We now have @225 birds in the loft, we are expecting to fill up again this year at 700. If you plan to enter our race please make reservation thru Wincompanion or contact Steve Miner, 619-933-8188 or sminervangruen@aol.com. The birds are looking good, many are out around the loft and occassionaly fly a bit. We have a big settling cage they go into before letting them out around the yard.
Yesterday, Tuesday Jan. 3 we sent out @30 boxes of birds and another 6 today. If you haven't contacted me for return of birds this is your last chance. Please contact me and send $60 for 1-2 birds and $10 for each bird after that. Steve 619-933-8188.
Congratulations to the 4 winners in our Superbird Race this year. The Moden/Dudley team was the only entrant to be in first drop at 300 mi. race (2 birds) and the 360 ml. Superbird.
If you would like your bird(s) returned thru the mail please contact me: Steve Miner 619-933-8188 or sminervangruen@aol.com.
You will need to send me shipping fees, $60 and $10 for each bird if more than 2. I would like to know if you are going to do this fairly soon, I can deduct from anybody receiving prizes or refunds. We will not be sending birds back until the first week of January due to heavy mail during Christmas time. Any questions contact me anytime.
15% EXPENSES $6,345
1) $10,000
2) 8,000
3) 6,000
4) 4,000
5) 2,000
6-8) 1,000
9-13) 500
14) 455
We had a problem with clock however it is solved. On the training it has an inventory for Dec. 3, that is actually a 55 mile toss. Our next toss won't be until Wednesday due to bad conditions on Monday and Tuesday. Weather for the race on Saturday looks good.
Again get your $100/bird in if you want your bird(s) to go to the 360mi. Superbird Race. Good luck to all!
We had a 55 mile toss today however there was a clocking error that was not able to be corrected. The toss went just fine, all birds are home and doing well. We will be training again on Monday if weather permits it. See previous update for activating your bird(s) for our Superbird Race.
The weather this week has not been ideal, we went today but waited until 10:10. High clouds with sun peaking out. Will train again Monday, weather permitting. Tuesday has some rain predicted so we may only get 2 tosses in before race. The race is Saturday, Dec. 10 from 365 miles, our birds will be released with California Classic and Royal Cup birds.
If you haven't activated your bird(s) for the race please do so asap. Activation in $100/bird. Right now we have @ 190 birds activated and I expect we will end up with @250. The prize fund already has $14,000 from 300 mi. race plus estimated $25,000 from activation. So total prize fund should be @35-40,000. Good luck to all. Send activation fee to Steve Miner, 3511 Rolling Hills Ln., Bonita, Ca. 91902.
Our Superbird race will December 10, not December 3. My bad!!
OUr Superbird race from 360 miles will be Saturday, Dec. 3. Entry is $100/bird, there will be at least $30,000 or more in prize fund for the race. If you would like to activate your bird(s) for the race send me a check or if you have money coming from our main race I can deduct your entry for Superbird. Send to: Steve Miner, 3511 Rolling Hills Ln, Bonita, Ca. 91902. Make check out to San Diego Holiday Classic. There are also refund money that your entry can be deducte from. Pleas let me know asap. 619-933-8188.
Congratulations to our first drop winners in our main Classic Race, especially Ron Moden/Dave Dudley team and Simon Chi/George Xu team both had 2 birds in the first drop. With the exception of the clock issue the race was another big success. We also have a raffle each year and give out $500 cash prizes and this year Patti Gage won 2 of those. Thanks again for making our 42nd year another big success!!!
The clock was off for the first 12 birds, 10 in the first drop and 2 right behind them. The mistake will be corrected by Wincompanion on the website. So sorry this occurred.