News and Updates

In the spirit of Christmas and the Holiday season, we want to gift TEN free perches! The only requirement is you MUST be registered on Wincompanion with perches reserved. We will do a Facebook Live on New Years Day and there will be 5 winners receiving 2 free perches each. Good luck and God bless!

-Kyle Martin


If you're following me on Facebook you've probably seen the loft progress. If you're not, follow us at Louisiana Perch One Loft Race. I have added loft photos to the "Loft" tab on my website. Not far from completion and we will be ready to house your pigeons starting February 26th! Please reserve your perches! I pray you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

-Kyle Martin 


Hello everyone! 

If you've been following the Louisiana Perch at all, we sought out to run a race series in all directions. We have since changed our format and will now race a Northeast course. I believe the large majority will be happy with this change! We also dropped the Activation from $400 to $350 And the Louisiana Perch will not be retaining any of the Activation money. Every dollar will go toward your prize pool! I will have the website and the flyer updated as soon as I can but I wanted to get this information out to the Breeders. I hope you can support us in 2024 and we're excited to test your Pigeons!

-Kyle Martin




Hello everyone! 

If you've been following the Louisiana Perch at all, We sought out to run a race series in all directions. We have since changed our format and will now race a Northeast course. I believe the large majority will be happy with this change! We also dropped the Activation from $400 to $350 and the Louisiana Perch will not be retaining any of the Activation money. Every dollar will go toward your prize pool! I will have the website and flyer pdated as soon as I can but I wanted to get this information out to the Breeders. I hope you can support us in 2024 and we're excited to test your pigeons! 
-Kyle Martin
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