News and Updates

Good afternoon everyone

We started hand inventory yesterday and have completed it today !!
We found a hand full of birds that either their chips need to be fixed or they are not registered so we will be fixing all of those errors Wednesday July 24

Once all errors have been corrected we will then post the inventory publicly

Thank you and have a wonderful day


Good evening everyone !!!

Here is a video of the birds flying !!! We do believe the birds are still jumping but on Monday we will be starting hand inventory , this will take us a few days to do but we will try and finish as soon as possible

We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend !!!


Good afternoon everyone !

Today we made a video showing you guys our everyday process to cleaning the water drinkers ( we normally change the water bin with bleach every 3-4 days or when needed ) please watch video to understand

The birds are doing well and coming in much better , we plan to do a hand inventory July 22 this will take us a few days
We are choosing to do it closer to the time birds will be getting ready/use to being loaded onto trailer

We hope everyone has a wonderful day
Thank you 😊 😊😊


Good morning everyone!!!

So today we did add an extra antenna as we are assuming birds are jumping over each other when coming in

Tomorrow we will be adding another antenna hoping this will solve the problem of birds jumping over each other !

Birds are coming in a lot better we are pleased to say

Have a wonderful day 😊☺️


Good afternoon everyone !!

Today we know the clock is showing less birds but the birds did jump today, birds are listening better we have about 30 birds that we are still Working on getting them to listen better

BIG Andy went into the loft today and fed the birds himself 😁😁

We hope everyone has a wonderful Canada Day !!


Good evening everyone !

Today we feel like when we looked at the clock and the numbers that showed yesterday birds jumped over each other coming into The loft

We do feel that today birds did come in little better, once again we will continue to work at this so the birds do come in better

We have posted a short video of birds coming in through the trap

Tomorrow we will be leaving the clock on and allowing more birds to come in that haven’t

Have a wonderful day


Good morning everyone !

We been having a lot of the same questions again so I thought it would be easier to just make a post

We are having bad luck with the hawks even using our friend MR Wiggles worth, also we are having
Little bit of trouble getting the birds in
We will continue to work on this !!!

Thank you everyone for all your support and patience

Have a wonderful day 😊


Good evening everyone !!

I want to thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

The birds did not go out today and will not be going out tomorrow due to the heavy rains they will return back on Monday (weather permitting)

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend 😊😊


Good afternoon everyone !!!!!

Today during loft flying we had a tech error we are in the process of fixing it and will be back up and
Running hopefully by tomorrow so we can continue on with the live daily loft flying training

We also made a short video ⬇️


Good afternoon everyone !!!

I do want to apologize that the daily training log will not go up today as we forgot we need to do a download so all birds can show when they scan
This will be done tonight and tomorrow when they go out to loft fly it will be posted

Once again we do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause

Here is a short video of birds loft flying and group 4 & 5 taking a bath on this wonderful warm day πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ™

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