News and Updates

Good Morning,

              We have rain moving in tonight and tomorrow so we will be shipping the birds to Hatch,Utah for a 275 mile race on Saturday night for a Sunday Release. The birds had a short toss on Wednesday to keep them sharp. They came in one group but some chose to play house a little on arrival. They are on the double widowhood system and this is expected.

                                     Good Luck to All on Sunday,



Good Day All,

                  We are again being hit with record breaking heat for this time of year. Every instinct in my body is telling me to wait one more week before going over this huge hole in the ground called the Grand Canyon. I will take the birds to the South rim on Saturday for another 160 mile race. Next week we will run the Hatch,Utah race of 275 miles. On November 25th we will resume the schedule from 125 miles before finishing with the 350 mile Finale.

                  I am doing what I think is best for the birds.

                                                        Thanks Again,



Good Morning All,

                               I just got back into town after hauling our birds to the Grand Canyon. It was a great morning for a race. There might of been a very slight North wind at release, but nothing worth talking about. I saw very little wind all the way home except for a little bit of North wind about 5 mph about 60 miles out.

 These birds are really shaping up in the last week. All the birds were home in pretty good time.

                            This was our activation race. I will be having a discussion with all the breeders who have birds left. It has been a really tough year for many O.L.R. around the U.S. and I have not been the exception. We are going to try to come up with plan for paying out the race that makes sense. I am going to the A.G.N. race over the week end. I will start making calls when I get home on Monday.

                              Hope you all have a great weekend.



Good Afternoon, 

                I have no idea as to what is going on with Win Companion . It clocked race #2 from Valle,Az. with not much of a problem. By this I mean that all 15 birds came home. The last 2 were left off the report. We are trying to resolve that problem. They did clock but were not showing up on the report. I just went on 5 min. ago and now nothing is showing on the Valle report.I'm sure we can get it back. 

                                   The birds went on a short 25 mile toss this morning and came great. We couldn't show the toss because of the problems with the system. We are working to resolve the problems. I will continue to keep these birds ready.

                                  If all goes as planned they will be headed to the Grand Canyon for a Friday Release.

                                          Thanks again



Hello People,

                  I got back from hauling the birds about a half hour ago. These birds had all directions of winds to deal with on the way home. They had a brisk East wind at release. They also hit spots with North winds, Northwest winds in spots, North East winds as they got closer to home. They did a great job being such a small group of birds. I believe that there are 2 birds still out, but I expect them home soon. It's a small group but they are very well trained. I handle every bird in the loft every day and I am aware of every birds condition. I am going to haul these birds to the Grand Canyon on Friday if all goes well.

                                           Thanks Again, 



Good Morning All,

                    The weather has finally broke in Arizona. I have been trying to get these birds Shipped out to Valle,AZ. for Race #2. The laptop in the loft has decided to not co-operate with me. I brought in another one and the operating system is not jiving well with the new one . I am working on the problem and as soon as it is solved the birds with be shipped.

                                  Thanks for your patience,





Good Morning All,

                 I am going to hold the birds back one week to allow them to re-coop a little bit after a tough 100 mile race. The birds are ready but the weather is just to hot. These are young birds and in my opion shouldn't be flying in these ridiculous hot conditions that just don't seem to want to break yet. The weather people are saying that it should change soon. I will take them 65 miles on Saturday. Then on Tuesday they will go to the fair grounds for a 75 mile toss. Thursday will be back to the 65 mile toss. If all goes as planned they will fly the 140 mile race next Saturday.




Good Morning All,

                          Training has been going well. I decided to hold off on our first race on Saturday as per A.U. recomendations. With all things being the way that they have gone this year I couldn't justify taking the risk. I will haul the birds Monday morning to our 100 mile station. Good luck to all.

                                                      Thanks for your continued support.



Hello Everyone,

           I trained the birds a little bit this week from short distances hoping to wake them up a little. The first 3 tosses were less than 3 miles. On friday I went 5 miles which is just behind a short ridge of mountains and they came the best that they had all week.

                    Today is bath day and then back to work tomorrow. I would like to go about 12 miles on Monday.

                                   Good Luck to us all.




Good Morning,

                    I finally feel like something has changed with these birds. Today is the fourth day in a row that every bird that was let out this morning has clocked back into the loft after flying for a short while. This is the first time I can say this for about a month. These losses have been very discouraging for us all. I am hoping that this is now behind us. The birds are acting like normal race pigeons now. I hope the worst is behind us now.

                                    Thanks for your support,


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