News and Updates

Good Morning!

Tomorrow is looking like the best day to have the 200 mile race.  I have been obsessing over weather maps the last few days and looking for a clear window through the mountains.  Tomorrow looks like that day.  Clear skies at release and the majority of the way home and then to partly cloudy once they get close to home.  Temperature at release will be around 40 degrees and high of 65 tomorrow at the loft.  Winds are variable along the course with gusts up to 15mph but mostly 5-7mph sustained out of the west along the majority of the course.  Looks like several pockets of calm air along the course.  Thank you
Thank you to everyone for getting their entry fees paid...there are still a few in the USPS system.
I would have liked to get a couple more road trainers in this last week, but weather hasn't been in our favor.  Luckily, the birds have been giving some great wing time on loft flights....not the same as road training but they have been cruising off in all directions and come racing back.  I will take what I can get at this point in the season...autumn has arrived.  The rain and cooler weather has helped to clear smoke off the course...fingers crossed it stays that way for the rest of the season.
Good Luck to everyone!

Good Afternoon!

Smoke is back today, which I find very irritating!  It has gotten worse as the day has progressed.  Birds did enjoy a nice loft fly with just haze this morning.  
Entry fees are coming in steady.  Thank you to everyone that has gotten them in quickly.  Please check to see if I have received your payment by looking at the paid column on today's check mark equals no payment.   Please do not wait until the last minute to pay.  Mail is not available on Saturday, so I am sure there will be some payments in Monday's mail. Please let me know if payment is in the mail, if you haven't already.
First race looks like it could be as early as Tuesday but Wednesday or Thursday are more likely.  Wet and cloudy Sunday and Monday.  I will also have to keep an eye on smoke and see what that is going to look like on the course.  I will continue to train as weather and smoke allow.
Take Care

Good Afternoon!

Entry fees are now due.  Payments can be made via money orders, checks, zelle, apple pay, or venmo using my phone number 503-510-2661.  Anyone that has paid for birds that are missing or unable to go to the first race will be refunded after the 200 mile race.  
If you are unable or choosing not to enter your team, please let me know so I can make them available for others to enter.  
I tried to get the birds out on a 55 mile toss this morning, but ended up bringing them back...too much smoke on the course for my liking.  I'm not sure when the first race will be exactly, there is some weather moving in and I want to get a few tosses on these birds before the 200 mile race.  
Birds are looking good and happy to get out and fly.  I wanted to let them stay out longer today, but had a prairie falcon come in and start harassing them.  
Keep you all posted as I know more.
Take Care

Good Afternoon!

Well, yesterday's 150 activation did not go as well as I had hoped.  The birds did so well on the previous two 100 mile tosses that yesterday's toss was a definite surprise.  The majority of birds continue to trickle in from the north today, which tells me there was a group that missed the loft and over shot.  The birds did pick up a tailwind on yesterday's toss and at about 2,000 feet there was a significant tailwind.  
The 150 mile activation can be tough on our course and this is one of the reasons I like to make the activation race a 150 rather than 100 miles.  The birds are returning in pretty good shape, just tired.  I haven't seen any injuries yet.  Yesterday got to about 90 in the afternoon, so I think a lot of the late birds went down, found water and stayed down.  
Hopefully, I will continue to see them trickle in through today and tomorrow.
I will be out of cell phone reception this afternoon and into tomorrow morning.  If you need anything just send me a text or leave me a message and I will get back with you tomorrow morning. I'm going to the mountains to help pace a friend on the last 30 miles of his 20th 100 mile race! 
Entry fees can be paid through Zelle, Venmo, and Apple Pay using my phone 503-510-2661 or money orders and checks are just fine.  If you have prize funds from the sprint race those can be applied to entry fees...just let me know.
I will be looking closely at next week's weather to see when the first race will be held.  
Take Care
Good Morning!
Tomorrow looks like a good day to have the 150 mile activation/sprint race.  Forecast is looking for clear skies all the way with a possible slight tail wind out of the southeast as they get a bit closer to home.  Temperatures at release are going to be around 60 and 75-80 at the loft when they get home.  Birds will be loaded this evening and I will head down and spend the night at the release point.  Most likely birds will be released around 7:30.
Birds are looking great and flying well.  Activation fees will be due after tomorrow's 150 mile trainer/race.  Those that have funds available from the sprint series are welcome to roll those funds over to pay entry fees.
As most of you know that watch the trainers daily, there can be a delay with the Topigeon server posting results when I have large groups clock closely together.  I have been working with Topigeon and Wincompanion to try and fix this for some time now.  The birds clock just fine and the results are in the clock, it just takes a bit for the Topigeon server to process the data.  I want to apologize for the delay, it is very frustrating since it is out of my control and this server change was made at the beginning of July.  Some days it works just fine and others it is a real pain in the ass.  
There will be some changes made for the 2024 season.  
Good Luck tomorrow!
As always feel free to reach out with any questions.
Good Afternoon!
Birds had a good 103 mile toss from Silver Lake this morning.  I'm very happy with how they performed today.   Looking ahead at weather,  I will loft fly tomorrow and then try for another 103 mile toss on Tuesday.
I have worked up a preliminary sprint payout based on 173 birds...payout may change since I do not have all payments in hand. It is too late to activate any other birds in the sprint series.  
Link can be found under the "race info" tab or you can click on this link. 

