News and Updates

Good morning Breeders!


Not much to report over here. The birds have been out almost daily but we have a lot of rain forecasted so everyday will be a judgement call for the foreseeable future. We are still battling pox so we're watching that closely and letting it run its course. 


Flights were pulled last wednesday. Today was the first day birds really started to get up flying a bit again. Still about 5 weeks until flights are grown back and we'll get them down the road very shortly after that. 


As always, thank you for supporting the Louisiana Perch and I'll continue to do everything I can for your birds!


-Kyle Martin


Good morning Breeders!


I apologize for not doing many Wincompanion updates. I'm very active on Facebook and I forget to jump on here to update those of you that do not have Facebook. 


The birds are all together now and are flying daily weather permitting. We are pulling 9th and 10th tomorrow and will lock them down for a couple days to a week but we will keep that out for the remainder of their flight regrowth. We had some bad weather yesterday from the hurricane but the loft was buttoned up tight and all is well. Birds are out flying great as we speak!


We've completed our chute / load room and will be using that to pull flights tomorrow. Very happy with how it turned out and it will make things run very smoothly here at the Louisiana Perch.


Loving what I'm blessed to do everyday! Thank you all for sending me your pigeons! 


-Kyle Martin

All birds except those shipped last week were hand scanned today. This is the last week to send birds. Please ship them asap.
Birds feel awesome and the Breeders should feel proud! Very nice group. If your bird is no longer here, believe me when I say I take it personally and hate losing any bird. Please get another bird here with another chance to compete. Thank you all for entrusting me to care for your birds!
Excited to close up shop and get this season going! Who’s going to be the champ?!
-Kyle Martin

Good afternoon!


June 14th is the last day to accept birds for BOTH regular intake and replacement birds. There will be no birds accepted after that date. You have Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to get them in the mail!!


The clock is running so please check to see if you're missing a bird. If so, get them in the mail tomorrow!


The birds are out flying every day that the weather permits. It's starting to get hot here in Louisiana so we get them out early. We've changed up our feeding system to start feeding around 10-11am to ensure the birds get the option for a couple hours on the wing and then back safe in the loft / aviary. This will help once we start road training as well. We want the birds to fly home and get the allotted wing time for that day and then trap. 


Are chute system is almost complete. If you watch our facebook videos, you've seen it. Excited to start introducing the birds to the chute / trailer and getting them comfortable. 


If you have any questions at all, shoot me a text or give me a call. 716-525-5653


-Kyle Martin


Good morning Breeders!


Today is the last day of the week to ship birds and then you have Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of next week to get birds in the mail. THATS IT! Don't delay. June 14th is the last day of accepting all pigeons, both regular intake and replacements. Please check the clock to see if you need to send a replacement.


The health is great in the loft. We had a very rainy day here so we just have all the birds in the main aviary space. We took advantage of the wet weather and pressure washed all of our grated floors to ensure the droppings don't build up too much on the expanded metal floors. Looking clean!


We've made a lot of progress on the chute system. The weather has delayed us quite a bit and we're not in a crazy hurry to get it completed but I would like to utilize it to pull flights. We will be pulling flights in roughly a month but I'd like all the birds out flying well and even routing before we lock them down. Once we get them back out, I'd like to start road training very fast. As you can imagine, Louisiana gets very hot so we'll have to consider everything and do what's best for the birds. 


Thank you everyone for the support and please get your birds in the mail today or early next week!


-Kyle Martin




Good afternoon Breeders!


June 14th will be the last day of accepting birds for BOTH regular intake and replacements. Please understand that if your bird is lost after June 14th our doors will be closed. 


Please send your birds! We're hoping to get over 800 birds in house to ensure a competitve race as well as increase our payouts. Thank you to everyone that has shipped birds! The clock is running so please send us a replacement before June 14th if you're missing a bird.

Thank you! 


-Kyle Martin




Hello Breeders!!


Happy Memorial Day! I hope you're having a great holiday weekend spending time with your familites! Let's take a moment to remember the brave men and women in uniform that made the sacrifice for us to be able to enjoy our freedom!


This is the last week of accepting birds! Today is a holiday so don't ship but Tuesday and Wednesday are your best days to get birds in the mail! The support has been incredible and the birds are doing well!


Lastly, don't forget that we have 3 different promos. If you send a team of 6 you get a free Louisiana Perch hat. For every bird you send you get a raffle ticket toward 4 money prizes. $1,000, 500, 250, 250. If you send 1 bird you get 1 ticket. If you send 20 you get 20 tickets ect. You can win more than once! We're also doing a raffle for an M3 clock with an antenna pad along with 5 free activations. This is $25 a ticket or 5 tickets for $100.


Excited to get all your birds on the same training program and put them to a true test! Let's go!


-Kyle Martin


Good morning Breeders!


We are still taking birds for 2 more weeks! We have capacity for thousands of birds but are extremely grateful for the support that we've received so far. The birds are doing incredible and they're up flying very well today. I will continue to do Facebook live videos to give constant updates on your athletes. 


I'm excited to close off the acceptance period in a couple weeks and put all my focus on this years participants and get all these birds on the same training program. I'm loving the process and learning so much. If you guys have any questions, please reach out!


-Kyle Martin



Hello Breeders!


We are still accepting birds until May 31st! We will do a hand inventory of all birds in the loft this week checking for any injuries or issues with the birds. If we identify anything at all, we will let you know to ensure you have ample time to send replacements prior to June 14th. 


We have started construction on our chute system and that will be completed within the next week or 2. We are in ownership of 2 pigeon hauling trailers both for training and races. If you're not following us on Facebook, please do so as we post a lot of information there for our Breeders.


Health is great so far and birds are already up flying and routing nicely. Loving every second of it! 




-Kyle Martin


Good Evening Breeders!


A lot of people have reached out asking if they can still send birds. The acceptance period has been extended to May 31st! Replacements until June 14. If you have them ready, please send them over so we can get them through quarantine and settled. I vaccinate for PMV/ROTA twice 2 weeks apart. If you also vaccinate and don't want them getting a 3rd shot, please let me know. The health in the loft overall is very good. We've only pulled 2 birds total from the main loft with sickness and we're praying things stay under control. We feel we're taking the proper precautions to continue to mitigate sickness but time will tell. 


The birds are out loft flying well. I try to do daily videos on Facebook so please follow if you're not already. Facebook page is "Louisiana Perch One Loft Race". Videos can feel repetitive but if you have birds in the race, I'm sure you enjoy watching! We have almost 600 birds in the loft with over 1100 signed up. We'd love to start seeing more birds come in over the next few weeks to get closer to that number! Thank you to all that have sent!


We got a new order of hats in so I'll be mailing those out this week. Remember, if you send a team of 6, you get a free Louisiana Perch hat! Also, for every paid entry you get a ticket for a chance to win 4 money prizes. $1000, $500, $250, $250. We also have a raffle for an M3 clock with an antenna pad along with 5 free Activations. Tickets are $25 each of 5 for $100. We're not taking any percentage of the activation money to help pay for expenses so we'd really appreciate your participation in this raffle!


I feel very blessed that I get to wake up every day and train pigeons. I do not take it for granted and without your support, this isn't possible so again, Thank you all!


-Kyle Martin

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