News and Updates

Hey Everyone, 

The weather is not looking great the next 2-3 days.  I would love to have the next Race on Sunday but it's looking more like monday or Tuesday.  I will keep you update, I am also still waiting on a few checks that were mailed that I haven't received. I will cash all the checks.  And I will post the payout asap.  

Thanks and Good Luck to everyone ,


Birds released at 8am, Partly cloudy sun was peaking thru the clouds.  44 degrees, no wind.  Arrival will be overcast and about 45 degrees with hardly any wind.  Best of Luck Everyone 


Hey Everyone, 

The 100 Mile activation was Sunday, Entry fees are now due $250 per bird.  You need to pay for all birds, no cherry picking. Entry fees are due asap, I have Zelle, Venmo, PayPal if that works text me at 435-310-0307 if you need help with that.  You can also mail a check. We have some bad weather here I think today is the last day of it.  I will train again tomorrow and Friday if weather allows and the 1st race will be Sunday or Monday.  Best of Luck to everyone, 

Spring Break Rsce


Hi Everyone, 

We will train tomorrow and again Thursday and looking go do the 100 mile activation training on Saturday or Sunday of this week.  I will let you know, depending on weather.  
spring Break 


Hi Everyone, 

no training today it is way to windy.  Hoping to get another 70 mile training in tomorrow or the next day.  We are looking to have the 100 Mile activation on 3/9 or 3/10. I would like to get 2-3 more 70 mile trainings in before then.  I will keep everyone updated. 


Soring Break Race. 


Birds brought back home, 30 mph winds.  


Hi Everyone 

We have some bad weather here right now with rain and wind almost every day. 
It's going to be here for another day or two and we can resume training.  Birds are ready to go 50 miles. I will have a release of all the birds at 30 miles one more time and then 50 miles after that.  
Thank You

Spring Break Race 


We had a rough 30 mile training yesterda. We are still down some birds and a lot are coming in today.  I don't know if they got hit by Hawks or what happene. We will continue to release in groups for a few more trainings then all together once before we jump to 50 mes.  Then once as a group the 1st time from 50 miles.  After that everything will be one release all together. 


Hello Everyone,

  Hope you’re enjoying the Holidays, the birds are doing good, their health is excellent, and we are now road training and letting out the birds in groups; this will continue until we reach approximately 30 miles. And before we release at 50 miles we will release all birds at 30 miles after several trainings from there. As a heads-up, we expect the Activation Race in the 1st week of March weather depending.  

Thanks Spring Break Race 


Hello Everyome,

Bird Hand inventory is posted under trainings. There is a few birds with bad chips that will be fixed and on the next inventory. Birds have been training from 1-10 miles. We will continue to ease them out as long as the weather stays good.  We will start training more in January and activation race will be 1st week of March depending on weather.  Make sure your birds bands are correct and if anything is wrong let me know.  

We wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving this week and a great Holiday season as Christmas is about a month away.  

Thank you for all your support and best of luck to all of you!! 

Thank you 

Spring Break Race

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