News and Updates

Good Morning All,

                      We had an absolutly horrible weekend for weather. We had an inch and a quarter of rain during Saturday and Sunday. Monday we woke up to heavy fog and scattered showers to the north. I thought about training today but decided against it. Head winds and snow showers to the north again. I'm thinking I can get a toss in on Wednesday. I will keep you updated.

                                     Thanks Again,



Good Morning,

                        I feel really bad to do this but, I have to keep the best interests of your birds at the top of my list. I am postponing the GCC race for one week. We will now ship the race Friday , December 9th, and fly the race on Sunday, December 11th. The predicted winds for this weekend make it virtually impossible for our birds to make it home. This move is based on 30 year years of racing this course and learning the hard way. I hope you all understand. I will train the birds for one more week and do what I need to do to prepare them for next week.

                                                  All the Best,



Good Morning,

                         I have been watching the weather for our 350 mile race this weekend and I will say that I'm not to optimistic about our chances for having a succesful race. They are calling for heavy wind advisory's all weekend long including Monday as well. Winds out of the South at up to 30 mph. We will be flying from a North station. Our birds will have no chance to get over the Grand Canyon in these conditions. I will wait until Thursday morning to make a decision. If we can not fly this weekend ,I will wait until next weekend. I will always give the birds thier best chance for success. 

                                           Until tommorow,




Good Morning All,

                        Yesterday's fall back race was just what the birds needed. They were on the wing just over 2 hours , all the birds returned very well with 36 on the first drop. I will give them a short toss on Tuesday, and a 65 mile toss on thursday. That should get them right where they need to be. Let's hope for some more good weather and we will get this race in the books. I will post the payouts tomorrow.

                                   Thanks Again for all your support,



Good Morning Everybody,

                                The birds were released at 7:20 am, from 110 miles. We had no wind, 18 degrees, and clear sky's.

                           Good Luck to All !!!



Good Morning,

                 I took the birds out 65 miles today. they came great, but we had scanning issues with the clock today. We will work to get this resolved ASAP.

                             This  Saturday the birds will be going for a short 110 mile tune-up race before our main event in 10 days. This race will still count towards average speed. I will keep you all in the loop with the clock issues.




Good Morning,

                        I had to hold the birds until 7:50 A.m. because of what the hauler called haze. They circled twice and headed home. We had clear sky's ,16 degrees, and light NE winds. Best of luck to everyone today.



Good Afternoon,

                         Tonight we will ship our 300 mile race from Bear Valley, Utah.

This will be our second time going over the Grand Canyon. I can only hope the results are as good as the first time. This is a true 300 miles for the birds. This is the the first race that will pay out. 15 percent of the entry fees will be paid out to the first 5 birds in the trap.

                 1st   $ 937.12          This is the only race to pay by trap order.

                 2nd  $ 669.38

                 3rd  $  535.50

                 4th  $  401.62

                 5th  $  133.88


Good Morning,

                     The birds came very well yesterday flying around 54 mph. 35 birds came on one drop. They hit the board all at once. Some were literally on each others backs going into the loft. Then the rest came after a break in the clocking. Some over shot and had to come back. All in all it was a great warm up for next weeks 300 mile race from Bear Valley,Utah. 

                                            Thanks again for your support,



Good Morning All,

                  Our birds were just released at 7:15 AM from the south rim of the Grand Canyon. Clear sky's , 29 degrees, and a 5 mile per hour wind from the North East. I expect a fairly quick race but one never knows. Good Luck to all.


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