News and Updates

Hello breeders,
Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday. Just wanted to give a brief update on how things are going over here. We took the birds 60 miles but unfortunately had to turn around and go back home. I was hoping to get an opportunity for the skies to clear but as you can see from the video I posted from the release point, the conditions were just not good enough to turn them loose. We are looking to get one or two road trainings in before the final race and the later part of this week seems to improve for the birds. I know everyone is anxiously awaiting for us to schedule the final race, we are too. I’ll be sure to give an update as soon as I am able. Thank you everyone.


Good evening,
Just wanted to give an update on where we stand right now. Our original plan was to have a short 40 mile toss this morning and basket tonight for a race tomorrow but the birds had something else in mind. After being unable to road train the majority of this past week due to the weather not cooperating, we hit the road this morning for that 40 mile training and the birds struggled more than I anticipated. I did not feel that the birds were prepared to go 250 miles so we did not basket tonight. I am hoping we have some decent weather that will work in the birds favor over the next several days and we can continue with the races.

Buenas noches,
Solo quería dar una actualización sobre dónde estamos parados en este momento. Nuestro plan original era tener un entrenamiento corto de 40 millas esta mañana y encestar esta noche para la carrera mañana, pero los palomos tenían otra cosa en mente. Después de no poder entrenar en carretera la mayor parte de la semana pasada debido a que el clima no cooperó, salimos a la carretera esta mañana para ese entrenamiento de 40 millas y la palomas le batallaron más de lo que anticipé. No sentí que las palomas estuvieran preparadas para volar 250 millas, así que no encestamos esta noche. Espero que tengamos un clima decente que favorezca a las aves durante los próximos días y podamos continuar con las carreras.



1ST PLACE   $1,300

2ND PLACE   $500

3RD PLACE   $500

4TH PLACE   $500

5TH PLACE   $500

6TH PLACE   $300

7TH PLACE   $300

8TH PLACE   $300

9TH PLACE   $300

10TH PLACE $300



We had a great 100 mile race yesterday and plan to race again within the next week.

Just a quick reminder that activation fees are due now. Please make sure yours are paid by Saturday at 12pm. Our zelle information is 4693343159, and we accept debit/credit card payments over the phone.

Buenos días criadores,

Ayer tuvimos una gran carrera de 100 millas y planeamos volver a volar la próxima semana.

Solo un recordatorio rápido de que las activaciones ya las puede mandar, asegúrese de que el suyo esté pagado antes del sábado a las 12:00 p. m. Nuestra información de zelle es 4693343159, y aceptamos pagos con tarjeta de débito/crédito por teléfono.


Hello breeders,
Just sending out a reminder that money is due Friday for the optional categories. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me.


Optional Races (Sprint, Grand Average & Hawk Bait)*
With that being said, it’s time to start considering which birds you would like to enter the optional races. Activation fees will need to be paid before the 100 mile release for those optional races. If you pay for a bird and it does not make it to the 100 mile release we will issue a refund.

*Traditional Racing Series*
We are looking to have the activation race within the next 10 days. Keep in mind, if your bird does not make it to the 150 mile race we will issue a refund.

Payment methods: Zelle, debit or credit card, check (make sure you send early so that it arrives on time). Please note - we can no longer accept PayPal.


Hello breeders,
We had our first 80 mile toss today.

*Optional Races (Sprint, Grand Average & Hawk Bait)*
With that being said, it’s time to start considering which birds you would like to enter the optional races. Activation fees will need to be paid before the 100 mile release for those optional races. If you pay for a bird and it does not make it to the 100 mile release we will issue a refund.

*Traditional Racing Series*
We are looking to have the activation race within the next 10 days. Keep in mind, if your bird does not make it to the 150 mile race we will issue a refund.

Payment methods: Zelle, debit or credit card, check (make sure you send early so that it arrives on time). Please note - we can no longer accept PayPal.


Hello breeders,
We continue with the trainings and we’re moving ahead to the next station - 25 miles. Everything has gone very well so far and we hope it to continues to. Thank you.


Hello breeders, happy Sunday!
Just want to give everyone an update on what’s been going on this past week.

The birds stayed in the trailer overnight every day during the week to become familiar. They were also given water in the mornings to get used to drinking while in the trailer. We did several short releases and I would say the birds had a very productive week. They’re looking great and we’re almost ready to hit the road.

Thank you everyone, we’ll be in touch soon!


Hello breeders,
Here to give you a quick update on what’s been happening at the Cuevas Classic. The birds continue to fly well. We have a few stragglers that have required a little more patience and we are working to incorporate them into the larger group. We are working on getting the birds accustomed to the trailer early. They have had access to come and go from the trailer and get familiar with where the water is. 
Today the birds had the day off. We are moving forward with caution as dove season has just began. 
Thank you everyone and we’ll talk soon.

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