News and Updates

 Good Morning,

                  The birds will get open hole just long enough to take baths this morning. It seems that every time I let them fly we have a calamity with these hawks. I know they need to fly but I just can't seem to protect them. It's just a matter of dumb luck as to which ones get nailed today. I have never been as frustrated in my life about pigeons. I have a group of Harris hawks having a field day at mt loft.

                                         Good Luck to us all.



We will let all the birds walk through the traps today just to give you an idea as to what has been happening.




                Good Morning All,

               I really wish I had some good news about the birds , but it's just not the way it is right now. I am truly at a loss for words right now about what is happening with our birds.

                         It seems that every time I let the birds out I have 5 or 6 just take off and not come back. I had 2 come back this week with tails completly gone and were very jumpy to say the least. I have seen a group of Harris hawks hanging around and it seems that every time out, even if I stagger the release times, they just seem to be waiting. They also hunt in teams which make things even more challenging. 

                    We are at the time of the year where these birds have to start routing if they are to have a chance. I will do everything I can but my hands are tied.

                               I will keep on doing my best and  lets hope for the best.



              Happy Days to All,

    On August 23,2023 a new film promoting our sport was released on Amazon Prime. It is educational and funny with a good cast of characters. It is a must see film! The reaction around the U.S. has been incredibly positive and very well received.

          Within a few days of the movie release a new race popped up on Win Companion under the name Grand Canyon O.L.R. competing with my already established Grand Canyon Classic O.L.R. This has led to some confusion amoung participants in our sport. Please do not assume that the Grand Canyon O.L.R. is associated with my race or sponsored by anyone associated with the Grand Canyon Classic OLR in any way. 

                             We are currently working to alleviate this problem.

                                Thanks for all you guys do !


Good Morning,

                       The birds are looking a little rough this morning, it has been two weeks since they were vaccinated for pox and they are definitly in the fever. They are not doing a whole lot, just sitting on their perches all frumped up and wondering what hit them. Next week it should all be behind them. As is the norm for Phoenix, it is plenty hot and with the added humidity it is just a  wonderful time to be here. I just can't wait for September to arrive and bring a little relief in the mornings at least. The birds are also going through a great moult. I clean the loft and within hours it is nothing but feathers.

                             Hope you all have a great weekend.



Good Morning,

                       The birds are looking a little rough this morning, it has been two weeks since they were vaccinated for pox and they are definitly in the fever. They are not doing a whole lot, just sitting on their perches on frumped up and wondering what hit them. Next week it should all be behind them. As is the norm for Phoenix, it is plenty hot and with the added humidity it is just a  wonderful time to be here. I just can't wait for September to arrive and bring a little relief in the mornings at least. The birds are also going through a great moult. I clean the loft and within hours it is nothing but feathers.

                             Hope you all have a great weekend.



Good Day All,

                      I vaccinated the birds for Pox on Saturday. I also pulled the 10th flights. They will be locked down for three weeks waiting for the vaccine to do it's thing.

            It has been just crazy hot this season so it's not a bad thing that they are locked down. 

                   I will update when there is a little more to talk about.

                                          Try to stay cool,



Good Morning,

        We survived a brutal weekend of heat, temps upwards of 118 degrees depending on just where you live in Arizona.

                                Mike & I gave all the birds thier booster shots of Rota/Pmv vaccine over the weekend. We had cut thier 9th & 10th flights last week . We pulled thier 9th flights while doing thier vacinations this week. The plan will be to wait 2 weeks and pull the 10th flights. We will also vacinate for pox at this time. The birds had open hole & bath pans on Sunday. They don't even consider flying in this heat. I have updated individuals if birds showed up as missing this week.

                                     I will update as needed,

                                                          Thanks All,



Hi All,

      Because off a lot of requests to accept birds a little later I will be accepting birds for another week. So if you have some late hatches looking for a place to race, then look no more.

                         Thanks a ton,


UPDATE ; JUNE 10,2023

Good Morning All,

                                      There isn't much going on here at the GCC Loft. We have about two more weeks of taking in birds. Once they are all in I plan on getting thier flights cut and pulled. I usually cut first then wait a week before pulling the 9th flight. After two weeks I pull the 10th. I am treating all the birds that are out of the Quarantine loft with Canker meds. I recently had a bird still in quarantine come down with a bad case of canker and decided not to wait. The birds are pretty much locked in for a while. They just have no desire to fly in this heat, and I will not push it. They have enough stress in thier young lives now with out me adding to it. I will update again in a few weeks.

                                      Thanks Again for all the Support,


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