News and Updates
JULY 22, 224

Hello breeders,

It looks like I have the clocking system working now.  I say I but trust I had nothing to do with fixing it.  This computer stuff is way beyond my pay grade.  In other words I'm computer illiterate. Club member Jeff Mealy spent alot of time working out the bugs so all credit goes to Jeff.  I thank you Jeff.

The team is flying for an hour plus everyday now but have yet to travel.  I still have the sam 4-5 birds who refuse to fly with the team.  they go  from  the house to the pole barn.  Some pigeons are like some people, just lazy.  If I knew who the birds were I could handle them and try to figure out thir problem. Hopefully the problem birds will wake up, if not I fear they will weed themselves out when I begin training.

I will start road training pretty soon and if the team is still not traveling I will just start training short.  A lot of extra work but it will be what itwill be.  As always any questions feel free to call.


It has come to our attention that a flyer who has birds in our Northern Lights OLR, was sent a fraudulent/Phony invoice that $400.00 activation fee was due on his birds. NO ACTIVATION FEES ARE DUE UNTIL AFTER OUR ACTIVATION RACE IS FLOWN AND YOUR BIRDS ARE IN THE LOFT!!
ALL flyers will be notified on your WINCOMPONION Northern Lights OLR updates. As stated on our race rules and on our OLR Flyer, also on Win Companion: ALL PAYMENTS ARE TO BE SENT TO: Tom Staker TSR/Northern Lights Treasurer, 339 Sunny Side RD SE, Bemidji, Minnesota 56601: In the form of a personal check or Money Order. (The above payment information to Tom Staker, is also stated on our Rules page and on our OLR flyer). DO NOT SEND PAYMENT OR EXCEPT ANY PAY PAL, CREDIT CARD OR ANY TYPE INVOICE FROM ANY SOURCE THAT YOU MIGHT BE SENT TO YOU VIA E-MAIL REQUESTING PAYMENT FOR TSR OR NORTHERN LIGHTS OLR.
PAY PAL IS PRESENTLY STARTING AND INVESTAIGATION INTO THIS FRAUD. PAY PAL HAS STATED THAT ANYONE THAT HAS BEEN CAUGHT IN THIS FRAUD ALREADY WILL HAVE THEIR FUNDS RETURNED. Once again, you will be notified directly after the activation race, and your bird/birds are in the loft, that your activation fees are due.
Tom Staker
JULY 17, 2024



I ASK THAT YOU PLEASE BE PATIENT WITH ME.  I'M HAVING NIGHTMARES WITH WINCOMPANION.  I'm certain the errror is with my being computer illiterate.  I don't understand this pisex and docking station communicationf with each other.  I have a call into Terry Gilmore the owner of WINCOMPANION and I feel confident he will show me the error of my ways.  Thanks for understanding,



JULY 15TH 2024



bear with me as I think we have the inventories, trainers and races figured out.  Tomorrow morning, conditions permitted I will let the birds out and hopefully have an inventory as they come back in.  Have some patience as we do have some slow trapping birds.



JULY 12, 2024

Update time.  Birds are doing well.  We went from all rain and high winds to heat and high humidity.  I get the birds out around 6:30 every morning while it is still fairly cool.  A small group did start to travel but not far or long but that is a start.  For those of you who have run a OLR or have had a high number of young birds can testify that there are always some birds who just will not get up and fly with the flock.  I have 4 that are doing that.  They go to the house roof, scare them off they go to the pole barn.  Don't know who they are but suspect if they continue to be lazy thet will weed themselves out in the future training.  I did lose one to a hawk this past week.  Neighbor seen it get hit in his hay field.  Nothing but a pile of feathers when he informed me and we went and looked.  Breeder has been notified.  We started with 137 birds and have 130 as of today.  Anyone who has a bird missing has been notified.  I'm waiting on a club member to set up the WINCOMPANION pidex so I can do invetories for you breeders.  I don't even know or understand this pidex stuff so asking me about would be of no help.  

It was interesting for me to look at the Topeka National race results and see the great number of flyers in our race who competed.  Personally it was the worst Topeka race I have ever flown and ranks in the top three worse races I have ever flown and I started 1972.  That's pigeon racing, sometimes your the windshield, sometimes your the bug.  

JULY 3RD 2024

Well breeders it sure is something what a couple days of sunny weather with tolerable winds will do to enhance the young birds.  Yesterday the flew really good, at least 3/4 of them.  Today I let them out and about half of them got way up in the clear sky where they looked like dots.  All but 1 of the rest of the team flew in a group, not a tight group but a group where it is obvious they are catching on.  According to the clock several were missing when I called them in but it is my hopes they will return.  I did drop a bird this past week and the breeder has been notified.  The birds health is great and I can say they have improved 100% in the past week.   The bad news is after tomorrow we have 3-4 days of rain so that will set things back.  Have a safe and happy 4th and as always call with any questions or concerns.







Hello breeders,

Not much new to report this week.  It has rained almost every day and consistant high winds to go with that.  All a recipe for disaster with the young birds.  I had them out one day that it wasn't raining and wouldn't you know it the winds kicked in.  I was able to get the birds back in with a little trouble and I know I lost one for sure and the breeder has been notified.  This coming week the weather is suppose to be much nmore pigeon friendly so it is my hopes to get then out a lot more.   The helth of the birds is great and they are maturing for sure.  As always any questions or concerns call me.



JUNE 10TH, 2024

Greetings breeders.  The birds are starting to progess more and more.  They ALL go out now and I have about half of them coming in when I call them.  I'm still not forcing them out or making them fly.  I would say at least three fourths of them are up and flying and I had a group of about 35-40 fly in a group,  Not a tight group as they were spread out but they are definitely catching on.  I think by not forcing them to do anything they are more relaxed and less stressed.  All in all I'm pleased with their progress.  They seem to accept me in the loft and flock to me when I come with the feed.  I did lose one bird off the roof this week and the breeder has been notified.  I look for more advancement in the next week provided the weather cooperates.  Some days it is so windy with strong gusts I don't dare let them out and of course with all the rain we are having that slows things down too.  The health is immaculate and I have to say so far I'm pleased with the tem.




May 29th, 2024


Greetings breeders.  Time for an update.  Everything is on schedule and going great cross my fingers and knock on wood.  ALL of the birds are chip banded and in the system and All the birds have had their complete vaccinations.  I don't medicate unless absolutely necessay and to date the health is perfect.  The entire team has been out of the loft and the majority have learned the trapping system.  Those a little slow learning or those who have only been out once or twice get pardoned and cared for.  After a few more times outside and those who won't come in in a timely fashion will go hungry for the day.  My way of teaching them.  I do have 2 chip bands that are faulty and of course the pigeons who have them are blue check and a dcpd.  Now to find out which of the birds they are.  I'm pleased to inform everyone that your birds are present and accounted for.  Over half of the team are up and flying around the house and learning.  Two days ago they got spooked and I had about 100 birds going in 100 directions.  Thankfully they are all here.  Things like that make me pull the little hair I have left on my head out.  As always give me a call with any questions.  The TSR club appreciates your support and will go the extra mile to please you.


Gary 612-390-0263

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