News and Updates

Birds are starting to come in now. They look really great ! We are looking forward to a great season. We encourage you to call with any questions you might have about our race course, or what you can expect for normal speeds.We love to meet and talk to new people. We wish all a wonderful and sucessful breeding season.                                                                                       Best to All,                                                                                                    Bob & Mike


           My name is Bob French and I have been racing pigeons for over 40 years. I flew for 10 years in the Boston Concourse before   moving to my current location here in Glendale,Arizona.

           I have been running the Grand Canyon Classic Futurity race for the Phoenix Sporstman Club for 23 years now. I have been asked many times by people participating in this race when was I going to change the format to a One Loft Race. I finally have the time where I can devote 100% of my time to this project. Starting in 2022 my son Michael and myself will be hosting the Grand Canyon Classic One Loft Race.

            We plan on flying from the due North. This has been a really great course for our club over the years. We will be flying over the Grand Canyon 3 different times. The main event will be from Richfield, Utah, a 350 mile race. These birds will be released from an elevation of approximately 7,000 feet above sea level, they will fly about 200 miles and then have to negotiate the Grand Canyon. No easy task for these birds! From here they will have about 150 miles left to get home. This is a really good test for your birds. Do your birds have what it takes ? On a really good day with favorable winds we can manage speeds of 1500 ypm or better. On an average day they will be 1400 ypm or less. We will usually get birds on the day. 

             My goal is to give every bird the attention it deserves. This is one reason I have restricted the total number of entries to 240 birds.We feel that this is a very reasonable number for the loft as well as us. I do not believe in over crowding my loft for any reason. I will give my attention to keeping the birds healthy and very well trained. You can believe that these birds will know thier way home when it's time. All birds remain the property of the breeder and will be shipped back at the owners expense after the race.

             We hope you you will like this concept of limited partiocipation. Our goal is for all those participating to send thier very best and may the best bird win! We hope you will give us the chance to prove that your birds have what it takes to fly over one of our World's best natural wonders,The Grand Canyon! Come compete against the best !

             Thanks for now, 

                      Bob & Mike

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