Entry forms were put in mail yesterday, Monday 10/30. The activation toss will be from 125 mi. and after that the 150 mi. toss will be the first race of the 3 race average speed. Entries need to be sent in prior to the 150 mi. race. We had a tough toss today from 100 mi., hopefully many birds will return in late afternoon and tomorrow morning. The weather has been above average heat and low humidity which is not a good combination however that is the prediction for the whole week and we need to get the birds trained. Starting this weekend the weather looks to get back to normal for San Diego.
The past 2 days and the next 2 the weather has been very hot, especially on the desert, 95-105 and pretty heavy head winds. We will try and get a toss in tomorrow however Tuesday looks like the best day to go 70 miles. The rest of the week looks good for training.
The birds that came home late yesterday were left home today to try and recover. The birds were released in groups again today. The first mass release will be when we go and release on the desert, probably in a couple more days.
We canceled today's toss due to partial eclipse that will be in Southern California this morning between 9:00-11:00. The AU and others advised no training or racing today. We will continue training tomorrow.
The first 2 birds listed on today's toss are 2nd day birds from yesterdays toss. Seem to be losing a few birds almost every toss for no apparent reason?? The weather has been hot the last 3 days however we have released the birds early and they are home before it gets warm. The next week the weather will be more like normal SD weather, mid 70's. Good luck to all.
We have started our training, been to 12 miles, will be going most every day until we get out to 40-50 miles. We are releasing the birds in small groups and will continue to do this until we get out to at least 50 miles. The morning weather has not been too good, overcast etc., that is why we have to release late in morning on some days. Birds are looking good, of course we have Coopers and once in a while falcons to contend with. Any questions contact Steve Miner, 619-933-8188. Good luck to all!!
We were going to start training today however today and tomorrow the weather isn't very good. In Southern California we get overcast days where the sun never comes out. Starting Saturday the weather should be good and we plan on starting the training then. The birds are ranging daily, very pleased with the way they exercise daily, they are definitely ready to start training. We have 15 birds that show foreign when they clock in, we will do a hand inventory the night before we train next week. I am going to be out of town this weekend so that is why we are waiting to do the inventory. Ahmad, our loft manager will be training the birds just as he has done for the last 20+ years. Any questions, contact me at 619-933-8188 or sminervangruen@aol.com. Thx, Steve
If you still haven't paid your perch fees for this years race please do so asap. I would like to have the books correct soon. You can send directly to me: Steve Miner, 3511 Rolling Hills Ln., Bonita, Ca. 91902. Thank you!!
Today's inventory will not be completed until this evening, we let the younger group out to fly in the late afternoon. They will register when the come back in from flying. All groups are starting to fly good around the loft. We will start training @ Sept. 15. Any questions contact Steve Miner, 619-933-8188.