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We will hold the activation race from 100 Miles tomorrow morning. The birds are ready to go and we are excited to get the series started. Please remember activation is all or nothing according to the race rules. We will go live on facebook tonight to show the birds as they are basketed. 


Hello Breeders,

Due to poor weather conditions (overcast) I am not doing the Jackpot toss this morning. I will bring the birds back and release them at about 3 miles from the loft. Trying to do what’s best for you birds. Thanks for your understanding!
Kendal and Braeden

The birds are looking great and coming in nicely on the training tosses. Our next toss will be from Jackpot, NV and we will get quite a few tosses in from there before we go beyond. Once we pass Jackpot they really start to get into some big mountain ranges and we want to make sure they're well equipped for the challenge. We will look to hold the activation race the weekend of September 2nd. The next 2 days will be very hot. Birds are loft flying this morning. Power is temporarily shut down at the loft due to construction on the house (remodel/addition). Should be back up very soon so we can resume posting trainings live. 

Kendal and Braeden


Birds are all back from the 20 mile toss. Beat us home. When we got back we realized the clock was not turned on so we kicked the birds back out to loft fly and they’ll be clocking in soon so you can see an inventory. 


Good Morning,

Birds were tossed from 6 miles this morning. There is a Wi-Fi issue at the loft. It will be resolved in time for training tomorrow. We will take the birds to the 10 mile spot tomorrow. 
Kendal and Braeden
Hello Breeders,

We have 115 of 139 back or 82%. The last toss was very frustrating. However, the show must go on...The birds will loft fly again today and we will resume road training tomorrow. We felt it was best to give the birds a few days rest after that last toss as it was hard on them. Birds are currently being treated for respiratory as a precautionary measure. We do not see any visible signs of respiratory issues in the birds. As an FYI we also routinely treat for canker (rotating meds) and for cocci. The birds health looks good.

Tomorrow the birds will go back to the 5 miles toss. They learned a great deal from the last toss there and the ones that made it home should have their navigational skills more sharpened. We plan to road train every day the weather is good.


Kendal and Braeden
TOSS 4 UPDATE Hello Breeders,

As you can tell today was a difficult toss…we are feeling disappointed with the outcome. the birds had done so well during the first three tosses we felt they were ready to go to the 5 mile spot…last year the 5 mile toss was our first toss but this year we decided to do some 1 mile tosses in advance of the 5 mile spot. It is difficult to say what the issue is today… weather was good, clear skies, with great returns on prior tosses, birds had been routing fine. We noticed the birds are coming in small groups…very scattered. Perhaps a hawk attack? Who knows for sure. Hopefully they’ll continue to trickle in and they are all still in the valley. We will re-evaluate this weeks training plan as birds continue to arrive. 

Kendal and Braeden

Quick update on training. We have 3 tosses at 1 Mile complete. We wanted to take the birds 5 miles this morning but we woke up to smoky conditions with visibility at only about 5 miles or so. As a result, we pulled the birds back to the 1 Mile spot. Hopefully this smoke will pass through the valley quickly and we can push them out farther. Overall, the birds are doing great. It has been extremely hot lately so we treated for canker to make sure we don't have a canker outbreak due to the excessive heat. We will continue to train the birds down the road every day that the weather and smoke conditions permit us to do so. 

Kendal and Braeden
UPDATE 7/15/2023
Hello Breeders,

The birds are doing well. They are loft flying daily in the mornings. We will look to hold the first race some time during the last week of August or the first week of September depending on how the birds are doing. Road training will start next weekend. Last year we put on over 2,000 miles on the birds. We plan to do the same this year.

This next week looks to be very hot with projected record highs for heat. The loft is well ventilated and the birds will be let out in the morning when it is cool so they should be okay though this time period.

Hope you are all doing well! Lot's of races are just right around the corner and we wish you all the best of luck with all of you club and OLR races!

Kendal and Braeden

Hello Breeders,

We did hand inventory yesterday. Two birds had chips that weren't working and they have now been fixed:

NASH 949
JEDDS 1708

There are 146 birds in the loft. The birds will continue to be loft flown everyday. End flights have been pulled on most of the birds so they'll be ready with a full wing for the series. The birds health is looking good. They are getting probiotics (Primalac) every day plus plenty of fresh grit and minerals. They are loft flying well and there are a few that like to stay out and bask in the sun. We will continue loft flying until the birds are ready to go down the road. Thanks!

Kendal and Braeden

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