News and Updates

We were planning on another 60 mile toss this morning.  The temperature in the desert at 7:00 was 80 degrees and getting hotter by the minute.   Brought birds back to 42 miles where it was a little cooler.  Will try agin tomorrow.


***Live clocking  report missed 12 birds today.  It will be resolved on next toss.


Please call with any questions.




We had our first release in the desert.  Birds were released in 4 big groups..5 min apart.  The desert was warm with temperature at 75.  Once birds hit the mountains the temperature cooled down 5-6 degrees.  However, Strong crosswinds half way home.  We plan on mass releaseing later part of next week.  Temperatures expected to get hot in the desert for the next week. We will train accordingly.   We will adjust our days training to 3-4 days a week as we move further in distance.  


For those coming to San Diego for race week, now is the time to make your hotel reservations.  We emailed race information a few days ago.  


Please call with any questions.


Training on hold until Monday. High winds in the mountains until Sunday evening.  Yesterday's toss a little difficult for most.  The release was a little later. Weather was clear at release  but still cloudy at home.  


Please call with any questions.


Itinerary 2023


We had tough toss yesterday.  The day was perfect.  Cool with slight headwind.  As mentioned many times before in the past, all the birds will get their wing time at some point.  When flying through mountain terrain the birds can get themselves in  unfamiliar valleys and what should only take 20 minutes can take all day of flying to figure it out.  We will let the birds relax and continue tomorrow.  


Please call with any questions.


Today's trainer cancelled.  Heavy marine layer/fog.  The past few days we have been releasing later than we would like due to overcast.   Sun has been popping through 10-11.   However, today and tomorrow no sun.  And currently mist.  We will train accordingly.

Birds are currently liberated in groups of 200-300.  When they come home..many will continue to keep flying and play around.    With the overcast, it's been cool.  We are all enjoying it.  


We will be sending out more race info pertaining to the week of racing in San Diego, so please make sure your emails are correct.  


Please call with any questions or concerns.


We plan to start Live clocking the later part of next week.  We are still in the process of educating the birds through the variuos valleys and mountain terrain. The current inventories are just that...inventory.  Where you place on the sheet has no merrit.  Inventory currently is just for your records.  

We have some hot days coming in the next few days.  We will train accordingly.


Please call with any questions.


Hope everyone is having a great Labor Day weekend.  We just wanted to give a quick update.  No training yesterday or today due to monsoon conditions in the mountains.  We plan to be back on the road tomorrow.

To all Breeders participating, please make sure your email address is correct.  We will be sending out race information in the next few weeks.  


Have a great day.




We are back on the road.  We took the last 2 days off due to extreme heat.  We should have some ok weather this next week.  As mentioned before, we start live clocking once out 20 miles.  We are in no hurry to rush out in distance as our 60 mile spot is insanely hot..105-115 daily right now.  


Have a great Labor Day weekend!!


We appreciate the calls regarding the storm this past weekend.  We are very fortunate that we are all ok.  We locked the birds up while the storm passed.  Tuesday we were back on the road.  Training is going well.  We had another inventory planned for today but our internet is currently down due to the storm. We hope to have it up and running again tomorrow.  These last few days have been great for flying.  We wish that would continue but most likely not.  More hot days to come.  


Please call with any questions.


Training has been fair.  We have been training daily with short tosses early morning.  The heat is still present with a tropical storm expected in the next few days. We will train accordingly.  

So far this has been an unsusual season.  In early May-June we never saw the sun.  From mid June to present nothing but hot days.  Mother nature is definetly changing up the norm.


Please call with any questions.

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