News and Updates

Good Morning All,

                      Yesterday was  a very good test for our birds. From what I have learned California was hit with a 4.5 magnitude earth quake on Friday, and then multiple after shocks all day on Saturday. This always seems to effect the birds.If this wasn't enough they also hit head winds a lot of the way home.

                     Some birds seemed like they wern't bothered to much and others had a real problem. We are missing a few birds this morning but I feel most of them will be home. They are very well trained and are in amazing condition.

                    We had 2 birds clock on the first drop a few minutes ahead of the next group of 4. Good job Linda DeVries and the Boyse boys,1st & 2nd !

                                  Thanks to All,



Good Morning,

                         The birds are up and on their way home. Release was changed to 7:10 AM. The liberator said they went very high and then took off to the south. We had blue sky's with some high thin clouds. Temperature was a brisk 19 degrees, and dead calm winds. This should be a very good test for our birds today. Good Luck to all !

                                    Thanks for your support,



Good afternoon my friends,

               Tonight we will be shipping a short 300 mile race from Hatch,Utah. This will be a big event for your birds as they will be flying over the Grand Canyon for the first time.

                Also, I would like to remind everyone that last week was the activation race. All birds clocked last week must be activated before we ship the next Grand Canyon race on November 11th. I will update you after the release in the morning.

                               Thanks & Good Luck




Good Morning,

                          Yesterday was a great day for our birds. Most of the birds went right by the loft and came back from the south. The first group came from behind me , went over my head and dropped on the landing board. The second group hit the board while the first group was still trapping. They really did well and were none the worse for their efforts.

                         Today all the birds will have their traditional love of home day, with open hole and the bath pans in front of them.

                                        Thanks again for your support,



Good Morning,

                                 The birds are up and on their way. They were released at 7:00 AM , from the south rim of the Grand Canyon with no wind, Clear skys, and 32 degrees.

             ,                            Good luck to all in todays activation race.



Good Morning,

                          I gave the birds a short confidence toss on Tuesday and they were awesome. Today I went 65 miles on a beautiful crisp morning with a little bit of a tail wind. These birds are so ready ! They didn't even do one loop before disappearing to the south. All that driving and their gone so fast ! Tony and myself went to breakfast and before we knew it my son Mike was on the phone saying the birds were home. I left one bird home today because she needed a little extra rest.It was a great warm-up toss before our activation race this weekend. The birds will be shipped to the south rim of the Grand Canyon on Friday night. Good Luck to all. 

                                         Thanks for your support,



Good Morning,

                  We had another challenging race yesterday with the birds having to navigate up to 22 mph East winds along the course. As a group they did an awesome job with the first group flying 1297.00 y.p.m. A group of around 28 birds came straight off the course , did a half loop and hit the board. The rest came in at their leisure.

                                 Good job by our breeders.

                                                       Thanks to All.



Good Morning,

                      Our birds were released at 6:45 from the 140 mile station. The sky was clear,temp was 43 degrees, and winds were from the East,North East @ 10 MPH. The hauler called back after the release and said there was no straglers and after a loop and a half they were headed due South. We couldn't ask for more than that.  

                                 Good Luck to All!



Good Morning All ! 

                 The Birds went on a Short 25 mile confidence toss on tuesday and most of them flew 60 miles an hour to home. Thursday they went on a 65 mile toss just to get them back into work mode. They flew very close to 60 miles an hour again. I think they are very ready for their second race of 140 miles, I don't have any concerns about them having a very good race. Good Luck to Everyone ! 



Good morning all ,

                          Yesterday we had our first race and it turned out to be a good test for character for our feathered warriors. At the release the weather was absolutly beautiful. We had 44 degrees,Calm winds,and a beautiful blue sky. The birds were released at 7:05 and took off like champs. We had full sun most of the way home. At about 25 miles from home every thing changed and they hit some scattered showers and a slight head wind. The majority went right through it and made some good speeds. About half of the group hit the loft at 09:24 AM. Shortly after that all hell broke loose. It started raining in buckets and continued through out the day. As of night fall we had 47 birds home. I am pretty sure the rest will be home after they dry out. Overall I thought the birds did a great job .

                                        Thanks again for all your support,


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