High Desert Yearling Classic - 8 Miles SW; Yearlings Released 10am

Station: South Hills 10 Miles - T Race

Distance: 10 Miles

Release: 29-Mar-2024 07:50

Weather Release:    Arrival:

Wind at Release:     Wind at Arrival:

Temp at Release: °    Temp at Arrival: °

Lofts: 128

Birds: 662

Clocked: 646

2 year olds released at 7:50 am from 50 miles.
Drops Pos Breeder Pigeon Name Color Sex Team Ent Arrival Speed To Win Elg Pd
39 Dr. Russel Codd - OR 0410-AU22-DNT BC C 2 1 08:54:37.38 272.3489 00:05:36 Yes
43 Dr. Russel Codd - OR 0489-AU22-DNT BB H 2 2 08:54:59.93 270.7741 00:05:59 Lost
51 Dr. Russel Codd - OR 0152-AU22-DRCO DC H 2 3 08:55:52.32 267.1848 00:06:51 Yes
65 Dr. Russel Codd - OR 0076-AU22-DRCO BBWF H 2 4 09:00:06.71 251.0275 00:11:05 Yes
67 Dr. Russel Codd - OR 0081-AU22-DRCO DC H 2 5 09:01:34.44 245.8993 00:12:33 Yes
78 Dr. Russel Codd - OR 0401-AU22-DNT BC C 2 6 09:07:58.86 225.6960 00:18:58 Lost
90 Dr. Russel Codd - OR 0481-AU22-DNT BC H 2 7 09:19:33.76 196.5105 00:30:32 Missing
607 Dr. Russel Codd - OR 0404-AU22-DNT DC C 2 8 12:07:24.50 68.3739 03:18:23 Yes

There are 646 bird records

Note: These Race Results are unofficial and subject to change until verified by the Race Committee and declared final.