News and Updates

Happy Holidays, Breeders

  Update on the progress of the Birds as of 11/22/2022.  The health has been good, I think the Birds are in better shape than last year, they are looking good.  As of today we have had 5 Training Tosses.

  We are taken out the Birds every 2 to 3 days (weather Permitting) we are letting them out in groups up until the 50 Miler Training Mark.

 We now have 1338 Birds flying as of 11/22. Please refer to Wincompaion Breeder List and click on your Loft Name, you then can see any missing or lost Birds in your breeder list. This is always good to do because sometimes the loss Bird will come back in a couple days, we always wait a week before posting loss Bird during Training.

  Wishing all you and your Family’s a Happy Thanksgiving.


Brian Crossen and GVLHR Team


Good day, Breeders

  We would like to give you an Update on the progress of the Birds as of 10/13/2022.  The health has been good, we have all the birds loft flying and tracking, like last year we are putting up with the BOP, as many birds flying attraction is eminent. Once we start road training middle next month, we will see a definite reduction in attacks. We now have 1365 Birds flying as of 10/10. Please refer to Wincompaion Breeder List and click on the Loft Name, you then can see any missing or lost birds in your breeder list.

  We have confirmed the Main 325 Mile Race date is February 17, 2023, day before the I Pigeon Gala in Las Vegas, hope to see everyone there and at the loft.


Brian Crossen and GVLHR Team



Good Day, Breeders

  We would like to give you an Update on the progress of the Birds as of 9/07/2022.  The health has been good, we have some birds in sick bay recovering from hurt legs and some wing muscle pulls and some Eye Colds, but overall health been good.

  We have posted our Hand Scan Inventory it will be in 2 Parts; one will be for 1334 posted now and second will be approx. 40 remaining that will be posted on the second Inventory as were dealing with Late arrivals and some corrections that need to be done. It should be within day or so.

  A quick note we been dealing with Monsoons which are playing havoc to our normal routine, we had a Tornado hit us here at the loft Last Sunday, turning one Loft Section over on its back with Brian Inside while feeding the Birds, it is safe to say he’s alright with some bumps and bruises we had 5 Bird Fatalities. It could have been worse. Well get the photos to our Gallery.

Good Luck to All, be safe and avoid Tornados while feeding your Birds.

Brian Crossen and GVLHR Team



Good Moring Breeders

  We would like to give you an Update on the progress of the Birds as of today.  The health has been good, we have approx. 1350 birds now loft flying and 70 Waiting in the Wings “Play on Words” Humor!     these are late arrivals and recovering Birds.  We have been dealing with some BOP encounters, as they seem to be training their young how to hunt. We’ve had some losses and will be having a full bird hand count by the Weekend of Sept. 12th. As of Now we are not accepting any birds… Please do not send any more birds we are officially Closed. Now, on to Training.

   As we have said in the past update, we are learning a new Benzing OLR software, you will still be able to view the Training and Races on the Wincompaion Website and also view them on the Benzing One Loft Race Website   https://www.oneloftrace.live

  Be safe out there and look for updates as we start the New Season Golden Valley Late Hatch Race 2022-2023

Good luck to All Breeders

Brian Crossen and GVLHR Team


Good Moring Breeders

  We would like to give you an Update on the progress of the Birds as of today.  The health is good, and the birds are out flying and settling nicely. We have a few setbacks as the weather has been Wet, Humid, WINDY to say the least, it’s the time of the year we are dealing with the Monsoons coming up from Mexico.

   We are accepting replacement birds as they are still coming through the Mail, *Please Note: if you’re sending birds that have Not prepaid and registered as stated in our July 28 th Update, we are Full and cannot accept New Entries. Also, we have installed a new Benzing Clocking System we ask for your patience as we are still learning the ends and outs of this new software.

  We are going to be at Jedds on Tues the 16th at 12:00 Noon    to pick up food and supplies and any replacement birds you may have. This will be the last and final pickup any other arrangements please call for instructions.

P.S. If you are planning to Mail Birds on Monday 15th please send them on Tuesday 16th as I will pe processing the birds and will not be Picking them Up at Post Office that day.

Have a good Day and Stay Safe

Brian Crossen and GVLH Team


Announcing, we are Full

   Hope everyone is adjusting for the Heat It has been Extreme these few weeks and not letting up for the next couple months. We advertised that we would be accepting birds up to August 31. sorry to say we got filled up Quick, we were not anticipating the deluge of birds in such a short period of time.

As it stands now, we are Full and cannot take in any more Birds. We will be honoring those Paid Reservations and will still honor any replacement Birds up to September 15, as advertise, but NOW we are Full.

 We will have a full Hand Inventory soon and any birds that are Missing we’ll be contacting you. Please if you were planning to send birds next week and have no Paid reservations do not send them, please.

We realize the big imposition, but the Heath of the Birds is our Main Concern we have to adhere to the original count for the space we’ve allocated.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

   Brian Crossen and GVLHR Team


Good afternoon, Breeders

   Hope everyone is doing fine, updating you on progress intake for GVLHR 2022-2023 Season. We have taken in approx. 900 birds so far and we have approx. 300 birds loft flying now. The Birds are doing well, and the health is good.

   I will be at Jedds on July 11th 12:00 noon sorry couldn’t make it earlier due to the Holiday on the 4th. We now have 1465 registered birds so far; we are trying to hold that Number if possible, so please get your birds to us safely.

   Wishing all of you and your Families a Safe 4th July.

   Brian Crossen and GVLHR Team


Welcome Breeders

 To the 2022-2023 Golden Valleys Late Hatch Race. First off, we would like to thank all our participants that competed in our Last Late Hatch Race, we started with 1100 Birds and trained over 2100 Miles and completed over 280,525 Seconds of Wing Time (Inc. Training & Racing). We feel our methods of training are best in OLR Racing, not to say we didn’t experience Losses We Did!   along with many other venues that experience more losses, we were fortunate to have had over 808 Birds make it to the Main Race and 616 made it to the 400 Mile Strong Bird Race. We paid out 278,000 in Prizes and over 28,000 to date for the City of Hope.

  The GVLHR team is building another extension to the four Lofts, now reaching total area of 13’x164’ including the Back Section Fly area should be ample room for over 1400 birds, maintaining Heath is our #1 Concern.

  We upgraded our website navigation making it easier to download Forms and making Payments keeping track of Perch Fees, Entry’s offering Pay Pal and Credit Card Processing and forms for mailing and sending in checks and money orders.

  We will still maintain the East West Racecourse from Gallop New Mexico to Golden Valley, Arizona is very challenging for the birds, bringing out their best performance. 

  We will be accepting birds starting June 1st 2022 and will be vaccinating for PMV and Pox and Medicating for many strains of virus that can come in to contact with merging Birds from all over the Country it is a problem that many OLR’S are Facing Today, we face it head on and try to Nep-it in the Bud.

  Brian will be at JEDDS to Pick up birds on June 5th Sunday and June 20th Monday Starting 12:00 PM.

  Please go on the Website and Pre-Register your birds, we look forward to a successful Season 2022-2023, Hoping all is well with you and your Families and your Birds.

 Look for our Ad in the June Pigeon Digest

 Be Safe

Brian Crossen & GVLHR Team

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