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UPDATE Good afternoon breeders, the race, as expected, was a hard one and it got worse than I expected. Tomorrow is going to be a hard day with strong head winds. This race shows that in order to have a 500 mile race the wind has to be more favorable for the birds. The clock will be running until Thursday night. If we don’t complete the prize money places, the remainder would be divided equally between those birds that returned.

3- 6000
4- 4000
5- 3000
6- 2000
7- 2000
8- 2000
9- 2000
UPDATE good afternoon breeders, just to give you an update, this weekend we couldn't run the race due to bad weather, we plan to run the race on Tuesday not the perfect day to run 500 miles but it's the best day there is this week , the birds they will work hard with the crosswinds and at the release point the light headwind, I was thinking of cutting the distance to 450, miles to give the birds more opportunity to arrive in the day,but my interested is to take the birds to the limit like are prior 500 miles race. We all want day birds hope we get some but with long distance races you just never know if we going to get day birds.
UPDATE Good afternoon Breeders, please if someone who is going to leave the birds for 500 miles I need you to write me a message with the band numbers, to separate the birds as soon as possible and start flying the loft,
RACE UPDATE Good morning breeders just a quick update regarding the race.  Before anything this year weather have been very unfriendly towards us  last week it was a tropical storm had to cancel the race I had plans on having it this Wednesday since is was the best day to have a decent race for the birds to work more but it change now to NW same as Thursday but is overcast at the release and about 150 miles more on the way home. To big of distance with overcast to take a risk and possible have a smash race is not because of the wind is because of the overcast. On Thursday the day is clear but it will be a really fast race so we going to race on Friday which is 5 to 6 miles North wind only. The day is clear and it will not be as fast as Thursday would be. I’m very sorry for all the changes but we are trying to do the best for the birds and the race to have a good final race.
UPDATE Hi good afternoon breeders tomorrow we are planning on road training the birds to 75 miles  and plan to give another road training on Monday. We are planning on basketing the birds on Tuesday to have are final race Wednesday. As of right now the wind is going to be WNW it should be a good race not as fast as if we do it Thursday which is straight tail wind. Thank you and have a great weekend.
UPDATE Good afternoon breeders here is a quick update as of right now the race for next Thursday has been cancel the weather in Florida is not going be ideal for a race we are expecting lost of rain and wind for Thursday and friday. We are planning to start training Saturday and Sunday to provide the proper cycle of training to have a race. Thank you and have a great weekend.
UPDATE the trailer is with the birds loaded, but we are going to cancel the training today and do the release in the loft due to weather conditions
UPDATE what seemed to be an easy race ended up being a headache, the birds can be seen on Facebook live they arrived in good condition, but the Cooper hawk hit me repeatedly there were groups flying for more than 20 min, it's a shame the loss of time on the clock due to the Average Speed, is something that is not in my hands, I am very sorry for such a complicated day, congratulations to the winners
UPDATE the birds arrived in a Big group and were hit by the hawk, some birds entered but the big group continued to fly
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