News and Updates

We are now done receiving birds.  I know the inventory on the breeder page shows @850 birds however that includes all the birds we have lost either off the loft or other.  We have had a really bad year dealing with hawks.  When birds go out for first time they get scared up by the hawks and then they are all over the neighborhood and get picked off.  We are figuring after we delete the missing birds from the clock we should have @ 750 birds.  Any questions contact Steve Miner 619-933-8188.


On our Inventory clocking it shows almost 100 birds missing.  That is not the case, we have @50-75 birds that we have not put chips on however they are registered in our computer.  We keep birds in quarantine for at least 7-10 days before moving them into the loft.  If you are missing a bird or birds and you sent them at least 2 weeks ago or before then they should be in the loft and trapped in inventory.  There are some exceptions, if we feel the birds are not 100% healthy they don't go into loft until they are.  We should have a complete inventory by middle of next week.  Replacements will be accepted until Julu 1.


We have now received our maximum birds for this year.  We have contacted breeders of birds that have been killed or we had to put down.  The inventory we are doing tomorrow, Friday June 10, will have all birds with the exception of birds received the last week or so.  Most all birds are out flying or hanging around loft.  We don't force fly until after flights are cut and pulled and grown out.  The birds fly really good around  our lofts so very seldom do we have to force them at all.  Health has been very good with the exception of maybe 5-6 birds that were just weak and not up to par.  Replacement birds will be accepted until July 1.  Any questions contact Steve Miner, 619-933-8188 or 


I am sorry to report that one of our most prominent club members, Milo Garver, passed away yesterday.  He had been sick with multiple cancers and had put up quite a fight.  His wife, Ruth, called yesterday to let me know and of course I have passed on the info to all our club members.  His services will be next Thursday, May 19 at 10:00 at the Singing Hills Memorial Park, 2800 Dehesa Rd., El Cajon 92019.

Milo was a member of our club for over 50 years and was our club secretary/Treasurer for most of those years.  He would be the person that did things at the club to help improve it that nobody wanted to do.  He was always suggesting improvements and then  making sure we followed up or he would just do it himself.  Milo was a definite icon in our club and he will be missed by all.  


We now have @ 400 birds in the loft, health is very good, most birds are out and learning the area.  We have a big settling cage they go in first and that seems to really help them getting comfortable with surroundings.  We anticipate we will fill up with 750 birds this year and we will be stopping at 750, that is our maximum.  So don't hesitate getting your birds to us.  

Those of you that are involved in the City of Hope Derby (auction from last years shipping) don't forget to send your COH bird when you ship your birds to our race.  Much appreciated!!

We have negotiated with our hotel for another year with room prices staying the same, $99/night with 5 or more nights or $109/night otherwise.  Our hotel is the Courtyard Marriott in Liberty Station near the airport.  619-221-1900.

Any questions contact me, Steve Miner.  619-933-8188 or


We now have @ 80 birds in the loft, everything is good so far.  We have 717 birds signed up and we are not taking more than 750 so if you want to get into our race please sign-up on wincompanion or contact Steve Miner, 619-933-8188.

Just a reminder for the breeders that committed to put a bird in our City of Hope Derby need to send a bird (free perch fee) and designate it as your COH bird.  Thank you!


Tomorrow, Saturday March 12, John Timmerman will be  picking up birds for his races as well as our San Diego Holiday Classic.  He will be picking them up at Coco's restaurant in Brea, Ca. from 8:30-9:00 AM.


The 2022 Holiday Classic will have the following rule changes:  1)  Perch fee will be $125/bird, 6 for $650, 8 for $800, or 10 for $950.  2)  The entry fee is changed to $300/bird payable prior to the 150 mi. race.  $25 of the $300 will go toward average speed for the 150-200-300 mi. races.  $25 of the $300 will go toward prize fund for 360 mi. Superbird race.  For the 200 mi. race we will have $500 prizes for birds clocked 1-10, that money is coming from perch fees.  

We hope to fill up with maximum of 750 birds and if we have 500 or more birds activated we will have $50,000 first prize with prizes for the top 10% of birds activated for the race.  First 750 birds reserved and paid for will close the race.  You should be receiving a letter in the mail spelling out the new changes.  Any questions contact Steve Miner, Race Coordinator.  619-933-8188 or

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