Lucas Cramer
Crooked River Challenge is a proud user of Primalac, Topigeon clocking system, and Ropa B
Good Afternoon!
Tomorrow looks like a good day to do a 100 mile trainer/first sprint race.  Today is the last day to enter birds into the optional sprint series.
Please check today's loft fly and double check to make sure I have marked your birds correctly with a red or green dot in the sprint column.  Green vs red has to do with are checks on the way and green is electronic funds received.  If your bird doesn't have a red or green dot and should....please let me know.
Birds are currently enjoying an afternoon bath.  They flew big the last two mornings on their loft flights, so they are feeling good.  
Good Luck to everyone!
Lucas Cramer
Crooked River Challenge is a proud user of Primalac, Topigeon clocking system, and Ropa B
Good Afternoon!
Birds had a good toss from 86 miles this morning.  The majority of birds did very well, which I am pleased with.  Late birds seem to arriving from all directions. The late birds are trapping into a separate section, so I can evaluate them for any injuries or any other issue.  
Now is the time to activate your sprint birds if you choose to do so.  You are welcome to pick and choose these birds from your team, you do not need to activate all of them.  Here is a link to the rules...give me a call if you have any questions.
Payments can be made through Zelle, Venmo, or Apple Pay using Phone # 503-510-2661.  If paying by check or money order please text me check information with photo.  Payments need to be in or arranged by Saturday. I may do the first 100 mile trainer on Sunday.
I plan on loft flying Friday and Saturday weather permitting...I may do the 100 miler on Sunday.  They rest of the week is also looking good, so will try and get the second 100 in mid week.
Appetites are great in this cooler weather.  Nighttime temperatures are in the high 40s and daytime highs have been high 70s.  Beautiful fall weather.
Good luck to everyone in the upcoming races!
Crooked River Challenge is a proud user of Primalac, Topigeon clocking system, and Ropa B

Good Afternoon!

Beautiful cool morning here at the loft.  Unfortunately, south of us the smoke continues to be an issue.  Rain is in the forecast for Thursday and Friday, so I am hopeful that will help to clear out some smoke and fires.  Fingers crossed.
Birds continue to do well on their loft flights. The temperatures have dropped and it is starting to feel like fall.  Birds are enjoying the cooler temperatures and cleaner air.  I will resume road training whenever the smoke and weather allows.  I need some consistent training from the 50 plus mile stations before we head out to the next 86 mile station.  
Early each morning I check the smoke map app Breezeometer and that gives me a good idea of what to expect along the course.  Currently, just playing the waiting game.   
Take Care 
Good Morning!
Birds are staying in the loft again today, due to the very poor air quality here at the loft.  The smoke is terrible.  The birds definitely want to go out and fly but air qualityneeds to improve before that happens.  I'm not sure when that will be but winds shift and could clear us out pretty quick.  
I have played the smoke waiting game many times before and have found it is best to be conservative and not push these birds through the smoke.  The smoke will clear and we will get a chance to train and race.  Three of the last seven years the final has been around Halloween due to smoke issues...If I have to go later in the season we will.  The birds fly just fine with snow on the ground :)  Hopefully, we don't have to wait that long.
Overall, the birds are doing well.  They are happy the 100 plus degree days have passed and the cooler nights have increased their appetites.  They will get to enjoy a nice bath today and some kale from the garden.
Always feel free to give me a shout with any questions or concerns.
Have a great week.

Lucas Cramer
Crooked River Challenge is a proud user of Primalac, Topigeon clocking system, and Ropa B
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