News and Updates
SIGN UP 2024

Welcome to 2024!

We are very excited to start accepting birds as of February 15th 2024
Please go to our Race Info/Forms tab and include our Shipping and Acknowledgement form when sending your birds.
You can view all of our race details, Bios and Rules from our Home page tab or visit our website
Please sign up now on Wincompanion or contact us and we will be glad to assist you with getting your entries submitted. 
Accepting 900 birds and based on 650 birds activated we will have an estimated prize fund of $325,000 with a Top prize of $100,000
Don't miss out on this exciting new Average Speed Series
Robert (805) 598-3843 
Carlos (805) 637-4392 Esp.

Hello Breeders,


I'm sure everyone is busy pairs up birds and selecting your mating's for the 2024 season.

We would love to prove out and find your next Champion here at the Triple 300 Average Speed Challenge.


Some Highlights:

8 Races 

5 Race Sprint Series (97-97-140-160-210 miles) Sprint Series Average Champion $12,000

3 Average Speed Races over 300 miles (308-313-338+miles) Triple 300 Average Speed Champion $100,000


Plus handsome payout for Final Sprint race and Final 300+ race (338-380 Miles TBD)

Please see our sample payout on our Race info tab. 

(Prizes based on 900 perches and 650 activations paid)


Contact Info:

Robert (805) 598-3843

Carlos (805) 637-4392 Eng/Espanol

Over 80 combined experience along with being a veterinarian by trade to provide you birds top quality care.




2024 Race Info

TRIPLE300 Hello Breeders,
Now accepting pre-registration. 
3 races over 300 mile Average speed races plus sprint series. 
Please check out all the details and sample payout here at
We are very excited to be handing your birds for this great event. 
Good luck on your current race, may they all be very successful. 

Thank you, 
Robert and Carlos
Hello Breeders,

We have had a lot of positive feedback about our race and format.
So far, during our pre-registrations we have at least 4 breeders on our list that have had birds on first drops in multiple race series. This upcoming year for us is shaping up to be a very competitive race series. 
Please join us and challenge these Top Breeders and prove your birds to be the Top in the country if not world.
We are very excited to handle your birds and provide you with a Top-Quality Race.
Please visit our site and continue those pre-registrations

Thank You!
Robert and Carlos

Hello Breeders,

I'm sure everyone is busy pairing up for the 2024 season.
We would love to prove out your proven and new matings here at the Triple 300 Average Speed Challenge
We will be accepting birds from February 15th to May 1st 2024
We are anticipating over $325,000 in total prizes with $100,000 First Prize for the Top Bird in our 300+ mile Average speed series (Prizes based on 900 entries and 650 birds activated)
8 Races
5 race Sprint Series (97-97-140-160-210 miles) Champion bird $12,000
3 Races over 300 miles (308-313-338+) "Final Race 338-380 miles TBD" Champion Bird $100,000
Please visit our website for all details and projected payouts or navigate through the Wincompanion links
Currently accepting pre-registrations so please sign up soon.
First year Breeders will be Grandfathered into future years so lock in your spots now.
Accepting 900 birds
For every 5 perch fees receive 1 free backup/replacement bird at no cost that may be activated after the activation race.
For Information we can be reached at:
Robert (805)598-3843
Carlos (805)637-4397 Eng/Espanol
Over 80 years combined experience.
Thank you and Good Luck to All of you breeders and Handlers, we hope you are having a successful Season.
Robert and Carlos

Hello to All of you breeders,

We are very excited to be hosting a new One Loft Race series and format.


3 average speed races over 300 miles with top Top bird winning $100,000 (based on 650 birds activated) While training the birds out we will also have a 5 race sprint series from 97 miles out to 210 miles that will have a handsome payout as well.

We, as Co-owners and loft managers Robert Mathews and Carlos Abitia or commited to have a Top Quality series and experience for our breeders. Together we have over 80 combined years of experience racing and handling pigeons.

Please visited our website or here through Wincompanion for all of our details, Bios, Contact infor. Rules projected payouts as well as photo gallery.

We really look forward to and would appreciate having you sign up for our race.

Our New loft capacity is over 1,000 birds but we will be limiting it to 900 so sign up soon and not miss out.

First year entrants will be Grandfathered in to future years races. 

We really appreciate you taking the time to review our information and would really enjoy having you as a breeeder in our exciting new Race Series

Thank You!

Robert and Carlos

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