News and Updates

There are several fires going on in the mountains surrounding the Valley and we have very heavy smoke as a result. We have cancelled todays training toss as a result. We will get the birds back out for road training as soon as we can but don't want to risk anything at the birds expense just to stick to a schedule. 


We will begin road training later next week. The birds are healthy and we've been running them through some preparatory treatments prior to the start of road training so they are ready to roll. As always we strive to get roughly 30 tosses in before the activation race. The plan is to hold the activation race from Wells, NV on Sept. 7th. This should not be a problem as long as the western fires don't fill the sky with excessive smoke. The temperature today is 105 degrees and it is expected to be at or above 100 degrees for the next several days. These kind of temps. are not good for fire season. We will keep our fingers crossed. 

We will continue to loft fly up until later next week when we start getting the birds down the road. The plan is to get the birds out to 350 Miles for the final race which will be held the 2nd or 3rd week in October. We are looking forward to getting the birds going down the road. Stay tuned. 

UPDATE 6.20.24 Hello,

The weather is heating up here each week as we approach July. I did a hand inventory yesterday and pulled the 10th flights. Overall, the 9th flights are growing in well and the birds will be ready for the race series ahead.  We will start road training mid-late July. One thing we have always done from the start of this race is film every training toss and post it to Facebook. We will continue on with that so you'll be able to see each toss and location. If you don't follow our Facebook page I'd recommend you follow it so you can see the videos. We will get in 25 to 30 road training tosses before the activation race. 

It is my hope that we don't have any major fire issues this year that cause delays due to severe smoke. Please remember if we do get bad smoke we will not put the birds up in severe smoke and will do our best to approach the situation carefully. 

CLOCK ISSUE Hello Breeders,

It appears we are having some technical difficulties today getting all the birds uploaded for today's loft fly. I will try to get this resolved this evening. 

Hello Breeders,

We finished a hand scan inventory today and have updated the missing bird list. Overall we are happy to report that losses off the loft have been minimal. Out of over 200 birds there were about 15 missing from settling. That is about 13%. Most OLR will lose 10 to 15% off the loft during settling so we are sitting in a good spot.

Any breeders that are missing birds can send in a replacement at no cost. Also, if you have sent birds to our race this year you are welcome to send 1-2 backups at no cost.

The birds felt healthy and we pulled the 9th flights today. They are coming through the moult nicely. Overall, we are happy with where things are at. Please reach out if you have any questions.


We've had a few breeders reach out this past week wondering if they can still send birds. We will extend the intake date to June 7th to accommodate anyone that would still like to send. Additionally, anyone that has lost a bird can send a replacement at no cost. If you have any questions let me know.

The first two groups are loft flying quite nicely. Group 3 will begin here in the next couple days.

We appreciate each of you that has sent birds and we are looking forward to a great series. 

INVENTORY Hello Breeders,

I will be doing an inventory on all birds tonight by hand scanning each bird in the loft. This will hopefully allow any that are missing birds through the settling process time to send replacements. There have been very few losses overall and the first group is doing quite well outside when loft flying. We have been trap training birds received in the past 4 weeks and they will begin loft flying very soon. 

The birds are receiving plenty of minerals. We use oregano oil in the water each day which is one of nature's best kept secrets for preventing illness. The birds are also routinely treated for canker to prevent any canker outbreaks in the loft.

We've been notified there are still several lofts yet to send birds and so the numbers should continue to increase. 

LOFT FLY UPDATE Hello Breeders,

Birds are out loft flying today. I am not forcing them up. As usual they like to hang out and bask in the sun the first few times out of the loft. I am going to let them enjoy the day at their leisure and throw feed down and whistle this evening. They seem to be enjoying being out and about. We are glad to finally have some good weather. 

SNOW AND WIND Breeders, 

I had planned to do loft fly uploads to wincompanion this weekend. We are having bad weather unfortunately. Snow with 25 to 35 mph winds. I’m not going to turn your birds out into that kind of weather. We will do what’s best for the birds and start up as soon as the weather gets better. Looking like next week at the point. Thanks!

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