomorrow high winds. If the forecast holds we will get them down the road again on Tuesday.

Other than fun spring weather the birds are coming home really well from our 40 mile station. We still have a large group that comes home and then goes tripping for a long while. If you see your birds coming in an hour or two late with others, that is a good sign. The last toss we did from the 40 mile station, we were able to watch the hens for about 10 minutes as they followed the highway and then broke for the loft. The birds are really coming into form and looking sharp. If the next few tosses go well we plan on doing the 125 mile activation race at weeks end. 

We are accepting birds for next season. As a reminder we will be able to post next years birds on Wincompanion  once these season is over. So if you have sent birds you won't see them on Wincompanion quite yet.

Until the next update.............

Kenny and Corey
TRAINING UPDATE High Desert Breeders,

Beautiful rainy day at the loft today. Over the next few days the weather continues to be hit or miss for road training. Tuesday we are projected to have some snow in the AM. We will get in a few more 40 mile tosses and then get in a couple of 75 mile tosses before the 125 mile activation race. Birds are looking great. This has been a very fun group to train. 

This last toss was a great educational trainer for them in navigating home. From the 40 mile spot there is a wide range of hills in front of them. If they go to the east of the hills it shoots them right into where we have been training them to come. If they go to the west, it obviously shoots them to the west and if they don't navigate correctly it will shoot them way past our loft. The first toss from 40 miles they went east and had no problems coming home. Then yesterday they went west based on how broken up and the direction they came home. All the birds but the extremely late birds still had lots of spunk. Todays deluge of water has made it harder for the rest of the birds to make their way home. A few trainers like these every year are great to have. Gets the birds thinking rather than just playing follow the leader.

Just a reminder this week we start accepting birds for next year. May is a great time to ship if you have birds ready as we generally have cooler weather. 

That is all for now. Hope everyone is doing well. Any questions please reach out. 

Kenny and Corey
TRAINING UPDATE High Desert Breeders,

Overall tosses having been going well for your birds. The birds are coming out of the trailer nicely and breaking for home quickly. We have a lot of birds from these short tosses that will loft fly or than go tripping. Which to us those are all great signs. Your bird has to love to fly to get through the final two races of this series. 

The last 10 mile toss we did with 22 groups. All the groups took off straight for home minus one group. That group decided to head East instead of North and just kept going like they knew where they were going. The first toss from 20 miles there is always a large group of birds every year that will blow on by the loft. Happened again this year. Those two tosses are where we had the biggest losses. The good thing is those birds that made it home from those groups will hopefully fly smarter. 

Birds will be staying in today and more than likely tomorrow due to high winds. It is our goal to push the birds during the preseason as much as we can. Unfortunately the weather doesn't always cooperate. It is looking like once we hit Sunday we might have a really nice week for the first time all year. If all goes well the Activation Race will be the first or second week of May. We will see how the birds progress. 


Kenny and Corey
ROAD TRAINING UPDATE High Desert Breeders,

Birds are doing great so far on the few tosses we have had. They are coming out of the trailer nicely and taking off for home like we want to see. Next toss we will be 10 miles and in the hills. With the tosses from the hills, the birds tend to do great. It is the 20 miles toss which is when we start to go around the hills, that always gives the OL birds a good challenge. We will see what happens this year. 

We are experiencing lovely weather this week. Thought it was January again. Birds will be down the road once we have a nice day. We really like what we are seeing from this group. They should progress very nicely as we increase the miles. 

Best of luck to those of you that club race! Old bird season is the best season. 

Kenny and Corey
LOFT FLYING High Desert Breeders,

The longest winter ever in our neck of the woods is finally over and your birds have been out the last 3 weeks loft flying. Started off easy the first week and then the second week we did lots of double loft flight days to get some extra wing time. This week all the birds are up loft flying for over an hour. They are coming together and getting closer to being ready to go down the road. Weather over the next week is looking okay. The biggest issue we always face in the spring is excessive winds in our valley. Been nice to get the birds back outside and see them out exploring and enjoying what they are bred to do. 

Until the next update..............

Kenny and Corey
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