News and Updates

Good Evening Everyone,

We are Officially over 550 pigeons!!!!!! 

Moving foward we will be posting videos of the pigeons once a week to our facebook ( Uppercanadaolr) and our Youtube.                                        ( )


Also just a reminder that all checks coming in please make them out to Eliza Larentzakis or Jessica Clowater please and thank you. 


Have a great night!!!! 


Hey everyone,

We are officially over 300 pigeons!! With more and more birds coming everyday. The health of the pigeons continues to look great, and the birds are shining.

Here are some pickups for this weekend:

Friday April 21- Robert will be at the airport in the morning, between 8-9am. Robert will also be at the airport in the evening around 8pm. 

Saturday April 22- Robert will be at the airport from 6-8pm. Also if anyone wants to meet further west, somewhere in the Guelph area around 4pm Robert can be there to meet them.

Also Saturday Jess and Eliza will in Milton at 6:30pm if anyone wants to meet them.

Sunday April 23- Robert will be at the Borden Young Bird Auction at Edwards Feed Store in Innisfil.


Please text Eliza or Robert to let us know if you will be meeting us at any of these spots.

Thank you, and have a great day!

The Upper Canada Team

MONDAY, APRIL 17, 2023

Hey Everyone, 

  We are a month into intake so far and the loft is fiilling up! We have 250 plus birds in the loft already, with birds arriving daily. The health of the birds is fantastic, and we want to thank all of the breeders for the great job they did with their babies.

  All the birds have been vacinated upon arrival and spend 3-4 days in our quarantine area before going into the main loft. We will have videos and pictures to post for you all soon. 

  We apologize for the slight delay in getting the birds entered into the Wincompanion system, We are just getting our Benzing system figured out.

 Thank you everyone for the support so far,

         The Upper Canada Team





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