News and Updates

Good Morning All.

             The birds were given their Pox Vaccinations yesterday. The over all health of the birds is very good. A complete inventory was done of every bird and was updated on Win-Companion. The birds will be locked down for 21 days !

                    I will send out an update in 3 weeks.

                                              Thanks Again,



Hope all is well,

               The birds are doing very well for the conditions we are dealing with. It has been extremely hot & humid with temps well into the 100 + range every day.

I will be vacinating the birds for Pox on Saturday. All 9th flights were pulled last Sunday. The health of the birds has really been very good. I let them out for bath pans when ever possible. I will be locking them down for 3 weeks after the pox vaccination.

                               Hope you all have a happy & safe 4th,



Good Morning,

               The birds are being let out every morning at 5:15 AM. They just go up, do a couple of loops and then most come down. It's 7:30 AM and it is already 88 degrees. It's just going to get worse every day now. The birds are only reacting to the conditions. It's to be expected.

                    All birds were vacinated for the second time with rota/PMV shots last week. In the next few weeks I will be vaccinating for Pox. I will also be cutting flights and pulling 9th & 10th flights.

                     The health of the birds has been good so far with no major set backs. I have only lost 4 birds and they have been replaced. 

                     This time of the year there isn't much to report . There is just not much going on.

                          If anyone has a question or just want's to talk pigeons, don't hesitate to call.


                                 Thanks Again,



Hi All,

Things are starting to heat up around here now. The heat is coming ! The birds are acting so much better than last year at this time. I have seen very little sickness in the birds up till now. The first few groups are all out and routing. The next group is not far behind. I appreciate your support and anticipate a wonderful race this year. We have some birds on their 6th flights already. I have had people in the yard watching the birds fly . They have remarked how good the birds are acting. I will chat again soon and will keep you updated as much as possible.

                                      Thanks Again,



We have officially started taking in birds for the upcoming 2024 season. We will continue to do so up untill June 15th. I would suggest you do so sooner than later. The heat gets pretty intense here in sunny Phoenix,AZ. I would also suggest shipping towards the beggining of the week just in case.

                        Please fill out the entry form that you can find on the site. It makes things a lot easier fo me.

                        I wish everyone a great season, All the best.



Good Morning,

                    We had a very interesting race today. I expected that it would be a challenging day for such a small number of pigeons. What a surprise when one bird came all alone 49 minutes ahead of the next one. Congradulations to Steve Cappellini Jr. of Massachusetts for breeding a very special bird. It never ceases to amaze me what these birds are capable of doing. We had a good crowd here to watch the race. Everyone seemed to have a great time . We had some great eats and enjoyed some great conversations.When all was said and done we got 70% of the birds sent to the race home.

                   I will mail out the checks as soon as I get the W-9's back. I hope you all enjoyed the Grand Canyon Classic for 2023. We will start taking in birds as of February 1st. 

                         I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.




Good Morning All,

                 I sent the birds last night to our 350 mile station in Richfield,Utah. My hauler called very early this morning to let me know that the winds were howling on their nose from the south.This would make a tough race almost impossible for our birds.I told him to head back and watch for a more suitable spot to release.

He called me back from a small town called Circleville,Utah. We released the birds there into a South wind @ 4 MPH, Clear sky's, 30 degrees. Still a head wind but much more doable for the birds. Hopefully this will give them a better chance for success.

                              Good Luck to all,



Good morning,

                   As of right now it will be a go for our Final Race on Sunday,Dec. 3rd. The 350 mile race from Richfield,Utah.

                                The 275 mile race last weekend got a little tough as the birds hit head winds shortly after crossing the Grand Canyon. Only 5 birds came on the day with 5 more coming home the 2nd day. Congrats to Scott McAllister for having a bird 1 hour before the 2nd bird.

                                 The big test will be this weekend. Good Luck to all.

                                         Thanks Again,



Good Afternoon,

                 Due to excessive head winds going over the Grand Canyon on the 23rd, we will now fly on Saturday the 25th. This will give the birds their best chance for success. I have raced over the Canyon many times and have very good results by just knowing what works and what don't. Head winds over the hole just won't give them a fighting chance.

                I hope you all enjoy your Thanksgiving,

                                           Thanks Again,



Good day to All,

                    Due to really bad weather we are changing the race date to Nov. 23rd. This appears to be the best day for the birds. Saturday was a really bad day with rain and nasty winds. Sunday was even worse with about 140 miles of snow coming down in the mountains then they would of hit a 16 mile an hour wind going over the Grand Canyon. This is not my idea of a good time for our birds. I firmly believe in giving our birds the best chance of success. Hopefully this can happen over Thanksgiving. We will be keeping our fingers crossed.

                                      This will give us a very good shot at getting the 350 off on time.

                                       Good Luck to us all.



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