News and Updates

Hey Everyone,

The weather is kicking our butts here, we have had storm after storm for the past few weeks.  Birds are out to 30 miles but it has been very hard to keep them consistent and build their endurance and get them into shape.  We may have to move things back a week depending on the next couple weeks weather.  We will just have to see how it goes.  I will train the birds every chance the weather is good.  100 mile activation toss is usually the 1st part of March but may be pushed back a Little.  I will keep everyone updated.  
Birds are being released in groups of 50-75 about ten minutes apart.  They will be released like this intil the trainer before the 50 mile station.  


Spring Break Race


We have been having some pretty bad weather the last week.  Birds have been loft flying and training short.  We will keep them going every day the weather is good.  


Hello Everyone, 

I hooe all of you Have a Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season.  We are very grateful for the time we get to spend with family this time of year.  we are also grateful for all the friends we have made over the years that we have been running this race.  

We have been training the birds from short distances getting them comfortable with the system   We will post some of the trainings as we get going as much as possible in January. We will post all the trainings once we get to 30 miles. 




Hello Everyone,

we just got a couple birds to figure out their bands and get everything right on wincompanion and we will have an inventory here towards the end of the week.  Birds are doing great.  Loft flying every day the weather is good and getting some short tosses from 1-5 miles getting used to the trailer and the system.  Other than that everything is good I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!! 


Hello Everyone,

Things are going great here at the loft. Birds are getting exercised every day.. We have been loading them on the trailer and releasing them from just up the road, getting them used to the system.  We will get all birds chipped and start running inventories shortly.  If your bird is missing you have been notified.  Check the Bird list and if something is wrong with the way your bird is listed please lmk so we can get that fixed.  Birds are healthy and looking great.  

Thank You


Hey Everyone,

Everything is going great at the loft.  We are almost at 500 birds. We will accept birds until the end of the month and replacements until Aug 10th.  Birdscare out flying almost every day. If you lose a bird we will notify you.  Hope everyone is having a great summer.  If you have any questions please lmk.
Thank you

Spring Break Race


Hello Everyone, 

We are accepting young birds right now for next years race. We have about 40 birds already and more arriving this week.  We have room for more birds so let me know if you are sending birds.  We would be glad to answer any questions that you have.  Please contact me at 435-310-0307 with any questions.  
Thank you

Daniel Carter



Well Congrats to the 4 birds on the 1st drop of the 350 Mile Race!! The breeders are Fassio Loft (SLI 1872). KT Loft (KTL 0639) Which was also the overall Average Speed bird!!. Jones Boys (SLI  1357). Team Powerstroke (PS 0831). 

We will start sending your birds out this coming Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Please let us know if you want your birds back. 

Anyone who won  $600 or more must send us an IRS W-9 Form..

Please let us know if you are signing up for the 2022 - 2023 Race and let us know how many birds you will be sending, so we can prepare for and accommodate as many flyers as possible. We will start accepting birds next week.  

We sure appreciate all of you for supporting us over the last 15 years.  We truly appreciate all of you, and the great friendships we have made over the years.  

Any questions call or text me at 435-310-0307

Thank you


Hello Everyone,

Great day for a Race!!

Birds up at 6:30 clear skies and the birds should have a 5-8 mph headwind to start then it should change to a 5mph tailwind. Lunch will be at 12:30 today. Birds should be home around 1:30 pm or so.  Best of luck to everyon!! 


Well it looks like we will have the final race this Frida. The wind has been ridiculous all week and looks to be the same for the weekend and next week. Friday is calling for 8mph winds so I think we will be good. We will have a luncheon about 12:30 for those that are able to attend.  Best of Luck to everyone!!

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