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Good Morning Breeders

Weather here is unbelievable going on 4 weeks of over 103 and looks like 5 more days before we see the 1st 90 degree day!! We received 49 birds this last week in 109-111 weather and birds looked very good and there was no over crowding thank you Breeders. We have 251 birds in the loft and  health has been super this year even in all this heat. Waters two times a day and my fans are running 14 hours right now to move the air in the lofts. Please when shipping birds do not over crowd the boxes in this heat hurts you and the birds. I will say this with no names last year I had 3 breeders send me 6 birds in a two bird box. When it was over 103 every day nothing died but when activation came around all 18 birds were gone!! So they might look good but for sure it hurts them 100%. We have 418 signed up hoping for over 500 birds this year and have extended the end date to Aug 30thdue to all this hot weather. I hope you all have a great Sunday with the Family.
Thanks Mark 

Good Morning Breeders

The heat here has been very crazy the last two weeks HOT HOT they are calling for 106-111 the next 10-12 days. Plus now we have lots of smoke blowing in from close fires and the heat is hard on the birds. We have 213 in the loft and 190 out that have been flying and trapped trained,they have been locked down the last 3 days because of the  smoke. Health has been very good though all this heat and drinking lots of water but appetite is still good. I am hoping this heat will break soon. Many breeders want to ship but holding off due to the  heat it will break soon. That's one reason I am leaving the loft open till aug 30th. Other than that things are heading in the right direction!! I hope you all have a great day! Thanks Mark

Good Morning Breeders

Hope everyone had a happy and safe 4th!! 1st time in 57 years I didn't spend one dime. Everyone was gone and me and the wife just relaxed and stayed cool. Birds are doing super have 150 out flying and trapping great no one staying out over night.Health so far has been very good even in these over 100 degrees days. This  week was good on intakes received 46 birds and all doing super. We have 198 birds received as of Wednesday and still waiting on Terry wincompion to clear out this year's race then I will enter all 2024 birds into the system. I have decided to stay open till August 30thfor all you breeders running a little behind. Also if you have signed up and not receiving emails please contact me? I went through  and checked everyone should be on this email. Until next week stay cool going to be another long week of over 104 this week.
Thanks mark PNWC
Good Morning Breeders
 Not much to talk about birds are coming in steady health has been super!! I have one group of 120 flying nice and another group trap training. This week if your going to ship I would ship Monday the weather is ok high 80”S With Thursday being 4th of July is the only down fall. 
Remember when shipping the next few months please don’t over crowd your boxes it hurts you and the Birds. Other than that things are moving along like we like them!! I hope you all have a great July 4th week and stay safe and cool!!
Thanks Mark PNWC

Good Morning Breeders 

I am almost done entering new emails for the new breeders that signed up, I have asked Terry to clear out 2023 birds so I can enter all new 2024 birds and start doing inventory's. We have 175 birds in the loft 111 flying good and 45 trap training and 20 in quarantine . Health has been super so far the weather has been hanging around 97-100 and this week the same so we will see how things go. Again the next few months when shipping please don't over crowd the boxes it just hurts the birds and that isn't good for you or the birds. So I hope Terry gets it done so I can get all your birds entered and scanned in so we can see what is here in the loft. I know I am missing 2-3 birds just by the count I do daily. I hope you all have a great Sunday with the Family!!
Thanks Mark PNWC

Good Morning Breeders

Many of you have reached out on returning birds!! Thank you  I will do a inventory off last race and what's home and will start shipping Monday  and Tuesday, We have had about 4-5 birds come home after being loft for a long time in super condition so they had to be in someone's loft  I would say. I know the final is the big race but this year off percent home on each race we were at 91% returns on all 5 races and the final wasn't that great. We were at 52% my worst final in a few years on % Return. Always trying to get better each year and I work hard for you the breeders so I hope you all have a great weekend. Please look at the inventory today!!
Thanks Mark


Good morning Breeders 
Sunday still looks like best Day Saturday lots of wind and Monday lots of wind!! Looking at weather close to same conditions as the 300 they will see 3-4 different wind patterns on there way home. Temps will be in the high 70’s and at loft 2-3pm will be 80’s so not real bad. If anyone is interested in the Gold And Silver options please let me know you will have till the trailer door open we have 4 people right now hoping for more!! We will loft fly today winds are 15 plus today and last Trailer toss will be tomorrow? I will send another email out on Friday or Saturday for another weather update. If you are coming to final please let me know by Friday Night.
Have a great Day

Good Morning Breeders

Congrats to the 8 birds on the drop and congrats to JSR-0027 1st in the hole. There were 9 birds on the drop but one BB wouldn't go in before the 2nd drop came. Don't let 1400 ypm fool you that 1st group worked hard and encountered 3 different winds the whole day.We are happy with 91% home on a good working 300 mile race. Looking at the final Sunday looks like the same kind of day as the 300? We all know how the weather can change here real fast. If anyone is interested in the Gold Silver option please let me know its 100% payout and its clocking order on the 350 Race.If any question please reach out to me on the Options!! The birds look super, the hens took off this morning and no sign of them as I write this email. They balanced back nice after a day of rest. What amazes me we caught then 1 hour down the road and there were 3 groups all about 5 minutes apart heading all on the same line.1st 3 groups all came on line and many came out of the west so that SE wind must have pushed them more than I thought. We are up 70 new birds  in the loft and many more coming the next 2 months so get them coming. As always I will ship all money winners out June 4th and the rest the next week when shipping comes in $60.00 for one bird $10.00 each bird unless you have more than 3 its double.I like to ship right away  so people see how the birds handled after 6 weeks of racing and what condition there in right after the final. I hope you all have a Great Memorial weekend with Family and Friends.
Thanks Mark

Good Morning Breeders

Congrats to the 8 birds on the drop and congrats to Joe Zarachowicz 1st to clock!! Speed were good 1538 ypm  but a difficult race I believe do to a warmer day? When the birds entered the valley it was 78 degrees not to hot but when all your races and training are 60-70 Degrees it doesn't help them By 3pm we were 88 Degrees . We got  84% home from the 250 not like the other 3 races we were in the 90's but the 250,300,350 are much more challenging. They really have to think to take the right openings if not they end up  in twin or utah. But happy with the birds they kept coming and we have 188 home. The mishap on showing birds on 1st drop was on me I checked the drop  and it isn't uploading to wincompion so I hit upload again right when the 2nd drop of 16 hit landing board so I think that messed it up, I looked at topigeon site before I did that and seen the 8 were in and uploaded. We will loft fly the next few days then train 2 times before the 300 mile race is looking like Friday Release. Birds are looking and acting great They will be ready for the 300. If Weather holds we will have the Final 350 on Sunday June 2nd love to see you come and enjoy the final!!
Thanks Mark
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